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Chapter 22 review. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein- Washington post reporters that broke story of Watergate break in. Spiro Agnew- Vice president under.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 22 review. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein- Washington post reporters that broke story of Watergate break in. Spiro Agnew- Vice president under."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 22 review

2 Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein- Washington post reporters that broke story of Watergate break in. Spiro Agnew- Vice president under Nixon resigned due to improprieties as governor of Maryland

3 Gerald Ford- Became president with resignation of Nixon Nelson Rockefeller-Became vice president when Ford became president

4 Silent Majority- the average American who didn’t take part in the protests and did the everyday things to make America great Affirmative Action- a policy that gives special consideration for women and minorities in education and employment to make up for past discriminations

5 OPEC- Organization of oil producing nations that regulates production and prices Amnesty- political pardon to those who had evaded the draft Pardon-official forgiveness

6 Christian Fundamentalists- those who believed in a strict interpretation of the bible Transcendental meditation- practice from the far east that sought to find inner relaxation and vitality by chanting mantras. Rust belt- northern industrial states that began to lose population Sun belt – southern and western state that people were moving to

7 “Me Generation- people were focused on themselves and their own needs Televangelists- religious leaders that used the mass media to get their message out Human rights- right that every human being is entitled to and fair treatment of a countries people

8 “ Boat People- those escaping South Vietnam after the its fall to N Vietnam Khmer Rouge- Communist government in Cambodia that committed genocide on 1.5 million people Mayaguez- American ship captured by Cambodia and subsequently taken back by Marines

9 Camp David Accords- meetings and agreements between Egypt and Israel that would diffuse the conflict in the Middle East Hostage crisis- Americans taken captive and held for 444 days by Iranians at the American Embasy Ayatollah Khomeini- Fundamentalist Islamic leader that took over Iran

10 Repression- Suppressing or keeping down Emphasis- special attention Sanction- penalties given by a government to another government

11 What was the Watergate Affair and how did it affect Americans view of its government? Members of the Committee to Reelect the President (NIXON) broke into the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate hotel to bug and discover strategies to be used in the 1972 election. It would include a cover-up of the break-in by the Whitehouse. It led to Americans distrusting its leaders.

12 Why did President Ford Decide to give President Nixon a pardon? He wanted to put the affair behind us and move on. It ultimately cost him the election in 1976.

13 What did many Americans opposed the return of the Panama Canal to Panama? They felt it might threaten American Security and might disrupt trade.

14 What led to the United States boycott of the Olympic games and a disruption of grain sales to the Soviet Union? The Soviets invaded Afghanistan

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