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Homework (due Tuesday) I-5 due tomorrow Quiz on India Tuesday.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework (due Tuesday) I-5 due tomorrow Quiz on India Tuesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework (due Tuesday) I-5 due tomorrow Quiz on India Tuesday

2 Aim: What are the key beliefs of Buddhism?

3 I. Siddhartha Gautama (560 B.C.- 480 B.C.) 1.A rich Hindu prince who lived in North India/Nepal 2. Lived in luxury while his family hid all suffering from him 3. When he finally sees illness, old age and death, he leaves home to find enlightenment.

4 I. Siddhartha Gautama (560 B.C.- 480 B.C.) 4. One day, he meditated under a bodhi tree. He finally reached Enlightenment as to the true meaning of life. 5. Dubbed himself the “Buddha” or Awakened One. Began to spread his teachings throughout India

5 II. Teachings of Buddhism A.The Four Noble Truths: 1. Life is full of suffering 2. Suffering is caused by desire 3. The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goals 4. Following the Eightfold Path will help people overcome desire. Then you achieve Nirvana (goal of the religion = Union with the universe and release from the cycle of death and rebirth).

6 Eightfold Path Activity Read over the steps that Buddhists are expected to follow to achieve enlightenment on the Eightfold Path. Then, on the second page of handout, write one thing that YOU could do to carry out this step in your daily life.

7 Period 1 Teams Massimio – Madelyn C Jack – Caroline D Griffen – Melanie Christian – Caroline L Sean – Cat Nikko – Ben Robert – William Philip – Alex Joe – Madelyn S - Michaela Teddi – Brad Alfred – Kiki Laura – Alex R Daniela – Jessica Chris - Teddy

8 Period 4 Teams Ariana-Kevin C Chris – Grace Kevin B – Andrea Jack – Stephanie Samantha – Robert DC Philip – Deandra Jake – Alex Mansi – Robert L Meghan – Ashley Luca – Ryan Elena – Lizzie Lauren – Alex M Joe – Briana Aidan – Paula - Maria

9 Period 7 Teams James – Danielle Samantha– Laura Aidan – Nehemias – Charlese Sabrina – Marissa Di – Eddie – Madeline Felicia – Luke Yeabin – William Y Mario – Jessica Chris – Sherry Ashley F – Lauren Kate – Bryan Jallah – Ashley K Will B – Halle

10 Period 8 Teams Mackenzie – Ethan Samantha – Lily Maggie – Kyle Noelle – Colby Nicholas – Kerry Devin – Sofia Bella – Grace Sachi – Grant Maddy – Hunter Marissa – Natalie Katiera – Jack Belle – Olivia – Danielle

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