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Economics Unit 5 Personal Finance Who wants to be a millionare??

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Presentation on theme: "Economics Unit 5 Personal Finance Who wants to be a millionare??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics Unit 5 Personal Finance Who wants to be a millionare??

2 How? Play the Texas Lotto?

3 Question 1: Are most millionares college graduates?

4 Yes 4/5 millionaires are college graduates 18% have masters 8% law degrees 6% medical degrees 6% Ph.D.

5 Question 2: Over/under 40 hours a week worked by millionaires?

6 Over. About 70% of millionaires work between 45-55 hours a week.

7 Question 3: True/False: Over half of millionaires received money from a trust fund (parents) or inherited most of their money.

8 False. Only 19% received any income/wealth of any kind from a trust fund Less than 10% inherited more than 1/10 th of their wealth.

9 Question 4: Do more millionaires have American Express Gold cards or Sears cards?

10 Sears card. 28% have credit card 43% have Sears card

11 Question 5: Do more millionaires have Cadillacs or Fords?

12 Ford. Ford is preferred by 10% of millionaires Cadillac is preferred by 8% of millionaires Lincoln is preferred by 7% of millionaires Only 23% of millionaires drive a current year (new) car

13 Question 6: Do most millionaires work in big Fortune 500 Companies?

14 No. About 3/4 of millionaires are self-employed Consider themselves to be entrepreneurs

15 Question 7: Do many poor people become millionaires by winning the lottery?

16 No. Few people get rich the easy way. The chances of winning the lottery are 1 in 12 million In contrast, you have a 1 in 1.9 million change of being struck by lightling

17 Question 8: Over/under 50% more income college graduates earn over their high school graduate counterparts?

18 Over. College graduates earn 66% more than high school grads People with professional degrees earn 150% more than the average high school graduate

19 Question 9: Do day traders usually beat the stock market and become millionaires?

20 No. Recent studies suggest 80% of day traders lose money.

21 Question 10: If you want to be a millionaire, should you avoid the risky stock market?

22 No. Almost 95% of millionaires own stocks. Since 1926, stocks have increased at 11% at a compounded, annual rate of return. 11% exceeds any other type of investment. Investing in stocks does involve risk.

23 Question 11: At age 18 you decide not to drink one coke a day and save $1.50 each day. You invest this $1.50 at 8% annual interest until you are 67. At age 67, would your savings from not drinking one coke each day be over/under a quarter of a million dollars?

24 Over. It would be almost $300,000 Because of the power of compound interest, small savings can make a big difference. It pays to save and live below your means.

25 Question 12: If you save $2,000 a year from age 22 to age 65 at 8% interest, your savings will be about… How much?

26 Over $700,000 Regular saving will make you a millionaire even if your income is modest.

27 Question 13: True/False: Single people are more often millionaires than married people.

28 False. Most millionaires are married and stay married.

29 Improving your financial life: Get a good ecucation. Work long, hard, and smart. Learn money- management skills. Live below your means. Buy a home. Save early and often. Invest in mutual funds/common stucks for the long term Gather information before purchasing

30 Net Worth Assets: What you own and can exchange for value. This includes any savings, houses, cars, personal possessions, etc. Liabilities: Money you owe others. This could include mortgage, car loans, credit card, debt, student loans, etc. Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth People can have a large income and still have a low net worth if they have many liabilities.

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