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FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T BIOKENAF – QLK5-CT2002-01729 8th technical meeting Madrid, 29-30 September 2006 X. Nuttens, S. Cadoux.

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Presentation on theme: "FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T BIOKENAF – QLK5-CT2002-01729 8th technical meeting Madrid, 29-30 September 2006 X. Nuttens, S. Cadoux."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T BIOKENAF – QLK5-CT2002-01729 8th technical meeting Madrid, 29-30 September 2006 X. Nuttens, S. Cadoux

2 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T WP2: Adaptability and productivity field trials

3 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Previous data Sustainable DM yield in the North of France: 10t/ha with late varieties

4 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Previous data Problems encountered: –High losses at emergence –Disease (Gray Mold) –Late and rare flowering: totality of the growth cycle is not achieved by late varieties –Stagnation of the yield (no more than 11t/ha) … with late varieties (E 41 and T 2) … and for early varieties (G 4) ?

5 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T 1. Presentation of trial conditions

6 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Trial location Estrées-Mons INRA centre - Climate: Oceanic temperate - Soil type: Deep and homogeneous loamy soil (Ortic luvisol, FAO classification)

7 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Meteorological data in 2006 -Higher Temperatures in July with a little drought -Rainfall more important in august

8 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Experimental design in 2006 N1 N0 R1 R2 R3 Photography 1: Plan of the trial (Observed on September 20th, 2006)

9 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T First flowers observed the 20 of September:

10 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Crop management sequence No weed control: Thanks to a fast and regular growth ! Sowing Date: 8 of June Sowing machine: pneumatic seed drill Variety: G 4 Sowing density: 110 plants/m² (target density: 50 plants/m²) Fertilization Date: 21/07/2006 Rate: 0 or 100 kg N/ha Weed control none Irrigation none

11 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T 2. Results

12 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Nitrogen effect Two situations : –N0: soil N content of 100kgN/ha until 1.20m (on the 15th of may) 100 kg available at the beginning of the cycle –N1: soil N content of 100kgN/ha until 1.20m + 100 kg/ha of N fertilisation 200 kg available at the beginning of the cycle

13 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T -No statistical differences between N0 and N1: for a potential of 10 t DM/ha no more than 100kgN/ha (soil N content at implantation + fertilisation) is required -G 4 DM yield: 9.6 t/ha with low variations, similar to other years

14 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Yield comparison In September, DM yields are comparables

15 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Yield comparison Potential a bit lower in 2006 (we are near flowering date so it is the same development than in October for late varieties) Late october Early september Late october

16 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T - Losses of about 28% -Difference between treatment due to the heterogeneity ? -Actual density: 80 plants/m2 Focus on the density Objective: to get 50 plants / m²

17 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T No correlation between density and dry matter yield Ideal density must take agronomic consequences into account Focus on the density

18 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Losses at emergence (2003-4-5-6) Last year conclusion: more losses with higher densities AND crust and weed competition can explain these losses 2006: Crusts and weed competition do not explain all losses. If there is well a density effect, there is a positive effect of early variety

19 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T -Maximum LAI value: 5 m²m-² End of august, before fall of sheets Leaf Area index

20 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T In September 2005, attack of a disease was observed on few plants: Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) with late varieties and also in 2006 with early variety (18% of ill plants)

21 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T Conclusions Crop emergence: –less losses at emergence than usual and no weed control Effect of: good sowing conditions AND/OR more adapted variety that allowed a fast and regular development DM yield: –Potential a bit lower with G 4 ?

22 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T MODALITYCONCLUSION Irrigation0 N-FertilisationNo more than 100 kg/ha (soil + fertiliser) for low potentials Sowing datemost favourable conditions Sowing density Objective of 40-60 plants/m² VarietyEarly variety

23 FOOD A G R I C U L T U R E E N V I R O N N M E N T North limit in France for Kenaf and not only for late varieties But less agronomic problems with early varieties We can not reach high DM yield (no more than 11t/ha) contrary to fiber sorghum…

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