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HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. LEARNING OUTCOMES  Understanding Cities in the Global Periphery and Semi-periphery.

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2 LEARNING OUTCOMES  Understanding Cities in the Global Periphery and Semi-periphery

3 WHERE ARE THE MOST POPULOUS CITIES?  Mostly located in less prosperous parts  Sao Paulo (Brazil)  Mexico City (Mexico)  Mumbai (India)  Dhaka (Bangladesh)  Delhi (India)

4 PULL FACTORS TO THE CITY  Opportunities (More often imagined)  Rural Persons  Migrants  Believe there are job opportunities  Primate cities (so no other cities with opportunities)  Stark contrasts exist between rich and poor.

5 PROBLEMS WITH SHANTYTOWNS  No plumbing  Lots of disease  Ethnically isolated  Typically are found on the out edges of the city  Minimal transportation  Means people congregate in an area  Made of any material found

6 CORE COUNTRIES VS. PERIPHERY & TRANSPORTATION  Rural migration occurred earlier  Zoning laws prevent shantytowns  Higher levels of transportation  Transportation impacts how a city develops  Developed before or after roads or railroads

7 GRIFFIN-FORD MODEL CBD district still present Transportation coordinator “Spine is part of CBD” /Elite live next to it Wealthy/middle class stay put and re-invest in their houses Disamenity sector (poorest)

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