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O BJECTIVE P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION OF THE HEVC M AIN S TILL P ICTURE P ROFILE EE5359 Multimedia Project Proposal Under Guidance of Dr. K.R.Rao By Deepu.

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Presentation on theme: "O BJECTIVE P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION OF THE HEVC M AIN S TILL P ICTURE P ROFILE EE5359 Multimedia Project Proposal Under Guidance of Dr. K.R.Rao By Deepu."— Presentation transcript:

1 O BJECTIVE P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION OF THE HEVC M AIN S TILL P ICTURE P ROFILE EE5359 Multimedia Project Proposal Under Guidance of Dr. K.R.Rao By Deepu Sleeba Philip 1001038966

2 1. A CRONYMS A ND A BBREVIATIONS  AMVP: Advanced motion vector prediction  AVC: Advanced Video Coding  BD-PSNR: Bjontegaard metric calculation  CB: Coding Block  CIF: Common Intermediate Format  CU: Coding Unit  CTB: Coding Tree Block  CTU: Coding Tree Unit  DCT: Discrete Cosine Transforms  DST: Discrete Sine Transform  EBCOT: Embedded block coding with optimized truncation  GIF: Graphics interchange format  HEVC: High Efficiency Video Coding  HD: High Definition  JCT-VC: Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding  MC: Motion Compensation  ME: Motion Estimation  MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group

3  MSP: Main Still Picture Profile  MV: Motion Vector  NGOV: Next Generation Open Video  PNG: Portable Network Graphics  PSNR: Peak Signal To Noise Ratio  PU: Prediction Unit  QP: Quantization Parameter  QCIF: Quarter Common Intermediate Format  RD: Rate Distortion  SAO: Sample Adaptive Offset  SAD: Sum of Absolute Differences  SATD: Sum of Absolute Transformed Differences (SATD)  SHVC: Scalable HEVC  SSIM: Structural Similarity  SVC: Scalable Video Coding  TM: True Motion  TU: Transform Unit  URQ: Uniform Reconstruction Quantization  VCEG: Video Coding Experts Group

4 O BJECTIVE  Rate-distortion performance analysis of the HEVC MSP profile in comparison to WebP  The peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and the average bit rate savings in terms of Bjøntegaard delta rate(BD) is considered  The implementation complexity will be evaluated based on the encoding time.

5 O VERVIEW OF C OMPARISON S CHEMES  JPEG  Block based transform coding approach  Step1: Picture is partitioned into non- overlapping 8x8 blocks.  Step2:Each of the block is transformed into freq domain by 2-D DCT. -transmitted by using entropy coding based on Huffman Codes.

6  JPEG XR  -The image is divided into 4X4 blocks for transform coding stage.  -An integer approximation of 4x4 DCT is used(Photo Core Transform)  -Adaptive Huffman Coding is used for entropy coding  JPEG 2000  -Multi resolution approach based on wavelet transform.  Context Adaptive arithmetic coding

7 HEVC  Initial goal 50% reduction in bit rate at the same quality compared to H.264  Better coding efficiency – more than 35% reduction in bit rate.  Support of stereo and multiview  Increased use of parallel processing  Resolution :  HEVC: up to 8k UHD(8192X4320)  H.264: up to 4K UHD (4096X2160)


9 I NTRA PREDICTION MODES IN HEVC  HEVC has 35 luma intra prediction modes (Figure 2)  Intra prediction can be done at different block sizes, ranging from 4 X 4 to 64 X 64 (whatever size the PU has) (Figure 3)  HEVC also includes a planar and DC intra prediction modes Figure 3:Luma intra prediction modes for different PU sizes in HEVC [8] Figure 2: Modes and directional orientations for intra picture prediction for HEVC [1]

10 W EB P  It is based on the intra-frame coding of the VP8 video format [15]  It is a block-based transformation scheme with eight bits of color depth and a luminance- chrominance model with chroma sub sampling by a ratio of 1:2 (YCbCr4:2:0)

11 I NTRA PREDICTION MODES IN WEBP  WebP has three types of blocks:  4x4 luma  16x16 luma  8x8 chroma Modes:  H_PRED (horizontal prediction): Fills each column of the block with a copy of the left column, L.  V_PRED (vertical prediction) : Fills each row of the block with a copy of the above row, A.

12  DC_PRED (DC prediction): Fills the block with a single value using the average of the pixels in the row above A and the column to the left of L[16].  TM PRED (True Motion prediction): In addition to the row A and column L, TM_PRED uses the pixel C above and to the left of the block. Horizontal differences between pixels in A and vertical differences between pixels in L are propagated (starting from C) to form the prediction block.


14 A NIMATED IMAGE  This small gif image of 279x193, this short video weighs as much as 1.5MB.  The WebP animation above is generated on-the-fly by Cloudinary when the dynamic URL is accessed.  It looks the same as the original image, but weighs only 419KB. This means we saved 72% of file size, bandwidth and load time, compared to the original 1.5MB animated GIF. Figure 5. Bored_animation.gif [32]

15 I MAGE Q UALITY M EASUREMENT  The compression quality can be measured by  Objective quality measure- PSNR, MSE  Structural quality measure- SSIM  MSE and PSNR for a NxM pixel image are defined as (1) (2) dB0 where x is the original image and y is the reconstructed image. M and N are the width and height of an image and ‘L’ is the maximum pixel value in the NxM pixel image.

16 I MPLEMENTATION  HEVC compression efficiency will be measured with the HM Test Model [12]. WebP is downloaded from [19].  The rate distortion in HEVC and WebP for MSP is done by plotting graphs for PSNR and BD rate.  The implementation complexity will be evaluated based on the encoding time.

17 R EFERENCE [1] Joint Collaborative Team On Video Coding Information website- 2016/16/Pages/video/jctvc.aspx 2016/16/Pages/video/jctvc.aspx [2] H.261: Video Codec for Audiovisual Services at px64 kbit/s,”” [3] G. J. Sullivan et al, “Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard”, IEEE Transactions Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 1649-1668, Dec. 2012. [4] N. Ahmed, T. Natarajan and K.R. Rao, “Discrete Cosine Transform”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-23, pp. 90-93, Jan. 1974. [5] P.K Ranjan, D. Pacharla, B. Ravindran and D. Mani "Quality evaluation of HEVC Main Still Picture with limited coding tree depth and intra modes", Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, New Delhi. [6] S. Bultje and M. Frost,Access website PPT on “WebM and the new Open Video Codec”.

18 [7] M. Budagavi and V. Sze, content/uploads/2014/06/H.265-HEVC-Tutorial-2014-ISCAS.pdf, " Design and Implementation of Next Generation Video Coding Systems (H.265/HEVC Tutorial)". [8],S. C Kodpadi,"Comparative study of Intra Frame Coding efficiency in HEVC and VP9" EE5359, UTA, spring 2014 [9] J. Bankoski et al, “Towards a Next Generation Open source Video Codec” SPIE Vol. 8666 Page 2, Dec. 2013. [10] D. Grois et al, “Performance Comparison of H.265/ MPEG-HEVC, VP9, and H.264/MPEGAVC Encoders”, IEEE PCS 2013, pp 394-397, San José, CA, USA, Dec 8-11, 2013 [11] M.P. Sharabayko et al, "Intra Compression Efficiency in VP9 and HEVC" Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, no. 137, pp.6803 – 6824, Hikari Ltd, 2013 [12] HM Reference Software- [13] ware-manual.pdf

19 [14] G. Bjøntegaard, “Calculation of average PSNR differences between RD-curves”, ITU-T Q.6/SG16 VCEG 13th Meeting, Document VCEG- M33, Austin, USA, Apr. 2001. [15]F. Liang, X. Peng and J. Xu, "A light weight HEVC Encoder for Image Coding"MSRA-MOE joint key lab, Univ. of Sci and Technology of China, Hefei China [16] J. Bankoski, P. Wilkins and Xu Yaowu "Technical Overview of VP8,an open source video codec for the web", International conference on Multimedia and Expo 2011,pages:1-6 [17] T. Nguyen and D. Marpe, "Objective Performance Evaluation of the HEVC Main Still Picture Profile" IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology,15 September 2014 page:1 [18] “The WebM Project.” [Online]. Available: [19] “WebP Google Developers.” [Online]. Available: com/speed/webp/ [20] “Kodak Lossless True Color Image Suite.” [Online]. Available: [21]P.K. Bansal, M.N. Shukla and A.S. Motra, "VP8 Encoder-Cost effective implementation", SoftCOM,2012 pages(1-6)

20 [22] Z. Xiong, “A comparative study of DCT- and wavelet-based image coding,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., vol.9, pp. 692-695, Aug. 1999. [23] Visual studio download for students for free- [24] Tortoise SVN download- [25]MPL Website- [26] K.R. Rao, D.N. Kim and J.J. Hwang, “Video Coding Standards: AVS China, H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10, HEVC, VP6, DIRAC and VC-1”, Springer, 2014. [27] : program for converting to YUV format. [28] V. Sze,M. Budagavi and G. J. Sullivan (Editors), "High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC): Algorithms and Architectures," Springer,2014 [29] Iain Richardson/ “HEVC An Introduction to High Efficiency Video Coding” 2013 [30] Iain Richardson, “Video Codec Design: Developing Image and Video Compression Systems”, Wiley, 2002. [31] image_databases.htm [32] to_webp_and_save_up_to_90_bandwidth

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