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The End of Empire Mr. Ermer World History AP Miami Beach Senior High.

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1 The End of Empire Mr. Ermer World History AP Miami Beach Senior High

2 India  After WWII, Asian nations seek independence  Winston Churchill suspends self-rule initiatives  Succeeded by Labor PM Clement Attlee  Attlee more inclined toward dismantling empire  As India moves closer toward independence, communalism on the rise  Communalism stresses religious rather than national identity (Great Calcutta Killing)  Nehru and Gandhi against partition of India  August 15, 1947: India and Pakistan created, freed  Gandhi predicts “rivers of blood,” refugees migrate  Rivalries build between the two states  Indian independence inspires movements elsewhere  Nonaligned Movement: resists picking sides in Cold War


4 1947: Partition of British India

5 Vietnam  Vietnam fights post-war France for independence  The United States supported French claim to colonies  Vietnamese Nationalist leader, Ho Chi Minh, leads communist Viet Minh against France  Issues Vietnamese Declaration of Independence  China sends military aid to Viet Minh  1954: Viet Minh defeat French at Dienbienphu  The Geneva Conference  Partitioning of Vietnam along seventeenth parallel  North Vietnam: Communist with capital at Hanoi  South Vietnam: non-communist with capital at Saigon  Ngo Dinh Diem: president of South Vietnam with U.S. support  Diem’s cruel rule unpopular among Vietnamese in south  1960: National Liberation Front (NLF) fights against Diem’s forces  Buddhists practice self-immolation

6 French Indochina




10 War in Vietnam  Dwight D. Eisenhower applies Domino Theory  Kennedy also applies theory, increases aid to Diem  President Johnson increases direct U.S. involvement  Fight NLF “Viet Cong” in south, bomb the north  Ho Chi Minh patiently fights against foreign influence—war of attrition  Support for war declines in the U.S.  President Nixon calls for vietnamization  Replacing of American forces with South Vietnamese  Opens dialogue with Soviets and Chinese  1973: Paris Peace Accords  Northern forces defeat the South in 1975  Reunification of Vietnam in 1976



13 Israel/Palestine  Under mandate system, British made conflicting promises to Palestinian Arabs and Jewish migrants  1917: Zionist Balfour Declaration lends British support  European Jews seek homeland, protection  Zionism gains steam across Europe  Britain allows migration of settler Jews to Palestine  British limit Jewish migration to Palestine  Promise to protect Palestinian rights  Pan-Arab Nationalism grows in opposition to Zionism  After Holocaust, Zionist commitment increases in Jews  1945: Violent Jewish resistance to Palestinian and British rule—King David Hotel bombing of 1946  1947: Britain hands Palestine over to United Nations  Partition of Palestine into two states, Jewish and Arab  Civil War erupts, Palestinians see partition as unacceptable  1948: Jewish forces proclaim creation of State of Israel  Series of conflicts helps Israel expand territory


15 Egypt  Egypt leads Arab world against Israel  1952: Egyptian military ousts King Farouk  Gamal Abdel Nasser and Egyptian military in power  Eschew democracy and constitutional government  Suppress communists and Muslim Brotherhood  1954: Nasser names self prime-minister  Militarization and industrialization  Nasser sees Cold War alliances as new imperialism  Joins Nehru’s nonaligned movement  Condemns Baghdad Pact  Gets assistance from both U.S. and Soviets  Sends aid to Algerians fighting French  Opposes Israel as a settler colony of Europeans  Abolished British military control of Suez Canal


17 Africa  1954: French begin to fight for control of Algeria  1954-1960: Most other French African colonies freed  French fight the Front de Libération Nationale (FNL)  1955: FNL moves into urban areas, France sends troops  1962: Algeria gains independence, Frantz Fanon writes  1960: The Year of Africa  African elites form cultural and political institutions  1957: Ghana gains independence from Britain  Kwame Nkrumah becomes leader, African symbol  Non-violence and mass action  Kenya fights for independence, bloody conflict  South Africa’s apartheid regime  1948: Afrikaner National Party comes to power  Creates racially segregated society  African National Congress fights for equality  1989: F. W. de Klerk negotiates transition with Nelson Mandela



20 Communist China  Mao Zedong’s CCP reunifies China  China emulates Soviet style Five Year Plans in 1955  Build infrastructure and heavy industry  Collectivization of agricultural lands  Women’s rights  The Great Leap Forward (1958-1961)  Failed attempt to overtake other economies by collectivization of entire economy  The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)  Targeted teachers, artists, elites, professionals  Many beaten, jailed, killed by young zealots, damages unity  Deng Xiaoping succeeds Mao in 1981  Opens trade with West, undoes some of Mao’s ideas  Tiananmen Square


22 Indian Democracy  1966: Indira Gandhi is leader of Congress Party  Serves as prime minister 1966-1977, 1980-1984  Institutes Green Revolution  Experiences challenges in keeping India united  Sectarian violence  Out of control birth rates  Government sterilization programs  Amritsar genocide of Sikhs  Gandhi assassinated by Sikh bodyguards in 1984  Rajiv Gandhi takes power in 1985, assassinated in 1991


24 The Middle East  1970: Rise of Islamism and Pan-Arab Nationalism  Many Muslims lament loss of Islamic values, sharia  Rise of Pan-Islamic unity, extremism  Western social norms blamed for decline of Islamic societies, secularization, political failures  Anger directed toward Europe and the United States  Extremists use concept of jihad to legitimize terrorism  The Iranian Revolution  U.S. support of Shah Pahlavi militarizes Iran  Oil money helps Iran industrialize, Islamism on the rise  Many resent influence of foreign oil companies, gov’ts  Students, small business owners, liberal politicians oppose Shah  Ayatollah Khomeini leads Islamic Revolution in 1979  Revolution strongly anti-American  Iraq’s Saddam Hussein invades Iran to take advantage  Iraq-Iran War lasts until 1988


26 Argentina  Transformation of pampas to farmlands  Controlled by oligarquia with government support  European upper-class creates urban culture in Buenos Aires, support British business  European & American goods make up most manufactured goods in Argentina, railroads speak English  1920s: Hipolito Irigoyen elected president  Increased ties and trade with US and Europe  Rapid industrialization, prosperity  Series of military coups ends with Juan Peron’s rise  At first creates Nazi inspired fascist/military government  After Nazi’s lose, Peron reinvents his politics  Eva Duarte Peron ’s championing of the descamisados  1946: Perons establish populist dictatorship


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