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© Copyright 2005 POSC Production Reporting (draft specifications) Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "© Copyright 2005 POSC Production Reporting (draft specifications) Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Reporting (draft specifications) Overview

2 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Reporting Outline Flow Network –Collection of connected Flow Units. Product Flow Model –Collection of Flow Networks Product Volume Report –Measurements of p,v,t,q,… in fluid flows. Production Operations Report –Activities related to production.

3 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network Represents a flow system. Named collection of connected Units. A unit is a black box that describes the flow into or out of something. Flow properties can be measured at a Port. A network may have external ports. Port Network Unit Node

4 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network – Flow Unit A black box with ports but an internal network allows drill-down for more details. A unit can represent: –A complex thing like a platform or separator. –A simple thing like a valve or choke. Contextual knowledge (i.e., what does this unit represent).

5 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network – Flow Port Represents a real world measurement point on a facility. Has an expected direction (inlet or outlet). Connects to one Node - may represent a many- to-many connection. May have an expected Product Flow (for validation purposes) – e.g., oil production or gas injection. Future - Control point (across two ports)

6 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network – Port Direction The direction is the intended direction of flow. A change in pressure across a unit can change the actual flow direction at a port. In the Product Volume Report: –A positive volume represents an intended direction (i.e., a flow out of an outlet port or into an inlet port). –A negative volume represents an unintended direction (i.e., a flow into an outlet port and out of an inlet port). B3

7 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network – Expected Product Flow Pairs of product kind and flow kind where: –Product = oil, gas, condensate, aqueous, oleic, vapour, water, carbon dioxide gas, etc. –Flow = production, injection, consume, import, export, gas lift, overboard, etc.

8 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network – Node (artificial concept) All ports that are connected to the same node are connected to each other. For an actual flow diagram the graphics may ignore the node. asserts a connection Port Node Unit

9 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network – Flow Assumptions Steady state fluid flow across nodes and ports. That is, pressure is constant across internally and externally connected ports and nodes. Conservation of mass across a node or port. The temperature and other properties can vary between connected ports. Pressure can vary internally between ports on a unit.

10 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network – Internal Network of a Unit Corresponding ports have the same name (i.e., they are logically the same port). There is no pressure change across ports or nodes. Thus, there is no pressure change between ports A2 and C1. B B1 B3 B2 B Internal Network B1 C1 A A2 B3 C

11 © Copyright 2005 POSC Flow Network – What good is it? Defines the connectivity status of one fluid system over time. That is, how fluid “could” flow. Defines measurement points within the fluid system. The flow connectivity is independent of physical descriptions. The connectivity can be tailored to specific business scenarios. Requires something else to capture actual flow properties over time.

12 © Copyright 2005 POSC Real World Example From Aspen tech From AspenTech

13 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Reporting Outline Flow Network –Collection of connected Flow Units. Product Flow Model –Collection of Flow Networks Product Volume Report –Measurements of p,v,t,q,… in fluid flows. Production Operations Report –Activities related to production.

14 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Flow Model Defines the flow behaviour of something (normally larger installations). Collection of Flow Networks. –The model is represented by one network. –The other networks represent Flow Units within a network. External ports. –Allows models to connect.

15 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Flow Model - Model Hierarchy Model – Collection of networks. –Network – Collection of connected units. Unit – Black box with ports. –Port – Allows flow in or out. »Node – Allows ports to connect.

16 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Flow Model - Summary Flow system defined by a Network (Units with connected Ports). Unit can represent anything (big or small). Steady state fluid flow across ports/nodes Conservation of mass across ports/nodes. Properties are assigned by the Product Volume Report.

17 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Reporting Outline Flow Network –Collection of connected Flow Units. Product Flow Model –Collection of Flow Networks Product Volume Report –Measurements of p,v,t,q,… in fluid flows. Production Operations Report –Activities related to production.

18 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report Requirements Simple (e.g., one well) or complex (e.g., one field). Fluid measurements at a point in a flow stream. –Multiple measurement points. –Multiple flow streams –Multi-phase streams –Multiple reporting periods –Multiple properties

19 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report - Problem Analysis ProductionML – meets a subset of Partner Daily Reporting Project requirements Typical Recurring Pattern –Where - well, field, platform, tank, flowline, vessel, … –Flow – production, injection, gas-lift, import, export, consumption, inventory, … –Product – oil, gas, water, condensate, diesel, aqueous, … –Period – day, month, year, mtd, ytd, cumulative total, … –Measurements – volume, flow rate, pressure, temperature, density, component concentration, mass, differential pressure

20 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report Schema Outline Report context Facility kind (well, wellhead, wellbore, separator, flow line, choke, platform, etc.) contextual identity Flow kind (production, injection, consumption, import, export, gas-lift, etc.) port ( measurement point in flow network) properties (temperature, pressure, differential pressure) Product kind (oil, water, gas, aqueous, vapour, diesel, electricity, etc.) properties (density, component content ) Period kind ( day, month, year, MTD, YTD, midnight, etc.) properties (volume, flow rate, mass)

21 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report - Report Context Report - kind, title, period What - Installation, Contextual facility Where - Country, state, field, offshore (area, block, quadrant) Who - operator, issued, approved When - issue date, approval date Flow Network Standard temperature and pressure

22 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report - Facility Represents one real world concept –Name and/or kind (e.g., well, wellhead, wellbore, separator, flow line, choke, platform, etc.) –May represent one Flow Unit in a Flow Network Contextual facilities (e.g., a particular field). Downtime reason, injecting/producing flags, operation time, capacity Flows

23 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report - Flow Kind (e.g., production, injection, consumption, import, export, gas-lift, etc.) May represent one Flow Port on a Flow Unit in a Flow Network. Gas oil ratio, water concentration (mass or volume basis) Temperature and pressure Pressure difference across Flow Ports. Products

24 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report - Product Kind (e.g., oil, water, gas, aqueous, vapor, diesel, electricity, etc.) Density, vapour pressure, bsw, specific gravity, dewpoint, calorific value Component content (product kind, density, concentration) Periods

25 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report - Period Kind (e.g., day, month, year, MTD, YTD, midnight, report, etc. ) Time Period (if different from reporting period) Volume, mass, work (for product=electricity)

26 © Copyright 2005 POSC Product Volume Report – Summary Report context Facility kind (well, wellhead, wellbore, separator, flow line, choke, platform, etc.) contextual identity Flow kind (production, injection, consumption, import, export, gas-lift, etc.) port (measurement point in flow network) properties (temperature, pressure, differential pressure) Product kind (oil, water, gas, aqueous, diesel, electricity, etc.) properties (density, component content ) Period kind ( day, month, year, MTD, YTD, midnight, etc.) properties (volume, flow rate, mass)

27 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Reporting Outline Flow Network –Collection of connected Flow Units. Product Flow Model –Collection of Flow Networks Product Volume Report –Measurements of p,v,t,q,… in fluid flows. Production Operations Report –Activities related to production.

28 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Operations Report Contextual information. –what, where, who, when Installation Reports –what, crew count, cumulative work, bed count –HSE incident, time since, counts, weather –Activity lost production, water cleaning quality, shutdown events, alarms, marine operations, cargo ship operations.

29 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Operations Report - Contextual information Report - kind, title, period What - installation, contextual facility Where - country, state, field, offshore (area, block, quadrant) Who - operator, issued, approved When - issue date, approval date

30 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Operations Report – Who (generic structure) Name, roles, aliases Addresses - physical, mailing, …, phone, email, contact preference Associated with Contact for Personnel count (for a group)

31 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Operations Report – HSE Incident count Time since - lost time, prevention exercise, defined situation Counts - alarm, safety intro Safety - MTB incidents, count of each type, dated comment (who, role, when) Weather - from WITSML (added significant wave)

32 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Operations Report – Activity Lost production - volume with reason, due to 3 rd party processing Water cleaning quality – chemical amounts before/after, temperature, dated comments (who, role, when) Shutdowns - when, estimated loss, detailed activities Alarms - time, area, type, reason, dated comment Marine Operations – when, vessel [supply, standby], dated comments about – [vessels, basket movement, detail activity] Cargo Ship Operations – name, time, captain, cargo, oil volumes, density, vapor pressure, bsw, salt content Operational Comments – type, start time, end time

33 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Operations Report - Review Contextual information. –what, where, who, when Installation Reports –what, crew count, cumulative work, bed count –HSE incident, time since, counts, weather –Activity lost production, water cleaning quality, shutdown events, alarms, marine operations, cargo ship operations.

34 © Copyright 2005 POSC Production Reporting Summary Flow Network –Collection of connected Flow Units. –Ports represent measurement points. Product Flow Model –Collection of Flow Networks –Supports finer grain networks Product Volume Report –Measurements of p,v,t,q,… in fluid flows. –Can assign properties to network ports Production Operations Report –Activities related to production. –Currently has offshore bias.

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