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Update of Tributary Concentration and Loading Estimates to Lake Champlain Maurie Clark, Annie Procaccini, and Jamie Van Clief.

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Presentation on theme: "Update of Tributary Concentration and Loading Estimates to Lake Champlain Maurie Clark, Annie Procaccini, and Jamie Van Clief."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update of Tributary Concentration and Loading Estimates to Lake Champlain Maurie Clark, Annie Procaccini, and Jamie Van Clief

2 We had a tool, not a problem ●Weighted regression on time, discharge, and season (WRTDS) model ●Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) package in R Studio coding statistical program

3 Learning experience...

4 ●Phosphorus Loading o Eutrophic conditions exist in the lake including, South Lake, St. Albans Bay, and Missisquoi Bay segments ●TMDL o 2002 loading estimates turned down by EPA ●Outdated models… revisit your tools (Philip Halterman) Background… we found a problem

5 Tributaries of interest Tributary Total Phosphorus Mean Load 1000kg/yr Mean Concentration mg/l Winooski152.7.077 Missisquoi113.6.074 Lamoille141.7.099

6 ●Using the new statistical software to evaluate phosphorus trends in and among seasons ●their causation o aided by Geographical Information Systems (GIS) ●make future recommendations Overall Goals, How we used the model

7 ●EGRET package-Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends ●WRTDS- weighted regressions on time, discharge and season. o True condition estimate  understand history of nutrients o Flow normalized estimate  evaluate loading/management process less related to river flow R Studio

8 ●20 years of data ●200 samples at each sampling site o 100 samples needed for estimations ●Complete record of daily discharge Characteristics needed for analysis

9 Patuxent River, Maryland (Hirsch et al. 2010) Why the need for these models? TP Winooski River, Vermont (Us 2015)

10 WRTDS Model- 1st Approach: “True Condition Estimates” Unsampled days t 0, Q 0, unknown C 0 Sampled days t i, Q i, unknown C i How to estimate a concentration? (C 0 ) To: estimate the expected value of concentration for any given date (t 0 ) and discharge (Q 0 )

11 WRTDS Model- 1st Approach: “True Condition Estimates” Unsampled days t 0, Q 0, unknown C 0 Sampled days t i, Q i, unknown C i Sift through and give weight to the sampled days data How to estimate a concentration? (C 0 ) Store in the weighted regression Run regression. Get this equation, use with t 0 and Q 0

12 WRTDS Model- 1st Approach: “True Condition Estimates” Unsampled days t 0, Q 0, unknown C 0 Sampled days t i, Q i, unknown C i Sift through and give weight to the sampled days data How to estimate a concentration? (C 0 ) Store in the weighted regression Run regression. Get this equation, use with t 0 and Q 0 Flux 0 = C 0 x Q 0 ln(c)=β ₀ + β ₁ + β ₂ ln(Q)+ β ₃ sin(2πt) +β ₄ cos(2πt) + ɛ

13 WRTDS Model- 1st Approach: “True Condition Estimates”

14 WRTDS- 2nd Approach: “Flow-normalized estimates” To: estimate concentration and flux in a manner that removes variation that arises from stochasticity in discharge

15 WRTDS- 2nd Approach: “Flow-normalized estimates” Discharge: viewed on any given day as a random sample of the discharges that may have happened on that day For April 21st, 2015 P(Q 04/21/2015 ) = P(Q 04/21/2014 ) = P(Q 04/21/2013 ) = P(Q…) = P(Q 04/21/1972 ) To: estimate concentration and flux in a manner that removes variation that arise from stochasticity in discharge

16 WRTDS- 2nd Approach: “Flow-normalized estimates” To compute FN C 0 for April 21st, 2015 with a 31-year record of discharge:

17 WRTDS- 2nd Approach: “Flow-normalized estimates” To compute FN C 0 for April 21st, 2015 with a 31-year record of discharge: Method estimates 31 values of concentration using WRTDS model Uses the T 0 but Q 04/21/2015, Q 04/21/2014, Q.... 04/21/1972 Take the average of the 31 estimated concentration or flux values Flow-normalized concentration/flux

18 Flow-normalized concentration

19 Drainage area: 850 square miles 686 square miles 1,044 square miles Annual Flow Normalized Graphs of the Missisquoi, Lamoille and Winooski Rivers

20 Land Cover Assessment ●2001 Lake Champlain Basin Simplified Land Cover Dataset o Developed for accurate mapping of land uses, which influence phosphorus loading o 19 NLCD classes -> 8 classes o Derived: National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) and 2001 imagery o 30m pixel cells o Overall 88% accuracy assessment ●Overlaid by watershed and stream corridor data o HUC - 8 watersheds o 800m riparian buffer ● Statistics Derived using ArcGIS

21 Watershed Land Cover

22 Stream Buffer Land Cover

23 ●2009 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) o 10m cell size National Elevation Dataset ●ArcGIS Processing o Generate a slope raster, which displays terrain steepness within the stream corridors o Assess the slope distribution using 3D analyst  5 slope classes by 15° increments Stream Corridor Gradient Assessment


25 Missisquoi River

26 Lamoille River

27 Winooski River

28 Seasonality


30 Conclusions ●This model supports prioritizing management practices to specific tributaries and seasons ●Flow Normalization is an applicable tool ●Revisiting WQS and TMDLs ●Ecological timing

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