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Office 2003 Introductory Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Excel Project 3 What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets.

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1 Office 2003 Introductory Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Excel Project 3 What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets

2 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 2 Objectives Rotate text in a cell Create a series of month names Use the Format Painter button to format cells Copy, paste, insert, and delete cells Format numbers using format symbols

3 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 3 Objectives Freeze and unfreeze titles Show and format the system date Use absolute cell references in a formula Use the IF function to perform a logical test Create a 3-D Pie chart on a separate chart sheet Color and rearrange worksheet tabs

4 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 4 Starting and Customizing Excel Open Excel Double-click title bar to maximize, if necessary Right-click Language bar to close, if necessary Click Getting Started Close button, if necessary Click Toolbar Options and Show Buttons on Two Rows, if necessary

5 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 5 Bolding the Font of the Entire Worksheet Click Select All button (above row heading 1 and to left of column A) Click Bold button

6 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 6 1.Select A1 2.Enter Aquatics Wear as the title 3.Select A2 4.Enter Six-Month Financial Projections as the subtitle Entering Worksheet Titles - Reference Book: Page EX 150

7 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 7 1.Click the Save button 2.When Excel displays the Save As dialog box, type Aquatics Wear Six-Month Financial Projection in the File name text box 3.Click E:\My Documents\ISYS100-ES\Excel in the Save in list. 4.Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box Saving the Workbook - Reference Book: Page EX 150

8 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 8 Rotate Text - Reference Book: Page EX 151 1.Select B3 2.Type July 3.Click Enter box 4.Click Font Size box arrow - Click 11 5.Click Borders button 6.Click Bottom Border button (column 2, row 1) 7.Right-click B3 8.Click Format Cells 9.Click Alignment tab 10.Click 45° point in Orientation area 11.Click OK We just entered text at a 45 degree angle

9 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 9 Using the Fill Handle to Create a Series - Reference Book: Page EX 152 1.Point to the fill handle on the lower-right corner of B3 2.Drag the fill handle to the right to select the range C3:G3 3.Release the mouse button

10 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 10 Auto Fill Options Button - Reference Book: Page EX 153 1.Click the Auto Fill Options button below the lower-right corner of the fill area 2.Click the Auto Fill Options button to hide the Auto Fill Options menu

11 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 11 Copy a Cell’s Format Using Format Painter Button - Reference Book: Page EX 154 1.Click H3 2.Type Total 3.Press LEFT ARROW key 4.Click Format Painter button 5.Click H3 (This assigns the format of cell G3 to cell H3.) 6.Click A4

12 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 12 1.Move mouse pointer to the boundary between column A and B so that the pointer changes to a split double arrow 2.Drag the pointer to the right until the ScreenTip displays, Width: 35.00 (250 pixels) 3.Release the mouse button 4.Click column heading B and drag through column heading G to select columns B through G 5.Move the mouse pointer to the boundary between column B and C and drag the mouse to the right until the ScreenTip displays, Width: 14.00 (103 pixels) 6.Release the mouse button 7.Use the technique described in Step 1 to increase the width of column H to 15.00 Increasing Column Widths - Reference Book: Page EX 155

13 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 13 A4Total Net Revenue A5Cost of Goods Sold A6Gross Margin A8Expenses A9Bonus A10Equipment A11Marketing A12Research and Development A13Selling, General, and Administrative A14Total Expenses A16Operating Income A18Assumptions 1.Enter the row titles in the range A4:A18 as shown here (but without the indents) Entering/Indenting Row Titles - Reference Book: Page EX 156

14 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 14 Entering/Indenting Row Titles - Reference Book: Page EX 156 1.Click A5 2.Click Increase Indent button on the toolbar 3.Select the range A9:A13 4.Click Increase Indent button on the toolbar 5.Click A19

15 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 15 Copy a Range of Cells to a Nonadjacent Destination - Reference Book: Page EX 157-158 1.Select range A9:A13 2.Click Copy button on the toolbar 3.Click A19, top cell in destination area 4.Click Paste button on the toolbar 5.Scroll down so row 5 appears at the top of the window 6.Press the ESC key

16 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 16 Inserting a Row - Reference Book: Page EX 160 1.Right-click row heading 21, the row below where you want to insert a row 2.Click Insert on the shortcut menu 3.Click A21 in the new row and then enter Margin as the row title 4.Right-click row heading 24 and then click Insert on the shortcut menu 5.Click A24 in the new row and then enter Revenue for Bonus as the row title

17 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 17 Entering a Number with Format Symbols Enter the following: B19250,000.00 B205.00% B2162.00% B2214.00% B236.75% B2415,000,000.00 B2530.00%

18 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 18 1.Press CTRL+HOME (This ensures that Excel displays row 1 and column 1 on the screen) 2.Select B4 3.Click Window on the menu bar 4.Click Freeze Panes Freezing Worksheet Titles - Reference Book: Page EX 163

19 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 19 Entering Projected Monthly Total Net Revenue Enter the following: B423538000 C4 10781000 D4 18875345 E4 11451990 F4 15109656 G4 25235860 Click H4 Click AutoSum twice Reference Book: Page EX 165

20 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 20 Your worksheet should look like this

21 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 21 Enter and Format the System Date - Reference Book: Page EX 166 1.Click H2 2.Click Insert Function box on formula bar 3.Click the “Or select a category” arrow 4.Select Date & Time 5.Click NOW in list 6.Click OK 7.Click OK again

22 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 22 Enter and Format the System Date - Reference Book: Page EX 166 1.Right-click H2 2.Click Format Cells 3.Click the Number tab 4.Click Date in Category list 5.Scroll down in Type list 6.Click 3/14/2001 7.Click OK The date is right-aligned because Excel treats it as a number. When you apply the NOW() function, Excel calculates the number of days since December 31, 1899. The decimal point represents the time of day (i.e..75 = 6 p.m.).

23 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 23 Enter a Formula Containing Absolute Cell References - Reference Book: Page EX 169 1.Press CTRL+HOME 2.Click B5 3.Type = 4.Click B4 5.Type *(1-b21 6.Press F4 (Changes b21 from a relative cell reference to an absolute cell reference) 7.Type ) 8.Click Enter box Dollar Signs ($) should go in front of the portion of the cell reference you wish to make static. For example, if you want the column to be static, then b21 would read $b21. If you want the row to be static, then b21 would read b$21. If you want both column and row to be static, then b21 would read $b$21.

24 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 24 Enter a Formula - Reference Book: Page EX 169 1.Click B6 2.Type = 3.Click B4 4.Type – 5.Click B5 6.Click the Enter box

25 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 25 1.Click B9 2.Type =if(b4>=$b$24,$b$19,0) 3.Click the Enter box Enter an IF Function - Reference Book: Page EX 172 Why does Excel display 250,000 in B9?

26 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 26 Entering the Remaining July Formulas 1.Click B10 2.Type =b4*$b$20 3.Press DOWN ARROW 4.Type =b4*$b$22 5.Press DOWN ARROW 6.Type =b4*$b$23 7.Press DOWN ARROW 8.Type =b4*$b$25 9.Press DOWN ARROW 10.Click AutoSum twice (while in B14) 11.Click B16 12.Type =b6-b14 13.Press ENTER 14.Press CTRL+ACCENT MARK(`) to verify your formulas Reference Book: Page EX 173

27 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 27 1.Select range B5:B16 2.Drag the fill handle in the lower-right corner of B16 over to G16 Copy Formulas with Absolute Cell References - Reference Book: Page EX 174

28 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 28 1.Select range H5:H16 2.Hold down CTRL key 3.Select range H9:H14 and cell H16 4.Click AutoSum button Determine Row Totals in Nonadjacent Cells - Reference Book: Page EX 175

29 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 29 1.Press CTRL+HOME to select cell B4 and view the upper-left corner of the screen 2.Click Window on the menu bar 3.Click Unfreeze Panes 4.Click Save button Unfreeze Worksheet Titles and Save Workbook - Reference Book: Page EX 176

30 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 30 1.Select range B3:G3 2.While holding down the CTRL key, select range B16:G16 3.Click the Chart Wizard button on the Standard toolbar 4.Click Pie in the Chart type list 5.Click 3-D Pie chart (column 2, row 1) in the Chart sub-type box 6.Click Next Draw a 3-D Pie Chart - Reference Book: Page EX 188

31 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 31 1.Click Next 2.Type Six-Month Projected Operating Income for Chart title 3.Click Legend tab 4.Click Show legend (to remove the check mark) Draw a 3-D Pie Chart - Reference Book: Page EX 190

32 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 32 Draw a 3-D Pie Chart - Reference Book: Page EX 190 1.Click Data Labels tab 2.Click Category name to select 3.Click Percentage to select 4.Click Show leader lines to select 5.Click Next

33 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 33 1.Click As new sheet 2.Click Finish 3.If the Chart toolbar appears, click Close Draw a 3-D Pie Chart - Reference Book: Page EX 191

34 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 34 Your Pie Chart should look similar to this (without formatting)

35 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 35 1.Click the chart title 2.Click the Font Size box arrow 3.Click 28 in the Font Size list 4.Click Underline button 5.Click the Font Color button arrow 6.Click Red (column 1, row 3) 7.Click one of the five data labels (on slices) 8.Click the Font Size box arrow 9.Click 12 in the Font Size list 10.Click the Bold button 11.Click the Font Color button (for red) Format Chart Title and Data Labels - Reference Book: Page EX 192

36 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 36 1.Click the July slice twice (do not double-click). 2.Click Fill Color button arrow on toolbar Orange 3.Click Orange (column 2, row 2). August – Yellow September – Green October – Plum November – Red December – Blue 4.Change each slice as follows: August – Yellow September – Green October – Plum November – Red December – Blue 5.Click outside the Chart Area to stop Change Colors of Slices in Pie Chart - Reference Book: Page EX 193

37 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 37 1.Click the slice labeled December twice (do not double-click) 2.Drag the slice out to the desired position Explode the 3-D Pie Chart - Reference Book: Page EX 194

38 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 38 1.With December slice selected, Click Chart on the menu bar 2.Click 3-D View 3.Click Up Arrow button until 25 shows in the Elevation box 4.Click Left Rotation button until the Rotation box displays 270 5.Click OK 6.Click outside chart area Rotate and Tilt 3-D Pie Chart - Reference Book: Page EX 195

39 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 39 Your Pie Chart should look similar to this

40 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 40 1.Click the December data label twice (do not double-click) 2.Point to the upper-left sizing handle on the box border and drag the December data label away from the December slice 3.Select and drag the remaining data labels away from their corresponding slices 4.Click outside the chart area Show Leader Lines with Data Labels - Reference Book: Page EX 197

41 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 41 1.Double-click the tab labeled Chart1 2.Type 3-D Pie Chart 3.Press ENTER 4.Right-click the tab 5.Click Tab Color on the Shortcut menu Red 6.Click Red (column 1, row 3) in the Tab Color area 7.Click OK Rename Worksheets and Color Tabs - Reference Book: Page EX 198

42 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 42 1.Rename Sheet1: Six Month Financial Projection Light Yellow 2.Change Tab Color to Light Yellow 3.Drag the Six-Month Financial Projection tab to the left (in front of the 3-D Pie Chart tab) 4.Click E18 Rename Worksheets and Color Tabs - Reference Book: Page EX 198

43 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 43 Quitting Excel Click the Close button on the title bar If asked to Save, click Yes

44 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 44 Summary Rotate text in a cell Create a series of month names Use the Format Painter button to format cells Copy, paste, insert, and delete cells Format numbers using format symbols

45 Excel Project 3: What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets 45 Summary Freeze and unfreeze titles Show and format the system date Use absolute cell references in a formula Use the IF function to perform a logical test Create a 3-D Pie chart on a separate chart sheet Color and rearrange worksheet tabs

46 Office 2003 Introductory Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Excel Project 3 Complete Any questions?

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