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Greek Civilization Multiple Choice 1Multiple Choice 2Fill in the blankTrue /False 10 2010 20 4020 30 6030 40 8040 50 10050.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Civilization Multiple Choice 1Multiple Choice 2Fill in the blankTrue /False 10 2010 20 4020 30 6030 40 8040 50 10050."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Civilization Multiple Choice 1Multiple Choice 2Fill in the blankTrue /False 10 2010 20 4020 30 6030 40 8040 50 10050

2 Multiple Choice 1 – 10 pts myth a. highest mountains in Greece b. a traditional story about gods and goddesses c. taught there was no absolute right and wrong

3 Multiple Choice 1 – 20 pts Macedonia a. a type of nut b. a type of dance c. Greece’s northern neighbor

4 Multiple Choice 1 – 30 points Alexander a. a commander in the army at 16 and a king at 20 b. dramatist who used painted scenery and 3 actors to tell a story c. considered by some to be the greatest historian of the ancient world

5 Multiple Choice 1 – 40 points Pythagoras a. taught that the universe followed the same rules as music and numbers b. taught that there was no absolute right and wrong c. taught that happiness came from reason and doing one’s duty

6 Multiple Choice 1 – 50 points Stoics a. taught that the universe followed the same rules as music and numbers b. taught that there was no absolute right and wrong c. taught that happiness came from reason and doing one’s duty

7 Multiple Choice 2 – 10 points Mt. Olympus a. place where the Greeks started the Olympics b. highest mountain in Greece c. a traditional story about gods and heroes

8 Multiple Choice 2 – 20 points Hellenistic Era a. a time when Greek people named a lot of baby girls Helen b. a mistake like Helen might make c. a time when Greek culture spread throughout the non-Greek world

9 Multiple Choice 2 – 30 points Sophocles a.dramatist who used painted scenery and 3 actors to tell a story b.taught that happiness comes from reason c.taught that there was no absolute right and wrong

10 Multiple Choice 2 – 40 points Sophists a. dramatists who used painted scenery and 3 actors to tell a story b. taught that happiness comes from reason c. taught that there was no absolute right and wrong

11 Multiple Choice 2 – 50 points Thucydides a. the greatest Olympian in history b. considered by some to be the greatest historian of the ancient world c. taught that the universe followed the same rules as music and numbers

12 Fill in the blank – 20 points The Greeks hoped to earn the favor of their gods and godesses by performing __________.

13 Fill in the blank – 40 points __________ ___ ______ freed the Greek cities in Asia Minor from Persian rule.

14 Fill in the blank – 60 points ____________ thought that governments should be headed by philosopher-kings.

15 Fill in the blank – 80 points Philip II got some Greek _______ to join him by conquering, bribing, and inviting them to join him.

16 Fill in the blank – 100 points Homer’s epic The Iliad is about the __________ War.

17 True/False– 10 points Euclid told King Ptolemy that “There is no royal way to learn geometry.”

18 True/False– 20 points Philip II, king of Macedonia, loved Greek culture and planned to conquer Troy.

19 True/False– 30 points Artemis was the goddess of wisdom and crafts.

20 True/False– 40 points Herodotus wrote the History of the Persian Wars.

21 True/False– 50 points Archimedes said, “Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I will move Mt. Olympus.”

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