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Sunday service Mahubiri na Rev Philip Gichuri. SALT Theme:

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1 Sunday service Mahubiri na Rev Philip Gichuri

2 SALT Theme:

3 2 Kings :19:22 Col 4:6 The reading of the day is one of the first miracle of Elisha Leaders of the town of Jericho went to Elisha because they had a problem The problem was that the water was bad and the land unproductive.

4 Elisha “Bring me a new bowl salt in it” and threw the salt into the spring that was producing water. After that there was no more death or infertility. There was change due to the salt

5 6.Associated with the way we speak Colossians 4:6 “Let your conversations be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” How we speak reveals a lot about us. Speaking with intelligence and consideration. There is power in our tongues we can bless and curse.

6 Ephesians 4:29- Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth- but only for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Tongue brings healing: Prove 12:18- reckless words pierce like a sword but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 16:24- Gracious words are like a honey comb, sweetness to the soul and healthy to the body.

7 Preserve ones life: Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life, he who opens wide his mouth comes to ruin. Turns away wrath: Proverbs 15:1 A just answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger Our words are more powerful than we may realize. They may have a lasting effect that is difficult to recover from Proverbs 18:21- Tongue was power of life and death

8 “Alan Redpath: Agreed to apply this formula before speaking: THINK T- Is it True: H- Is it Helpful I -Is it Inspiring N-Is it Necessary K- Is it Kind Tongue has power to bless

9 Words of encouragement can be life words Let us speak life words that brings encouragements Encouragement motivates one

10 1 Peter 3:10 Refrain his tongue from evil and his lips they speak no guile. Our speech should always be Gracious- mercifulness do not be unkind/ depreciating.

11 Salt indicates the following: Salt indicates purity in speech Job 6:6- Salt enhances flavour Salt symbolises keeping a promise numbers 18:19 Salt speak of goodness - Mark 9:50 We need to guard our lips Psalm 19:14

12  Christians Should be Sensitive to the needs, Hurts and disappointment of others.

13 Conclusion: OOnly God can control our tongues so that we can bless, encourage, build and give blessings to others through our words. MMatthew 12:36

14 We are of great value and that is why we bought by a prize that is Christ died for our sin. (1 Corinthians 6:19, 1 Corinthians 7:23-24) Someone who's life has been added value will be able to resist the evil one. Value means: Living a life of integrity accountability empowered

15 2. VALUE - DHAMANA (salt was used to signify value) Salt when dissolved in water improves the density of water the change in density makes the water be able to have strength to hold objects ( a float) this adds value to the water so that not every object sinks to the bottom of the glass

16 we are of great value and that is why we bought by a prize that is Christ died for our sin. (1 Corinthians 6:19, 1 Corinthians 7:23-24) Someone who's life has been added value will be able to resist the evil one. Value means: Living a life of integrity accountability empowered

17 Worship only one God : 1 Samuel 15:23, Mathew 6:31-34 Live a moral life : Mark 7:20-22

18 SALT MAKES US DIFFERENT The change in density makes the water to be different from ordinary: From Soft water Hard water This changes the name to brine solution Be different from ordinary 2 Peter 2:9 - You are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a peculiar people

19 (King James Version) Peculiar means: - Uncommon - People who belong to God, God's possession We are God's own special people

20 Worship only one God : 1 Samuel 15:23, Mathew 6:31-34 Live a moral life : Mark 7:20-22

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