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The Age of Alexander & the Spread of Hellenism BC

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1 The Age of Alexander & the Spread of Hellenism 323-30 BC
Chapter 5 Sections 4 & 5

2 Goals Understand how Alexander’s conquests influenced the development & spread of Hellenism, and how Hellenism has influenced culture today.

3 1) How did the Greeks View the Macedonians?
Macedonia – little kingdom north of the peninsula of Greece Greeks looked down on Macedonians – no culture, uncivilized

4 2) How did Philip II organize his army?
Macedonian king Philip II – brilliant general, politician 23 years old Reformed the army - Strict training - Phalanxes of 16 x 16 - Long spears - Fast-moving cavalry

5 Isocrates tells Philip to Invade Greece
Philip II knew Greek city-states were vulnerable after wars Philip, you need to conquer and unite the Greek city-states! Philip could then move on to the wealthy Persian Empire Philip II Isocrates

6 His warnings work – but too late…
Demosthenes - Athenian orator – warned Greeks over and over about Philip II “For the sake of ruling and wielding power, he (Philip) has had an eye knocked out, his shoulder smashed, his leg and hand mutilated; he jettisons whatever part of his body fate wants to take away, just so long as he can live in honor and glory with what is left.” His warnings work – but too late…

7 3) Why were the Greeks unable to unite against Philip?
City-states could not agree on single policy However, Athens & Thebes join forces against Philip II Thebes’ “Sacred Band” "For men of the same tribe or family little value one another when dangers press; but a band cemented by friendship grounded upon love is never to be broken, and invincible; since the lovers, ashamed to be base in sight of their beloved, and the beloved before their lovers, willingly rush into danger for the relief of one another."

8 4) What was the outcome of the Battle of Chaeronea?
Macedonia defeats the Greeks at Battle of Chaeronea Ends Greek independence Philip’s 18 year old son Alexander led a successful cavalry charge to help win the battle

9 City-states had to join League of Corinth – alliance to take over Persia
Philip II assassinated – son Alexander becomes king

10 Alexander King @ 21 years old Tutored by Aristotle
Trained to be an expert in warfare Crushed rebellion of Thebes – destroyed city as example

11 5) What plan of his father’s does Alexander want to carry out?
Invade Persia! Led army into Anatolia Crushed Darius III’s Persian army at Granicus & Issus

12 6) How was Alexander welcomed in Egypt?
Egyptians saw Alex as liberator from Persian rule Given name “Pharaoh” or god-king Founded city of Alexandria in Egypt

13 7) Where was the final battle in which Alexander achieved victory?
Gaugamela (near ruins of Nineveh) Persian King Darius III panicked & fled

14 8) To which river in the east does Alexander expand his empire before turning back?
Hydaspes River (in Indus Valley) Army had low morale – convinced Alex to turn back Alex became ill age 32

15 9) After Alex’s death, how is his empire divided?
His three top generals fight for empire Who was king of Macedonia & Greek city-states? Antigonus b) Who seized Egypt & took title of pharaoh? Ptolemy c) Who took most of old Persian Empire in east? Seleucus

16 1) The blending of Greek and eastern cultures was known as ____________ culture.
Hellenistic Alex adopted cultures of the people he conquered Persian, Egyptian, & Indian influence

17 2) Which city became the foremost center of commerce and Hellenistic civilization?
Alexandria, Egypt – strategic location Mixture of cultures & nationalities Broad avenues lined w/statues of Greek gods

18 Lighthouse Museum Library

19 Ptolemy 3) _____________ was an astronomer who incorrectly placed the earth at the center of the solar system. 4) ________________ tried to calculate the earth’s true size. Eratosthenes

20 Euclid 5) ________________ compiled a geometry text, wrote the Elements, and was a highly regarded mathematician. 6) _________________was a scientist who accurately estimated the value of pi (π) & invented a device that raised water from the ground. Archimedes

21 Stoicism 7) _____________ was a philosophy founded by Zeno that proposed that people should live virtuous lives in harmony with natural laws that were established to run the universe.

22 Epicureanism 8) ___________________ was a philosophy founded by Epicurus which stated the main goal of humans was to achieve harmony of body and mind.

23 Diogenes - Cynicism “Man is the most intelligent of the animals - and the most silly.” “We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less.” “When I look upon seamen, men of science and philosophers, man is the wisest of all beings; when I look upon priests and prophets nothing is as contemptible as man.”

24 9) What was the difference between Hellenistic sculpture and the sculpture of the classical age? Moved away from harmony & idealism More natural, realistic portrayal of ordinary people

25 10) Name two famous Hellenistic statues or sculptures.
Nike – Winged Victory of Samothrace Colossus of Rhodes

26 Colossus v. Statue of Liberty

27 Hellenism in Decline By 150 BC, Hellenism started to decline
A new city, Rome, was starting to grow and gain strength

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