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Invest in Med progress and prospects Marta Vojtova, EUROCHAMBRES 4 April 2011.

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1 Invest in Med progress and prospects Marta Vojtova, EUROCHAMBRES 4 April 2011

2 EU-Mediterranean dependencies EU27 GDP/ cap. US$ 34,502 Export to MED: 5% New context Less profits to invest Growth relays needed Some relocations from Asia MED 10 GDP/cap. US$4,737 Export to EU: 46% Intra-Med exports: 6.9% (Mercosur 12.8%; ASEAN 25.2%) New context Less exports (millions jobs needed) Rather spared by the credit crunch Internal demand growth: 3-5% Tallin, April 2011 2 A 1 billion people market !

3 Large reforms undertaken by MED countries  FDI multiplied by 10 between 2002-2006  In 2009, MED = 3% of worlds FDI (4% of the world pop.) The switch from FDI to partnerships  An opportunity for co-development ... provided MED financing system support its SMEs MED: the new partnership opportunity ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011 3 source ANIMA/MIPO Nbr projects

4 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011  Objectives Develop investments and business partnerships between SMEs from Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries Rely on a public/ private partnership to gain in efficiency: the MedAlliance Delegate the implementation to existing field operators Contribute to position the Mediterranean on Global Specialities 4 Invest in Med synopsis  European Commission funds ENPI (2008-2011)  Budget €12 million /3 years (75% financed by the EC)  Beneficiary countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian authority, Syria, Tunisia

5 A large implementing network: Joint business + govternment to develop the Mediterranean High leverage via a network of 400 direct members Business organisations Economic development agencies Chambers of commerce & industry Access to 2,000+ partner organisations Access to the 30 million Euro-Mediterranean SMEs Special members ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

6 After 30 months... a few figures 48 initiatives 284 organisations implementing 354 operations in 3 years (business meetings, workshops, trainings) 2,000 persons trained (enterprises, business org.) 7,500 business meetings organised Over 1,000 future enterprise partnerships identified 1,700 bilateral or multilateral institutional partnerships 6 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

7 Field demand shows Med Global Specialities Green economy: new energies, collective services, public works  Urban sustainable development laboratory? Agrifood: large producers, industrialists and technologies  Traceability, packaging, innovation, derivatives (cosmetics) Logistics & distribution: the Euro-African & Euro-Arab hub  Link to national markets, unroll the logistics value chain (packaging, ICT, ports, customer care) ICT: a positioning is emerging  Mobility, back shop for e-commerce, arab software, local ERP local Tourism: diversification toward reasoned development  Eco-tourism, patrimonies, business, sport, medical, local target … and still a competitive destination for energy consuming industries (chemicals, metallurgy), raw material (extraction and mines) and specialised work force (fast fashion, automotive components) ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011 7

8 8 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011 The 48 initiatives

9 Internationalise start-ups Partners involved  10 countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey  52 innovation networks to source and coach companies  Associations of businessmen to mentor entrepreneurs in Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon. Sector: Various Objective: Mentor entrepreneurs to grow. Provide seed funding support Achievement: 52 innovation networks associated. 96 start-ups sourced and promoted. Partnerships between large and small companies (mentoring) Companies involved: 96 start-ups with MedVentures. 22 SMEs and MNCs in Plato. 9 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011 PLATO Egypt

10 Bridge academy and enterprises Partners involved  Euromed network of Ingineer Schools (RMEI)  Greece: Invest in Greece  Morocco: GIE Galiléo Sector: logistics and export activities Objective: reduce export losses by developing an innovative tracking system for containers Achievement: a cluster involving major private stakeholder Companies involved so far  Axa, Groupama (France), STMicroelectronics (Italy, Morocco, France), Thales, CMA-CGM (France) 10 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

11 Connect traditional business to foreign markets Partners involved  Euromed: BusinessMed, Ascame  Egypt: FEI, Industrial Modernisation Center, CEEBA, GACIC  Greece: UHC  Spain: CCI Barcelona  Tunisia: UTICA  UfM cultural council Sector: Handicrafts Objective: Value traditional sectors and support innovation Achievement: technical assistances to craftmen (over 100 new products developed and promoted in Cairo and Europe), Cairo Forum fair trade to promote MED knowhow 11 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

12 Upgrading Medit. textile Partners involved  European Business Incubators Network  France: Cité euro-méditerranéenne de la mode  Morocco: AMDI (Investment Promotion Agency)  Tunisia: FIPA (Investment Promotion Agency); MFC Pole (science park) Sector textile Objective: develop technical textile in the Southern MED Achievement: a shared prototyping platform for technical textile developers under development Companies involved so far  Sartex (Tunisian MNC), Workman (Tunisian SME), Rhodia (French MNC) and Sofileta (French SME) 12 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

13 International technology transfer Partners involved  Algeria: Antares Development  France: Italian Chamber in France, CCI Vaucluse, Méditerranée Technologies, Pôle Euroméditerranéen innovation fruits et légumes  Israel: Economic Mission of Tel Aviv  Italy: CCI Crotone, Borsa Merci Telematica Italiana, S.c.p.a (Italy), CCI Calabria (Italy), CCI Trapani (Italy), CCI Parma (Italy),  Morocco: Italian Chamber of Commerce,  Tunisia: Bizerte Cluster Sector: Agrifood Objective: Develop technology partnerships in fruits and vegetables Achievement: technology transfer agreements between Tunisia, France and Italian clusters involved Companies involved: clusters Parma Tecninova, Bizerte Technopole, PEIFL 13 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

14 Sustainable tourism Partners involved  Egypt: Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations  Italy: UnionCamere, CCI Cagliari  France: Nice CCI  Greece: Union of Hellenic CCIs, CCI Nice (France)  Morocco: CCI Al Hoiceima (Morocco),  Tunis: CCI Tunis Sector: Tourism Objective: Eco-sustainable tourism business in the Mediterranean Achievement: Business partnerships Companies involved: Tour operators, Hotel chains, technology providers 14 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

15 Fertilise tourism with cinema Partners involved  Egypt: Federation of Egyptian Industries, Egypt United Artits Group  France: Film France, CCIMP,  Lebanon: CCI Tripoli (Lebanon)  Morocco: Ecole supérieure des arts visuels de Marrakech  Spain: CCI Malaga  Tunisia: CCI Tunis Sector: Tourism, movie & TV industry Objective: capitalise on the movie production to generate new value added tourism Achievement: a Mediterranean “catalogue” developped and promoted. A market place for Mediterranean movies created. 15 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

16 Eco-construction Partners involved  Algeria: Algerian CCI (Algeria)  Belgium: AWEX, Cluster Cap 2020  France: NOBATEK (France), FCBA (France), CREAHD (France)  Germany: GTZ  Lebanon: CCI Beirut and Mount Lebanon, ALMEE  Morocco: CCI Casablanca  Poland: Polish CCI  Spain: ACC1O/ COPCA  Syria: SIA (Investment Agency), Alep City council  Tunisia: UTICA, CSNR Sector: Housing Objective: Develop environmental practices in social housing Achievement: Technical assistances and training of companies, business partnerships 16 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011 BATI Med Building INSULATION

17 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011 17

18 Our initiatives have spin off potential Phase II for Carrefour Maghreb (CIREM), Young Entrepreneurs Coaching Network (Caisse des Dépôts), MagTrace (REME), Med Tracking (METIS); Potential spin off within the UfM priorities  Logistics  Med Tracking; Euromed Postal  Environment & Energy  Water management: MedWater, PaperMed,  4 Eco-construction projects: So’Eco, Building Insulation, Euromed Green building, BATIMED  4 New energies and efficiency projects: MedEnergy, Sun for Med sustainability, ENER-TECH, Best Med  Entrepreneurship  Young entrepreneurs coaching network; Plato Egypt; PACEIM; MedVentures 18 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

19 Join us Euromed Business Summit 2011 The MedAlliance is a market place for business initiatives  Echoes the needs of the private sector and the policy makers  Mobilises the field operators to propose initiatives  Associates the appropriate stakeholders (companies, clusters)  Act as a coach, and an interface vis a vis DFI Euromed Business Summit a market place to develop trade and investment  Promote innovative toolkits and policies  Support consortia for new initiatives  Organise business matching and facilitate investment SAVE THE DATE, Euromed Business Summit ON 22 SEPTEMBER 2011! 19 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med Tallin, April 2011

20 Marta Vojtova, EUROCHAMBRES Thank you Tallin, April 2011 ©ANIMA-Invest in Med

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