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Published byBathsheba Black Modified over 9 years ago
1-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Système Euro- Méditerranéen d’information sur les savoir-faire dans le domaine de l’Eau Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know how in the water sector SEMIDE EMWIS EURO-MEDITERRANEAN PARTNERSHIP EMWIS Data manager seminar Eric Mino EMWIS Technical Unit النظام الأورو - متوسطي للإعلام حول المعرفة في ميدان المياه
2-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Logistic / Logistique Working languages: English, French and Spanish Boarding pass + Flight tickets Participants list to be signed Social event: Dinner on Tuesday night Departure 20h45 from hotel Please no cellular phones Complementary perdiem for Med Partner Countries
3-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Targets and objectives of the seminar Progress review and next year activities Information on: Spanish water information systems Med network of basins organisations Feed back from the Euromed water directors meeting and last Steering Committee meeting Review of EMWIS national and international websites content Individual themes Water projects database Exchange information within EMWIS Metadata and Syndication, Implementation of the Open Archive Initiative protocol (OAI) for the documentation Progress and update procedure for the multilingual water thesaurus Evolution of national portals
4-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Presentation content Progress on EMWIS phase II Activities planned for 2007 (transition period) Action plan 2007-2010 Outcome from the Euromed Water Directors meeting 6-7 Nov. 2006 Athens
5-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Main EMWIS milestones Nov’96 – Decision to initiate Euromed water cooperation by the exchange of information (Ministerial conference) Dec’96 – Dec’97 EMWIS feasibility study Dec. 1997 – Decision of Euro-Med water directors to implement EMWIS July 1998 – Creation of the EEIG EMWIS TU July 1999 – EC grant signature for Phase 1 Nov. 1999 – T.U. operational Nov. 2001 – Phase 2 strategic plan approved by Euro-Med water directors Dec. 2002 - End of phase 1 Dec. 2003 - EC grant signature for Phase 2 (Dec. 2003 – Nov. 2006) Nov. 2005 – Validation of achievements and 10 years strategy by Euromed Water Directors Nov. 2006 – One year extension of the EC grant for phase 2 (Dec. 2003 – Nov. 2007) Nov. 2006 – Strong support from the Euromed water directors for next phase and the 2 nd study phase of the Med water information partnership
6-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Second phase: enhancing and consolidating the achievements (Dec. 2003 - Nov. 2007) Maintaining a strong co-ordination with political structures Reinforcing the NFPs Expansion and development of services Review of the technical architecture (XML based) Operating information existing services Fostering the promotion of the system Development of topical activities Information clearing house for International actions: E.C. MEDA – Water programme MED component of the EU water initiative Liaison with international initiatives Incl. Analysing the set-up of a WaterML initiative to harmonise information exchange
7-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 1. Co-ordination activities Overview and status Annual Steering Committee meetings May 2004, Malta May 2004, Malta June 2005, Athens side by side with Med-EUWI meeting and MCSD of UNEP-MAP June 2005, Athens May 2006, Nice May 2006, Nice November 2006, Athens April or May 2007 Annual Coordination Committee meetings July 2004, Rabat July 2004, Rabat Sept 2005, Amman Sept 2005, Amman June 2006, Algiers June 2006, Algiers September 2007 Liaison with the partner countries, the European Commission, the main international initiatives Technical Unit co-ordination and reporting Conference of the 35 Euromed Water Director Generals 24-25 November 2005, Rome 24-25 November 2005, Rome 6-7 November 2006, Athens 6-7 November 2006, Athens Autumn 2007
8-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 2. Reinforcing NFPs Status overview (1/2) Annual training seminars for data managers November 2004, Madrid November 2004, Madrid November 2006, Madrid (water glossaries) Annual training seminars for IT managers March 2005, Sophia Antipolis March 2005, Sophia Antipolis September 2006, Sophia Antipolis (New EMWIS portal tool kit) Remote and ad-hoc support On request Technical and financial feasibility studies of National Water Information Systems Technical and financial feasibility studies of National Water Information Systems Final report delivered in January 2006 and presented at a regional conference in June 2006, Algiers Country reports delivered to the NFP
9-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 2. Reinforcing NFPs Status overview (2/2) Examples of NFP good practices (available online) Examples of NFP good practices NFP workprogrammes, Promotion: brochures and seminars, Metadata management for web sites User surveys Partnership agreements Development of work programme for each NFP Templates (English and French) sent to the NFP Direct support to NFP Equipment and software fully delivered Web site translation costs - to be finalised in 2007 See NFP status Local services - to be finalised in 2007 See NFP status
10-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 3. Expansion and development of services Overview & Status Integration of the Arabic language for international access Monthly news flash produced in Arabic Arabic access included in the new web portal Sharing calendars of events Based on the meta-data to be defined with NFPs Tested and prototyped with a small group of NFPs Integrated into the new web portal Development of a Water meta-crawler Specifications defined Simple version integrated in the new web portal (limited to networked websites, not multilingual) Requires additional software components from ALMA project presented at the Coordination Committee in Sept’05ALMA project Other services: Multilingual water thesaurus (incl. Analysis of existing water glossaries)Analysis of existing water glossaries Mediterranean water projects database
11-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 4. Review of the technical architecture Overview & status Improving flexibility: Publication of same content on several web sites Better integration of heterogeneous resources Better decentralised management of content Common structures for content using XML Main components agreed with NFP: Common meta-data Common meta-data Multilingual Water Thesaurus Overall technical architecture New technological platform for the TU Web Content Management System developed for the European Environment Agency also used by the SMAP-RMSU Open Source software The solution includes a web portal builder for NFP or other organisations The portal is multilingual: Arabic, English and French. But open to other languages
12-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 5. Animation and operation of information services Overview & Status Operation of current services On going Re-design of services See new web portal Up-dating and extending of the thematic directory Up-dating and extending of the thematic directory Updating and consultation application improved New thematic forums New thematic forums Water glossaries, satellite images, etc. Monthly eNews Flash in Arabic (86), English (5898) and French (2479) Monthly eNews Flash On going
13-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 6. Fostering the promotion of the system Overview & Status (1/2) Definition of a promotion planpromotion plan Electronic marketing eFlash, cross-links, directories, crawlers Developing promotional media Updated brochures in Arabic, English and French Brochures files available for customisation by NFP EMWIS design rules and EC visibility guidelines available for national products Press releases and articles for the specialised magazines Press releases for Promotion events and Steering Committee meetings Press releases Press book online, under development Press book online
14-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 6. Fostering the promotion of the system Overview & Status (2/2) National promotion seminar held Cyprus, October 2004 Cyprus, October 2004 Rabat, April 2005 Rabat, April 2005 Beirut, November 2005 Beirut, November 2005 Ankara, December 2005 Ankara, December 2005 Algeria, June 2006 Algeria, June 2006 National promotion seminar planned Cyprus, 23 March 2007 Jordan, 28 January 2007 Palestine, February 2007 Tunisia, April 2007 – to be confirmed Taking part in national and international events Medwet regional workshop, 2004 Hydrotop 2005 EMPOWER symposium, 2005 World water forum, March 2006 ….
15-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 7. Development of topical activities Status Selected topics Status EU Water Framework Directive International Office of Water Completed (survey) Presented to the EuroMed Water Directors Inputs for the Joint Process WFD/Med EUWI Use of non-conventional water resources CEDEX Country Survey through the NFPs Preliminary results presented to NFPs Draft final report under preparation Irrigation water management IMIDA and FENACOR Draft final report delivered and presented to NFP Integrated water management at local level SOGESID Completed (bibliographical research + NFP validation) Presented to the EuroMed Water Directors National reports on the new EMWIS web portal National reports on the new EMWIS web portal
16-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 8. Information clearing house for MEDA-Water Overview Dissemination of project findings E-flash in Arabic, English and French Presentation of the programme and projects on EMWIS website Presentation during EMWIS conferences Information to EMWIS NFP Publication of results in electronic format Diary of events Support for projects Identification of contact persons: projects, Water Directors, etc. Electronic discussion forum, mailing lists: Exchange of information and know-how from projects Access to existing information resources (e.g. water legislation)
17-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 8. Information clearing house for EU Water activities Status EMWIS new web sections on initiatives EMWIS new web sections on initiatives EU: MEDA-Water, Med-EUWI, INCO-MED, LIFE, MEDSTAT, SMAP MEDA-Water projects presented: EMWIS National seminars Coordination Committee seminars EMWIS portal, e-Flash International water projects database: Starting with water projects funded by the EU in MPC
18-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 9. Liaison with international initiatives Overview & Status (1/2) Co-ordination of activities and agreement preparation Mediterranean Water Institute: agreement to be extended for the MEDA-Water RMSU Med-EUWI MoU agreed Groundwater & water scarcity working groups of the Joint Process using EMWIS as a facilitating platform Global Water Partnership Med EMWIS Technical Unit membership International Network of Basin Organisations (Med network) Agreement renewed in 2005 SMAP-RMS (APAT, IT) Agreement signed for the provision of information the water section of the SMAP clearing houseSMAP clearing house EXACT – water WG of the Middle-East Peace process OSS – Sahara and Sahel Observatory European Environment Agency (web portal technology, thesaurus, water monitoring) FAO, IPTRID Discussion on the future EMWIS technical architecture Other relevant initiatives: BALWOIS: involvement of Balkan countries, preparation of a MoU Med Water information partnership study MAP-RAC, Medpol, Eurostat/MEDSTAT environment, EEA, WHO/UNICEF JMP, Unesco-WWAP, etc.
19-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Activities planned for 2007 (transition period) Organisation of a Steering Committee meeting and a NFP coordination seminar Complementing the implementation of local services and web content translation by EMWIS NFP Maintaining the EMWIS websites and monthly e-news flash, including the dissemination of MEDA-Water results Complementary feasibility studies with voluntary countries on the regional water observation mechanism
20-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Action Plan 2007-2010
21-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Working groups objectives Objectives: To get knowledge on other countries experiences To prepare pilot experiences based on the lessons learnt from other countries Preparatory work already carried out: Identification of existing experiences that may lead to exchange of know-how with other countries Countries priorities for which exchange of know-how could be valuable Joint activities with other existing initiatives (when relevant) Joint Process between the EUWI and the EU Water Framework Directive
22-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Participative approaches in Integrated Water Resources Management Potential leader country: Algeria Potential member countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey Potential topics: Concertation mechanism, Participative approach in managing agricultural water, involvement of the private sector, NGO and local authorities, participative approaches for waste water reuse
23-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Risk prevention and management of extreme phenomena: Water scarcity (JP) and Floods Potential leader country: Morocco (Water scarcity) – Tunisia (Floods) Potential member countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey Potential topics: Floods: prevention, alert systems and management Drought: prevention, Early warning & proactive measures to alleviate effects of droughts, water savings, awareness campaigns
24-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Non conventional water resources Desalination and Waste water re-use (JP) Potential leader country: Spain (Desalination) – Jordan/Malta (Waste water reuse) Potential member countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Spain, Tunisia Potential topics: Envirnonmental impact, Management of waste water reuse (applications, quality standards), low cost desalination technologies, artificial rain
25-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Local management of sanitation services and Prevention of domestic pollution Potential leader country: France Potential member countries: Algeria, Cyprus, France, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Spain, Tunisia Potential topics: Access to sanitation, small communities, legislation, location of sewage stations, governance of services, pollution prevention, delegation of service, monitoring/benchmarking of service delivery
26-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Euromed Water Directors meeting 6-7 Nov. 2006 Athens Main result Need for better coordination of all processes related to water in the region, particularly within the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) Continuation of Forum of the Water Directors of the Euro-Mediterranean and Southeastern European Countries Proposal for a Euro-Mediterranean and Southeastern European countries’ Ministerial Conference on Water
27-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Euromed Water Directors meeting EMWIS outcome Reminder on the key role of information systems on water, aquatic environments and their use was highlighted for better governance and integrated water resources management. Major EMWIS contribution to the improvement of NWIS in several countries of the region. Request for co-funding from the EC for NWIS and EMWIS Action Plan 2007-2010 Synergy developed between EMWIS and the MED EUWI / WFD Joint Process working groups. EMWIS working group on ‘Water Monitoring’ with interested countries within the MED EUWI / WFD Joint Process. Synergy developed between the EEA together with EMWIS and MedPol for the monitoring of the Horizon 2020 Initiative. Agreement to conduct the 2nd phase of the study related to the water observation mechanism with further analysis and first tests of a proposed regional water information partnership with linkages with related regional initiatives.
28-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit30-Aug-15 Comments and Questions
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