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Work Package 2 / 3 TECHNOLOGICAL & PROCEDURAL HARMONISATION FixO3 General Assembly 14 th to the 16 th October 2014, Heraklion-CRETE ESTOC, PLOCAN,

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1 Work Package 2 / 3 TECHNOLOGICAL & PROCEDURAL HARMONISATION FixO3 General Assembly 14 th to the 16 th October 2014, Heraklion-CRETE ESTOC, PLOCAN,,

2 WP 2 / WP3 – Technological & Procedural Harmonisation Task 2.1:Review of the current status of all fixed observing sites Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures Current status of the Observatory (October 2014) Position: 29,181º N; 15.585º W ODAS Buoy + Mooring line Sensors at ODAS buoy: Meteo.: Barometric Pressure, air temperature, Relative humidity, PAR and Wind speed and direction. Ocean: sea surface temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, pCO 2, Chlorophyll, turbidity. Sensors at mooring line (100m depth): Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll and current people involved: Xabier Remirez, A. Cianca and other technicians

3 Significant results/highlights Data Management and Data Access WP 2 / WP3 – Technological & Procedural Harmonisation Task 2.1:Review of the current status of all fixed observing sites Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures Real Time (parameters) Delayed Mode (Parameters at 100m) - Temperature - Salinity - Dissolved Oxygen - Current - Chlorophyll;

4 WP 2 / WP3 – Technological & Procedural Harmonisation Task 2.1:Review of the current status of all fixed observing sites Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures Operating Scheme/Schematic (with time intervals) Pre- Deployment (5 months) - Maintenance buoy and sensors (cleaning and repairs) -Calibration for sensors (if needed) -Sensor and mooring line purchase (if needed). -Sensor validation prior to fix in the buoy (water tank and laboratory measurements) - On land test prior coastal-site deployment Coastal-site Deployment 15- 30 days) -after deployment, the buoy is recovered, buoy and sensors are cleaned for ESTOC deployment - Sensor maintenance or replacement (if needed) ESTOC-site Deployment 2 - 5 days (ship-time availability and weather conditions) On the Field (1 day) Casual visit because of communication problems. For that, it is necessary very good weather and ship availability. Pre- Deployment: sensor validations – land test – coastal-site test - Design issue: a bad weight distribution produced a slight tilting angle. Redistribution of weight. -Over expected power consumption from pCO2 and pH sensor. Change in the configuration of the sensors. - Difficulties with meteorological sensor validation (calibration from manufacturers). Only a comparison with sensors from AEMET was available.

5 WP 2 / WP3 – Technological & Procedural Harmonisation Task 2.1:Review of the current status of all fixed observing sites Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures ESTOC seasonal sampling Calibration CTD/sampler profiler Mooring Deployment Deployment procedure: Accessory buoy deployment Mooring line Deployment and fixing sensors on the line or frame Anchor launching Accessory buoy recovering and replacement for the ODAS buoy R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa

6 On the field: WP 3 – Procedural Harmonisation Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures RAW DATA Relational Database (postGIS) METADATA ARGOS ; Data transfer and position alarms Thredds Data Server (TDS) RTQC applied Data files Django web framework PLOTS USER NetCDF Oceansites

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