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Defining Moments in The Cay

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1 Defining Moments in The Cay
Open Minded Portraits of Timothy and Phillip

2 In the following slide you will write what you feel each character was thinking during important moments from the story. Phillip Timothy

3 Meeting Phillip wakes up on a raft with an elder black man after their ship was hit by a torpedo. Since Philip has been raised by a racist mother, how do you think he feels being stuck in this situation? How do you think Timothy feels being stuck with just a young boy to survive?

4 Chapter 3 (Timothy and Phillip are adrift on a raft at sea) That lonely sea, and the sharp pains in my head, and the knowledge that I was here alone with a black man instead of my mother made me break into tears. Finally the black man said, looking at me from bloodshot eyes, “Now, young bahss, I mos’ feel like dat my own self, Timothy, but ‘twould be of no particular use to do dat, eh?’

5 Chapter 3 (Timothy and Phillip are adrift on a raft at sea) That lonely sea, and the sharp pains in my head, and the knowledge that I was here alone with a black man instead of my mother made me break into tears. Finally the black man said, looking at me from bloodshot eyes, “Now, young bahss, I mos’ feel like dat my own self, Timothy, but ‘twould be of no particular use to do dat, eh?’

6 Survival On the raft, Timothy begins ripping pieces off of the side along with his and Phillip’s clothes to create a shelter for him an Phillip. How do you think Philip feels being stuck in this situation? What is going through Timothy’s mind as he makes shelter for them?

7 Chapter 3 (Timothy works to ensure their survival at sea) I then watched as he used his powerful arms and hands to rip up boards from the outside edges of the raft. He pounded them back together on cleats, forming two triangles; then he jammed the bases into slots between the raft boards. He stripped off his shirt and his pants, then demanded mine. Soon we had a flimsy shelter from the burning sun.

8 Chapter 3 (Timothy works to ensure their survival at sea) I then watched as he used his powerful arms and hands to rip up boards from the outside edges of the raft. He pounded them back together on cleats, forming two triangles; then he jammed the bases into slots between the raft boards. He stripped off his shirt and his pants, then demanded mine. Soon we had a flimsy shelter from the burning sun.

9 Blindness After falling asleep looking in to the sun, Phillip wakes up thinking it is night time only to find out that he is now blind. What do you think is going through Philip’s mind based on his reaction? What is Timothy thinking when he tells Philip his blindness is only temporary?

10 Chapter 4 (Phillip has just realised he cannot see) “I don’t feel any pain, Timothy. The pain has gone away.” I guess he was trying to think it all out. In a few minutes, he answered, “Once, ovah ‘round Barbados, a mahn ‘ad an outrageous crack on d’ead when a sailin’ boom shift. Dis mahn was blin’ too. Tree whole day ‘e saw d’night. Den it true went away.”

11 Chapter 4 (Phillip has just realised he cannot see) “I don’t feel any pain, Timothy. The pain has gone away.” I guess he was trying to think it all out. In a few minutes, he answered, “Once, ovah ‘round Barbados, a mahn ‘ad an outrageous crack on d’ead when a sailin’ boom shift. Dis mahn was blin’ too. Tree whole day ‘e saw d’night. Den it true went away.”

12 The Island Timothy spots a small island that appears to have nobody living on it. Phillip has no interest in landing here, however Timothy makes the final decision to stay. How do you think Phillip feels about this choice? What is Timothy thinking by stopping on this island?

13 Chapter 6 (Timothy has spotted a very small island) I said, “Timothy, wouldn’t it better if we stayed on the raft and found a big island with people on it?” I said, “I don’t want to go on that island.” I don’t think there was anyone on earth as stubborn as old Timothy. There was steel in his voice when he answered, “We be goin’ on dat islan’, young bahss. Dat be true.”

14 Chapter 6 (Timothy has spotted a very small island) I said, “Timothy, wouldn’t it better if we stayed on the raft and found a big island with people on it?” I said, “I don’t want to go on that island.” I don’t think there was anyone on earth as stubborn as old Timothy. There was steel in his voice when he answered, “We be goin’ on dat islan’, young bahss. Dat be true.”

15 Realizing Danger Timothy admits to Phillip that they are stuck in a cay surrounded by coral, which will make searching for them difficult for anyone trying to rescue them. What do you think it going through Phillip’s mind after hearing Timothy say this? What is going through Timothy’s head that made him hide this from Phillip for so long?

16 Chapter 7 (Timothy has realised where their cay lies) I said, “You are worried about something, Timothy. Please tell me the truth. I’m old enough to know.” Timothy waited a long time before answering, probably trying to choose the right words. Finally he said, “Young bahss, dere is, in dis part of d’sea, a few lil’ cays like dis one, surround on bot’ sides by hombug banks. Dey are cut off from d’res’ o’ d’sea by dese banks …”

17 Chapter 7 (Timothy has realised where their cay lies) I said, “You are worried about something, Timothy. Please tell me the truth. I’m old enough to know.” Timothy waited a long time before answering, probably trying to choose the right words. Finally he said, “Young bahss, dere is, in dis part of d’sea, a few lil’ cays like dis one, surround on bot’ sides by hombug banks. Dey are cut off from d’res’ o’ d’sea by dese banks …”

18 Help Timothy is trying to give Phillip a chance to help him in their effort to survive on the island. How do you think Phillip feels about this knowing that he is blind? What do you think is going through Timothy’s mind by trying to teach Phillip how he can help?

19 Chapter 8 (Timothy asks Phillip for assistance) I guess Timothy was standing there looking at me, waiting for me to say something or do something. I heard him say, “Well, young bahss.” “What do we do now?” I asked. His voice now impatient, he said, “Say somethin’ wid d’rock, wid many rock; eeevery rock be sayin’ somethin’ …” I frowned at him. “I don’t think I can help you, Timothy. I can’t see any rocks.”

20 Chapter 8 (Timothy asks Phillip for assistance) I guess Timothy was standing there looking at me, waiting for me to say something or do something. I heard him say, “Well, young bahss.” “What do we do now?” I asked. His voice now impatient, he said, “Say somethin’ wid d’rock, wid many rock; eeevery rock be sayin’ somethin’ …” I frowned at him. “I don’t think I can help you, Timothy. I can’t see any rocks.”

21 Learning to Work Timothy realizes he is becoming weaker and is going to need Phillips help with the work on the island. Phillip feels helpless not being able to see until Timothy tells him the hand is not blind. What is on Timothy’s mind that makes him try this? How do you feel Phillips thoughts have changed after hearing this?

22 Chapter 9 (Timothy puts pressure on Phillip to work) After we’d torn the vines out, and he was weaving the rope, he said, “Young bahss, you mus’ begin to help wid d’udder wark.” My hands were tired from pulling the vines, and I just wanted to sit and think. I didn’t want to work. I said, “Timothy, I’m blind. I can’t see to work.” I heard him cutting something with his sharp knife. He replied softly, “D’han’ is not blin’.”

23 Chapter 9 (Timothy puts pressure on Phillip to work) After we’d torn the vines out, and he was weaving the rope, he said, “Young bahss, you mus’ begin to help wid d’udder wark.” My hands were tired from pulling the vines, and I just wanted to sit and think. I didn’t want to work. I said, “Timothy, I’m blind. I can’t see to work.” I heard him cutting something with his sharp knife. He replied softly, “D’han’ is not blin’.”

24 Skin Color Having grown closer to and more dependent on Timothy, Phillip begins to wonder why some people of different races do not like each other like his mother who do not like black people. What thoughts do you think Phillip is having now? How do you think Timothy feels after Phillip tells him about his mother?

25 Chapter 10 (Phillip begins to wonder why skin colour is an issue) I told him that my mother didn’t like black people and asked him why. He answered slowly, “ I don’ like some white people my own self, but ‘twould be outrageous if I didn’ like any o’ dem.” Wanting to hear it from Timothy, I asked him why there were different colours of skin, white and black, brown and red, and he laughed back, “Why b’feesh different colour, or flower b’different colour? I true don’ know, Phill-eep, but I true tink beneath d’skin is all d’same.”

26 Chapter 10 (Phillip begins to wonder why skin colour is an issue) I told him that my mother didn’t like black people and asked him why. He answered slowly, “ I don’ like some white people my own self, but ‘twould be outrageous if I didn’ like any o’ dem.” Wanting to hear it from Timothy, I asked him why there were different colours of skin, white and black, brown and red, and he laughed back, “Why b’feesh different colour, or flower b’different colour? I true don’ know, Phill-eep, but I true tink beneath d’skin is all d’same.”

27 Timothy and Phillip are forced to deal with a giant storm
Timothy and Phillip are forced to deal with a giant storm. Timothy straps himself, Phillip and Stew Cat to a tree. Timothy covers the others trying to take the full force of the storm for Stew Cat and Phillip. What do you think is going through both character’s minds as they brace for the impact of the hurricane? Why do you think Timothy decided put himself in more danger? The Hurricane

28 Chapter 15 (Timothy takes the brunt of the storm to protect Phillip) Timothy had been cut to ribbons by the wind, which drove the rain and tiny grains of sand before it. It had flayed his back and his legs until there were very few places that weren’t cut. He was bleeding, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. I found his hard, horny hand again, wrapped mine around it, and lay down beside him.

29 Chapter 15 (Timothy takes the brunt of the storm to protect Phillip) Timothy had been cut to ribbons by the wind, which drove the rain and tiny grains of sand before it. It had flayed his back and his legs until there were very few places that weren’t cut. He was bleeding, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. I found his hard, horny hand again, wrapped mine around it, and lay down beside him.

30 Once You have completed the though bubbles for each character during these defining moments in the story, save this Power Point under your name for grading.

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