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Noncommunicable Disease  Noncommunicable disease-disease that cannot be spread from person to person.  Many noncommunicable diseases are chronic, or.

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Presentation on theme: "Noncommunicable Disease  Noncommunicable disease-disease that cannot be spread from person to person.  Many noncommunicable diseases are chronic, or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noncommunicable Disease  Noncommunicable disease-disease that cannot be spread from person to person.  Many noncommunicable diseases are chronic, or present continuously, or on and off for a long period of time. –Most are caused by changes with in the body  Examples include: –Asthma –Cancer –Heart disease

2 Noncommunicable Disease  Present at birth-diseases that are caused by hereditary factors or that result from problems during a baby’s development or birth. –Cystic fibrosis –Sickle-cell anemia –Cerebral palsy

3 Noncommunicable Disease  Behavior choices-diseases to which unhealthful choices often contribute. –Heart disease –Lung cancer –Cirrhosis of the liver

4 Noncommunicable Disease  Environmental factors-diseases that are caused by exposure to specific substances in the environment, or to environmental hazards such as pollution, toxic waste or second hand smoke. –Allergies –Lung cancer (asbestos) –Respiratory diseases (polluted air)

5 Noncommunicable Disease  Unknown causes-diseases whose causes are unknown. –Alzheimer’s disease –Rheumatoid arthritis –Chronic fatigue syndrome

6 Allergies  Allergy-an extreme sensitivity to a substance. –The immune system is overly sensitive to certain substances that are normally harmless which causes an allergic reaction. –Allergens-are the substances that cause an allergic reaction. –Pollen-a powdery substance released by the flowers of certain plants.

7 Common Allergens  Allergens –Pollen –Insect bites or stings –Pets –Plants –Household dust –Foods

8 Allergic Reactions  When a person breaths in, touches, or swallows an allergen the allergen locks onto the body’s lymphocytes. –These cells then release histamines, the chemicals in the body that cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

9 Allergic Reactions  Allergic reactions may involve the following parts of the body: –Eyes-allergies can make the eyes red, watery, and itchy. –Nose-common allergy symptoms include a runny nose and sneezing. –Throat-some food allergies can make swallowing difficult, or even swell up and close.

10 Allergic Reactions –Skin-skin may break out in a rash or cause hives, a raised itchy areas. –Respiratory system-can cause coughing and difficulty breathing. –Digestive system-a reaction to food may cause stomach ache, cramps and diarrhea.

11 Treating Allergies  How do you know if you are allergic to something? –Some give a rash. –Some reactions are not so obvious.  A doctor can run test to see what the cause of the reactions

12 Treating Allergies  Avoid the allergen if possible  Take medication –Antihistamines-are medications that relieve symptoms by suppressing the production of histamines  Get injections –Each injection contains a tiny amount of the allergen to help a person overcome his or her sensitivity to it.

13 Asthma  Asthma-a chronic respiratory disease that causes air passages to become narrow or blocked. –The number of people with asthma has increased in the past 20 years.  Nearly 5 million Americans under the age of 18 have asthma.  Many of the same substances that cause allergies cause asthma. –They are known as asthma triggers.

14 Asthma  Common asthma triggers include: –Pollen, dust, pets and mold –Strenuous physical activity, especially in cold weather. –Infections of resp. system (cold and flu). –Irritants, cigarette smoke, air pollution, fumes. –Increased breathing rates, stress or laughing/crying. –Weather changes and cold air.

15 A Typical Asthma Attack  Symptoms of an asthma attack –Wheezing –Shortness of breath –Felling of gagging or choking –Tightness in the chest.  See 13.3 page 367

16 Managing Asthma  Monitor the condition –Use a peak flow meter to measure lung capacity.  Manage the environment –Vacuum floors and rugs –Wash sheets in hot water frequently.  Manage stress  Take medication –Bronchodilators-medications that relax the muscles around the bronchial air passages.

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