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Psychoanalysis Developed by Sigmund Freud

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2 Psychoanalysis Developed by Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalysis is both an approach to therapy and a theory of personality Emphasizes unconscious motivation – the main causes of behavior lie buried in the unconscious mind Keywords: psychoanalytic approach, unconscious motivation Graphics: picture of Freud pg. 420 Myers

3 Dr. Sigmund Freud 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939

4 Born in Freiburg in Moravia
View of Freiburg

5 Freud and his father,

6 Freud’s mother, Amalia

7 Early Life 1859: Moves to Leipzig 1860: Moves to Vienna
3 brothers and 5 sisters 1865: Enters Leopoldstäter Real-und Obergymnasium, where he is a brilliant student from the outset 1873: Graduates by passing his exams most impressively 1876: Wins a research grant 1877: Joins Ernst Brücke, German physiologist teaching at the University of Vienna 1881: Obtains his medical degree

8 Jacob Freud’s family, Vienna, 1878

9 Trains at Vienna General Hospital, 1582-1585

10 Studies in France with French neurologist, Jean Martin Charcot They work at the mental hospital, the Salpêtrière 1886: Returns via Berlin, where he studies children’s diseases Opens private practice Marries Martha Bernays

11 Jean Martin Charcot

12 Charcot, La Leçon

13 Engagement picture; Martha Bernays

14 1887-1900 1877: Mathilde born 1877: Meets Wilhelm Fliess
1888: Begins to publish papers 1889: Jean-Martin born 1891: Oliver born 1893: Sophie born 1895: Anna born 1895: Studies on Hysteria, with Breuer 1896: The word “psychoanalysis” appears in print for the first time 1899/1900: The Interpretation of Dreams

15 Wilhelm Fliess

16 Josef Breuer

17 Studies on Hysteria, 1895

18 The Interpretation of Dreams, 1899/1900

19 1901-1910 1901/1904: The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
1902: Founds the Psychological Wednesday Society 1905: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious 1905: Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality 1907: Jung first visits Freud’s home 1908: First International Congress of Psychoanalysts 1909: Little Hans, Rat Man 1910: Publishes more papers

20 The Psychopathology Of Everyday Life, 1901

21 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, 1905

22 Information in your immediate awareness Rational, planful, mediating
dimension of personality Information which can easily be made conscious Moralistic, judgmental, perfectionist dimension of personality Discovering psych2e Figure p372 Irrational, illogical, impulsive dimension of personality Thoughts, feelings, urges, and other information that is difficult to bring to conscious awareness

23 Psychoanalytic Approach
Conscious – all things we are aware of at any given moment Keywords: conscious, preconscious, unconscious Graphics: fig pg. 475 Hockenbury

24 Psychoanalytic Approach
Preconscious – everything that can, with a little effort, be brought into consciousness Graphics: fig pg. 475 Hockenbury

25 Psychoanalytic Approach
Unconscious – inaccessible warehouse of anxiety-producing thoughts and drives Graphics: fig pg. 475 Hockenbury

26 Psychoanalytic Divisions of the Mind
Id—instinctual drives present at birth does not distinguish between reality and fantasy operates according to the pleasure principle Ego—develops out of the id in infancy understands reality and logic mediator between id and superego Superego internalization of society’s moral standards responsible for guilt Keywords: id

27 Id: The Pleasure Principle
Pleasure principle—drive toward immediate gratification, most fundamental human motive Sources of energy Eros—life instinct, perpetuates life Thanatos—death instinct, aggression, self-destructive actions Libido—sexual energy or motivation

28 Ego: The Reality Principle
Reality principle —ability to postpone gratification in accordance with demands of reality (ex: waiting turn in line) Ego—rational, organized, logical, mediates demands of reality Can repress desires that cannot be met in an acceptable manner

29 Superego: Conscience Internalization of societal and parental values
Allows you to judge right or wrong Can be harshly punitive using feelings of guilt

30 Unconscious mental processes employed by the ego to reduce anxiety
Defense Mechanisms Unconscious mental processes employed by the ego to reduce anxiety Keywords: defense mechanisms

31 Discovering psych2e Table 10.1 p375

32 Defense Mechanisms Repression —keeping anxiety-producing thoughts out of the conscious mind Reaction formation —replacing an unacceptable wish with its opposite Keywords: repression, reaction formation

33 Defense Mechanisms Displacement—when a drive directed to one activity by the id is redirected to a more acceptable activity by the ego Sublimation—displacement to activities that are valued by society Keywords: displacement, sublimation

34 Defense Mechanisms Projection—reducing anxiety by attributing unacceptable impulses to someone else Rationalization—reasoning away anxiety-producing thoughts Regression—retreating to a mode of behavior characteristic of an earlier stage of development Keywords: projection, rationalization, regression

35 Psychosexual Stages Freud’s five stages of personality development, each associated with a particular erogenous zone Fixation—an attempt to achieve pleasure as an adult in ways that are equivalent to how it was achieved in these stages (someone who chews gum, bites fingernails, smokes, may have unresolved oral psychosexual conflicts) Keywords: fixation

36 Oral Stage (birth – 1 year)
Mouth is associated with sexual pleasure Weaning a child can lead to fixation if not handled correctly Fixation can lead to oral activities in adulthood Keywords: oral stage

37 Anal Stage (1 – 3 years) Anus is associated with pleasure
Toilet training can lead to fixation if not handled correctly Fixation can lead to anal retentive or expulsive behaviors in adulthood Keywords: anal stage

38 Phallic Stage (3 – 5 years)
Focus of pleasure shifts to the genitals Oedipus or Electra complex can occur Fixation can lead to excessive masculinity in males and the need for attention or domination in females Keywords: phallic stage, Oedipus complex, Electra complex

39 Latency Stage (5 – puberty)
Sexuality is repressed Children participate in hobbies, school, and same-sex friendships Keywords: latency stage

40 Genital Stage (puberty on)
Sexual feelings re-emerge and are oriented toward others Healthy adults find pleasure in love and work; fixated adults have their energy tied up in earlier stages Keywords: genital stage

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