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Ecology Front of card Back of card Study of living and non-living things and their relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology Front of card Back of card Study of living and non-living things and their relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology Front of card Back of card Study of living and non-living things and their relationships.

2 Biotic Front of card Back of card living things Plants & animals

3 Abiotic Front of card Back of card Non-living things Sunlight, soil, rocks, temp.

4 Limiting Factors Front of card Back of card Any resource or condition that lowers the success of an organism. Competition, predators, space, temp.

5 Levels in the Biosphere Front of card Back of card Orange People Can’t Ever Be Blue Organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biome, Biosphere

6 Organism Front of card Back of card A living thing

7 Population Front of card Back of card A group of organisms of the same species, place & time.

8 Community Front of card Back of card 2 or more populations in an area.

9 Ecosystem Front of card Back of card Community and biotic and abiotic factors.

10 Biome Front of card Back of card Large ecosystem based on climate Ex. rainforest, tundra, grassland

11 Biosphere Front of card Back of card Part of earth that can sustain life.

12 Taxonomy Front of card Back of card The study of the classification of living things.

13 Taxon (hierarchical classification) Front of card Back of card Did King Philip Come Over For Grape Soda? Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (general  specific)

14 3 Domains Front of card Back of card Archaea – ancient bacteria Eubacteria – true bacteria Eukarya - eukaryotes

15 6 Kingdoms Front of card Back of card Archaea Eubacteria Protista Fungi Animalia Plantae

16 Species Front of card Back of card A group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

17 Binomial Nomenclature Front of card Back of card Each organism has a 2 part scientific name: Genus and species.

18 Dichotomous Key Front of card Back of card A device that can be used to easily identify an unknown organism.

19 Biogeochemical cycle Front of card Back of card Cycle of transferring nutrients from the environment to an organism and back.

20 Open Ecosystem Front of card Back of card Energy and matter can flow in & out.

21 3 processes in Water cycle Front of card Back of card Cellular respiration – gives off water Transpiration – loss of water through leaves. Photosynthesis – uses water

22 Precipitation Front of card Back of card Rain, snow, sleet or hail

23 Standing water Front of card Back of card Holds water on land Lakes & swamps.

24 Ground Water Front of card Back of card Holds water underground

25 Evaporation Front of card Back of card Water changes from liquid to gas.

26 Condensation Front of card Back of card Water changes from gas to liquid. CLOUDS

27 Run-off Front of card Back of card Returns water to oceans, lakes, streams.

28 Acid Rain Front of card Back of card Precipitation with a low pH. Caused by sulfur dioxide (g) & nitrous oxides (g)

29 Sulfur dioxide Front of card Back of card From industries. Mixes with water in air to make sulfuric acid.

30 Nitrous Oxides Front of card Back of card From fertilizers and car exhaust. Mix with water to form nitric acid.

31 Effects of Acid Rain Front of card Back of card Kill crops, forests, fish, soil bacteria. Corrodes metals.

32 Solutions for Acid Rain Front of card Back of card Scrubbers in smoke stacks, add lime(chemical) to lakes to  pH. Less car emissions. Walk, ride bike, take bus…

33 Carbon in Living Things Front of card Back of card Trapped and stored by photosynthesis and chemosynthesis. Released by respiration, decomposition, and combustion.

34 Carbon in non-living things Front of card Back of card Most carbon is found in oceans and rocks, shells and corals. Only 0.03% of atmosphere is CO 2

35 Respiration Front of card Back of card Uses O 2 and releases CO 2

36 Combustion Front of card Back of card Uses O 2 and releases CO 2

37 Decomposition Front of card Back of card Uses O 2 and releases CO 2

38 Photosynthesis Front of card Back of card Uses CO 2 and releases O 2

39 Chemosynthesis Front of card Back of card Uses CO 2 to make C 6 H 12 O 6 Happens near deep sea vents on bottom of ocean

40 Greenhouse Effect Front of card Back of card CO 2 in atmosphere traps heat in. Due to burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

41 Solutions to Greenhouse Effect Front of card Back of card Decrease burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

42 Ozone holes Front of card Back of card Ozone (O 3 ) is broken down by CFCs causing holes in the layer. Ozone protects earth from UV radiation.

43 Effects of Ozone holes Front of card Back of card Skin cancer, eye problems and aging of skin.

44 What nitrogen is used for. Front of card Back of card 1. Proteins (amino acids) 2. Cells 3. Nucleic acids – DNA & RNA

45 3 parts of Nitrogen cycle Front of card Back of card 1. Nitrogen fixation (bacteria and lightening convert N 2(g) to NO 3- ) 2. Nitrification (cycle) 3. Denitrification (NO 3- converted to N 2(g) by anaerobic bacteria)

46 Nitrogen fixation Front of card Back of card Lightening

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