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8310 Training.

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1 8310 Training

2 Sutron 8310 Data Logger Sutron 8310 Data Logger


4 Power and Sensor Connections

5 8310 Design The overall 8310 design utilizes low-power circuitry to achieve long-life battery operation and provide a rugged system for unattended field operation in extreme environments. For even more durability, each 8310 is tested to operate over the -40C to +60C temp extremes expected in remote environments. Full EMI and transient protection are built into each input.

6 8310 Capabilities & Features
Simple Front panel setup without PC or other devices. Terminal interface for setup using PC without custom software. Built-in measurement circuitry to handle sensors commonly used. Flexible measurement schedules and logging schemes. Built-in BASIC to support custom measurements, processing and communications. Built-in support for GOES, Iridium, GPRS, and telephone modems with both data and speech capabilities. Dual communications support allowing combinations of supported communications devices. Remote operation without using custom PC programs. Weatherproof packaging to promote long product life in the field. Wide temperature operation to operate reliably in environmental extremes. Battery operation with low power consumption. Built-in solar panel regulator.

7 Telemetry Options Telephone MODEM with Speech

8 Wide Range of Applications
Flood Warning Weather Stations Stage and Precipitation Networks Dam Safety Monitoring On-site Recording of many kinds of digital or analog data Irrigation control

9 8310 Part Numbers Part Number Description 8310-N 8310, NEMA4
8310-O , NEMA2 8310-N-S 8310, NEMA4, with Satlink* 8310-N-S-G 8310, NEMA4, with Satlink* and GSM/GPRS Modem* 8310-N-S-I 8310, NEMA4, with Satlink* and Iridium SBD transceiver* 8310-N-S-P 8310, NEMA4, with Satlink* and Telephone modem (voice and data) 8310-O-I 8310, NEMA2, with Iridium 8310-O-G 8310, NEMA2, with GSM/GPRS

10 Ports and Data Download Options
SD Card Socket USB/COM1 Serial Communications Ethernet Port Front Panel 2-Line Display 6-Buttons: Display/Menu Control

11 Menus Complete Front Panel Control - 6 Buttons PC
Command Line Operation Menu Driven Interface Menus are Similar to 8210

12 PC Command Line Main Menu
Sutron 8310: Main Menu Station 8310C 09/24/ :56:34 Recording is ON+TX 9 Meas Active Alarm Status: NORMAL M1.O1*: TEMP > C G M2.O1: VBAT > G M3.O1: VBAT_HR > 0.00 U M4.O1*: AirTemp > G M5.O1: RelHumid > G M6.O1*: Stage > 9.95 G M7.O1: DewPoint > 18.44 M8.O1: testdata > G M9.O1: Stage > 0.00 U Logged Data > Station Setup > Terminal Operations > Diagnostics > End Main

13 Terminology Measurements Inputs Processing Outputs Alarms Alerts

14 Measurements The 8310 operates to make measurements. Measurements can be as simple as a single value read from a temperature sensor or more complicated like a vector wind speed average or dew point measurement. When a measurement is set up in the 8310, it is given a name and a number. The measurement numbers are M1, M2...

15 Inputs Signals from sensors or instruments (like a voltage or resistance) connected to the 8310. Depending on the type of measurement, the 8310 will need to read one or more inputs Built-in support for analog, digital, SDI, RS232 and other types of inputs

16 Processing Most inputs need some kind of processing to convert the value measured (e.g. a voltage or resistance) into engineering units (like temperature or pressure) Supports Slope-Offset calculations, Polynomial, Steinhart-Hart, & Lookup Tables to convert the RAW value measured to the desired units

17 Outputs Outputs can be displayed, logged, transmitted and used in other calculations and measurements Some measurement types have just one output while other types have multiple outputs (Avg, Min, Max, Accum, Instant...)

18 Alarms Detection of alarms based on comparing a value with a user set hi limit, low limit and/or rate of change limit Alarm noted in the Alarm status menu

19 Alerts Messages Sent Using Communication Devices to Provide Notice of Alarms

20 Measurement Setup M1*: TEMP MeasName TEMP Enable Yes MeasType Average Interval :01:00 Time :00:10 SampleInterval :00:10 SampleDuration :01:00 M1.I1: InputType InternalTemp TempUnits Celsius Processing Slope-Offset Slope Offset Cal Slope Cal Offset M1.I1: Cur Val Celsius G M1.O1*: TEMP C G M1.O2*: TEMPMin > G M1.O3*: TEMPMax > G M1.O4*: TEMPCnt > G M1.O5: TEMPSTD > G End M1*: TEMP See Manual Page 68 for details on Meas Types “>” Indicates more info avail, Press Right Arrow to View more Info

21 Diagnostics /SDI Tools
This menu provides tools useful in operating and maintaining SDI-12 devices. SDI-12 is an industry standard protocol for serial smart sensors. The tools menu provides functions to find devices that have been connected to the SDI-12 bus and communicate with them. System Status provides a way to view: Recent Logged Messages, SW Version, Communications, Basic, I2C, Serial Number, Num Resets. Diagnostics /System Status

22 Station Setup Measurements (9) > Basic > Communications (4) > Logs (2) > Log Records (1) > Users (0) > Advanced Settings > Read setup from file Write setup to file Clear setup Save formatted setup End Station Setup Station Setup The Station Setup menu provides a way to perform most of the essential functions needed to set up an A typical Station Setup menu...

23 Measurements (9) M1*: TEMP > Sample 5 of 6
M2: VBAT > Next: 13:57:00 M3: VBAT_HR > Next: 14:00:00 M4*: AirTemp > Sample 4 of 6 M5: RelHumid > Next: 13:57:00 M6: Stage > Next: 13:57:00 M7*: DewPoint > Executing M8: testdata > Next: 13:57:00 M9: Stage > Next: 14:00:00 Add Measurement Delete Measurement End Measurements See Manual Page 68 for details on Meas Types

24 Station Setup/Communications
The Station Setup/Communications menu shows all communications ports that are in the system as shown below. From this menu you can see the type of communications configured for each device and the status of each device. You can press RIGHT to see and optionally change the detailed settings for each device. You can change the type of device attached to COM4. You cannot change the com type for COM1, COM2 and COM3 from this menu as these ports are the internal ports and not normally changed by the user. COM1 is always type DIRECT and cannot be changed. You must use the Advanced Settings to change the type of COM2 and COM3. A typical communications menu is shown below: Communications (3) COM1: (Started) DIRECT COM2: (Started) VOICE COM3: NO CONNECT COM4: SATLINK LAN (Disabled-On) ► End Communications

25 Station Setup/Communications
COM1: (Started) ► DIRECT COM2: (Started) ► VOICE COM3: ► NO CONNECT COM4: ► SATLINK LAN (Disabled –On)► End Communications You can press RIGHT to see and optionally change the detailed settings for each device.

26 Station Setup/Communications/COMx SATLINK
Satlink COM4 SatID InitSatlink YES LocalTimeOffset 0 SelfTimedSettings > RandomSettings > End Satlink

27 Station Setup/Communications LAN Settings

28 SelfTimed Settings Enabled Yes Time 00:00:00 Interval 04:00:00
Channel 151 CenterWindow No WindowLength 00:00:10 Type GOES 300 bps Format SHEF AppendLatLon No AppendQuality No Select outputs > End SelfTimed Settings

29 Station Setup/Logs Data.log ► Add Log Delete Log End Logs
Logs (2) System.log ► Data.log ► Add Log Delete Log End Logs

30 Advanced Settings (LAN Settings)
Use DHCP Ip Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway Primary DNS Secondary DNS Primary WINS Secondary WINS

31 Station Setup/Users Setup User Retrieval User
Full access to see and change measurement setup properties Retrieval User Access to view and download log files

32 Analog Inputs Number Available 8
Input Range to 5V with respect to ground, single ended or differential Single Ended Range 0-5 V, + 78 mV (with respect to ground) Differential Range +2.5V, + 78 mV ( + input with respect to – input) CMRR dB typ Input Impedance > 10 Gohm typ Accuracy: % of 5V typ 0.003% of 78mV typ HiGain 0.03% of 19.5mV typ x128Gain Temp Coefficient 5 ppm/C typ Ratio Accuracy Limited by A/D resolution Noise floor RMS noise typically < 1bit on 78mV scale and above Excitation 2.5V (up to 50 mA) Protection Multistage input protection including spark gaps. 4-20 mA Precision load available for 2 analog channels. Loop source voltage provided by switched battery voltage

33 Digital Inputs Number Available 4
Intended for tipping bucket, frequency or discrete inputs (quadrature takes 2 inputs) Maximum frequency 8kHz, minimum pulse width 100 microseconds Input range 0-5V (100KOhm pull-up to +5V provided) Accuracy ms sample interval ms sample interval ms sample interval Max Quadrature Frequency 4kHz

34 Digital Outputs Switched Voltages Number Available 2 Types
Output type Open collector with 100 ohm current limiting resistor, 100 mA, 15V max Switched Voltages Number Available 2 Types Switched battery 12V Switched +5V

35 Power Budget Quiescent (basic model): 4 ma Quiescent GOES: 10ma
Measuring: 15ma Transmitting GOES: 3500 ma Transmitting LOS: 2500 ma Telephone OFF HOOK: 50ma Display ON: 83 ma

36 8310 Design Goals Replacement for 8210 Setup Similar to 8210
No Special GUI SW Needed Some New Technology SD Card Slot USB Serial Port Ethernet Port



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