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SITE VISIT AGENDA 9:00 am : Welcome & Introductions 9:30 am: Brief Orientation to the City and Neighborhood 9:45 am: Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant.

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Presentation on theme: "SITE VISIT AGENDA 9:00 am : Welcome & Introductions 9:30 am: Brief Orientation to the City and Neighborhood 9:45 am: Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant."— Presentation transcript:

1 SITE VISIT AGENDA 9:00 am : Welcome & Introductions 9:30 am: Brief Orientation to the City and Neighborhood 9:45 am: Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant (CNPG) Big Picture 12:15 pm: Break and Lunch 1:15 pm: Neighborhood Planning Process 2:30 pm: People Planning Process 3:45 pm: Housing Planning Process 6:00 pm: Community Stakeholder meeting

2 Happy Valentine’s Day! We Kingsport!

3 Project Website:

4 The City of Kingsport Eastman Chemical Company Domtar Northeast State Community College Kingsport City Schools Holston Valley Medical Center / Wellmont ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS

5 Key Partners and Stakeholders Housing Appalachian Service Project Eastern Eight Community Development Lee Apartments Resident Association Michael Brady Inc. Master Developer (to be determined) People Alliance for Business & Training Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kingsport Domtar Eastman Chemical Company ET & CS Frontier Health Kingsport Chamber of Commerce Kingsport City Schools Literacy Council of Kingsport Northeast State Community College Rural Health Services Consortium The Sullivan County Department of Human Services Wellmont Health System - Holston Valley Medical Center UETHDA UETHDA - Head Start Kingsport Senior Center Neighborhood Domtar Eastman Chemical Company Kingsport Chamber of Commerce Kingsport Tomorrow Northeast State Community College South Central Kingsport Community Development Inc. United Way of Greater Kingsport The City of Kingsport Development Services – Planning, Community Development Economic Development Fire Metro Transportation Planning/Kingsport Area Transit Service Parks, Recreation & Leisure Police Public Works

6 Kingsport Housing & Redevelopment Authority (KHRA) - Board, Residents & Staff Planning Initiative Lead Urban Collage (UC) Principal Planning Coordinator The Communities Group International (TCGI) Community Planning, Finance & Development Consultant Thomas Point Associates, Inc. Economic Development and Market Analyst Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc. Environmental and Civil Engineer TEAM

7 Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Leigh E. van Rij Office of Public Housing Investments Kevin Jones Director, Financial Management Center Ed Ellis Director, Knoxville Field Office Suzanne Wright, Field Office-Field Policy Management Karen Haynes, Field Office Public Housing GRANTOR


9 PRESENTATION AGENDA Brief Orientation to the City and Neighborhood Context Previous Plans Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant (CNPG) Overview Planning Goals Process & Schedule Communication Plan Key Partners and Community Stakeholders Discussion


11 Overview: A Legacy of inspired city-building “The Kingsport Spirit” The city has always looked to the future for inspiration and direction Progressive Development Interlocking industries Workforce housing Planning / Urban Design The Nolen Plan Introduction of zoning Architecture Innovative typologies Early design guidelines World-class designers

12 A Region growing in importance The larger area has opportunities for CN linkages: Major open space like Bays Mountain Park Interstate access Tri-Cities airport Tourism Overview: Physical Context

13 A Center with established assets The historic center, the focus of the CN study, has many assets to build on: Revitalizing Downtown Major employers that are invested in the community An excellent medical center Cradle-to-college school facilities An arts presence at the Renaissance Center Natural refuges like the Kingsport Greenbelt Great design and public spaces like Church Circle

14 Kingsport Tomorrow: Vision 2017 Model City Coalition: Downtown Kingsport Gateways / Development Plan Core Urban Areas Redevelopment Plan; Priorities for Greater Kingsport Economic Analysis for Redevelopment Areas VISCOR Visioning Summary; Downtown TIF District Riverview HOPE VI DOJ Byrne Grant Mayor’s Task Force on Livability Model Cities Coalition Update; Crosstown Connector; Regional Bike / Pedestrian Plan 1997 1999 2000 2001 2005 2006 2010 2011 2012 Planning Chronology Overview: Previous Plans

15 1997: Vision 2017 Initiative to generate ideas on what the city should be like on its centennial anniversary Document organized around five issues: people, places, play, jobs and government Some important concepts / goals: Linking business and education Model of environmental excellence Greenbelts, parks and trails Attention to natural areas Diverse, high-quality job attraction Regional convention center Improved roads / highway access Responsive government High level of citizen involvement

16 1999: Model City Coalition Physical design plan as outgrowth of Vision 2017 Focus on improving Downtown and the corridors leading to it Emphasis on implementation, economic development Gateways Component General recommendations such as signage, lighting Wilcox Drive Gateway Corridor: streetscape, bridge improvements, portals at Wilcox and Sullivan, Sullivan and Center Stone Drive Gateway Corridor: interchange plantings, streetscape, road improvements, portals at Lynn Garden / Center, Center / Clinchfield Overview: Previous Plans

17 1999: Model City Coalition Public Realm Component Return Broad Street to Nolen Plan configuration Restore Cement Hill Establish the Nolen Square Develop Center and Main Develop Main Street Park, enlarge Glen Bruce Park Develop Justice Plaza Development Component New townhouse developments in northwest, southeast Additional retail / restaurants, corporate office Northeast State Technical Community College presence Wellness center Community arts center Industrial Heritage Center Overview: Previous Plans

18 2000-2001 Plans Urban Areas Redevelopment Plan / Economic Analysis Policy document to support creation of tax-increment financing districts Major emphasis on Downtown redevelopment Supporting economic analysis done the following year Priorities for Greater Kingsport Follow-up to Vision 2017 with five goals: Embrace regionalism Diversify economic base Balance growth / development with natural resource conservation Raise education level for youths and adults Maintain a high quality of life Overview: Previous Plans

19 2005: VISCOR Visual Image Study / Code and Ordinance Review Evaluation of prior visioning, synthesis into single community vision Public policy review Recommendations for planning and regulations to achieve desired vision Important Elements Extensive Visual Preference Survey with over 1,000 respondents Summary of desired visual characteristics for fifteen development / public space / infrastructure categories Overview: Previous Plans

20 2005: VISCOR Key Regulatory Recommendations Revisions to future land use plan, Redevelopment Corridors study (street classifications) New pedestrian mobility plan Code revisions including zoning (consider form-based) ordinance and subdivision regulations Tree preservation ordinance Historic districts design guideline Overview: Previous Plans

21 2005: VISCOR Key Public Improvements Recommendations Pedestrian mobility plan Streetscapes and sidewalks Bike lanes and traffic calming Church Circle enlargement / landscaping Cement Hill landscaping / improvements Parks master plan / new neighborhood parks Redevelopment of blighted commercial sites including several in downtown Overview: Previous Plans

22 2006: Riverview HOPE VI $50MM revitalization of 92 distressed public housing units in Riverview neighborhood Completed in 2010, one year ahead of schedule Diverse mixed-income program 54 units of senior/disabled housing in renovated historic school 22 single-family detached rental homes 8 rental duplexes 24 scattered-site single-family detached homeownership 4 YouthBuild single dwelling homes for homeownership Additional 9 single dwelling houses for homeownership from sales proceeds Endowment Fund for Community Supportive Services Overview: Previous Plans

23 2011: Mayor’s Livability Task Force Initiated in response to AARP survey Assessment of city’s quality of life Short-term goals to: Improve communication to build civic awareness Enhance access to services Intensify business recruitment Invest in K-12 schools Long-term goals for: Housing rehabilitation and development Clean air and groundwater standards Neighborhood crime reduction And ongoing efforts to: Expand multimodal mobility options including connections to the Greenbelt Add community facilities like the aquatic center, library expansion, new parks Overview: Previous Plans Source: FINAL_Blue_Ribbon_Task_Force_Report_to_BMA.pdf

24 2012: Model City Coalition Plan Update Evaluation of progress since 1997 ($42MM private, $129MM public investment) Key recommendation: oversight team to manage plan execution Three focus areas: Housing (upscale apartments / condos, lofts, SF residential) Magnets (retail, entertainment, sports, leisure / festivals, higher education, government) Aesthetics, gateways, infrastructure (Wilcox Drive, Stone Drive gateway corridors; Nolen Square, streetscaping) Overview: Previous Plans Source: Model_City_Coalition_budget_presentation_to_BMA.pdf

25 Relevant Projects Crosstown Connector Phase 5 Library renovation / expansion Eastman Chemical expansion at Borden Mill Holston Valley Medical Center renovation/ expansion Historic State Theater Overview: Previous Plans


27 Overview: Choice Neighborhood Initiative “Choice Neighborhoods grants transform distressed neighborhoods and public and assisted projects into viable and sustainable mixed- income neighborhoods by linking housing improvements with appropriate services, schools, public assets, transportation, and access to jobs.” KHRA has received a $300,000 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) Planning Grant by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) One of 17 grantees across the country GOAL : Develop a comprehensive Transformation Plan to revitalize the target neighborhood planning area.

28 Overview: Planning Goals - Develop a TRANSFORMATION PLAN for… HOUSING Energy efficient, mixed- income, one-for-one replacement NEIGHBORHOOD Well-functioning, economically viable, mixed-income neighborhoods PEOPLE Improved health, safety, employment, mobility, and education

29 Overview: Planning Goals - Neighborhood Transform the Selected Neighborhood through: Good Services Quality Schools Improved Public Assets Convenient Public Transportation Access to Jobs 29

30 Overview: Planning Goals - People Education: Better Schools and Resources Learning from Cradle to College Preparation for Employment Community and Supportive Services: Health Safety Employment 30

31 Overview: Planning Goals - Housing Transform “distressed” Public and Assisted Housing into Housing that is: Energy Efficient Mixed Income Well-designed Financially Healthy for the Long Term One for One Replacement requirement for units being redeveloped Current residents have right of return 31

32 Overview: Physical Context CNI Study Area Bounded by: Kingsport Greenbelt on the north; Center Street, Railroads, and Wilcox Drive on the west and south; Center Street, Wateree Street, Piedmont Drive and Dorothy Street on the east.

33 Overview: Physical Context The TARGET Housing

34 Overview: Neighborhood Characteristics Poverty Rate 40.02% Part I crime rate 2.21 times that of the city Long-term vacancy rate 17.88 versus 8.66 for Sullivan County Target Housing: 128 units Rehabilitation Cost per unit $102,273 Structural Deficiencies Outdated building systems On-site infrastructure replacement Unit design deficiencies

35 1.Research and Data Collection 2.Examine Issues and Needs 3.Develop Sustainable Transformation Strategies and Indicators to Measure Outcomes, and a Community Vision and Goals for Housing Supply Community Growth (People) Neighborhood Improvement 4.Finalize and Document the Transformation Plan I Overview: Planning Process

36 Planning Grant Application Submitted: May 2012 Grant Received: October 2012 HUD Site Visit: February 2013 Focus Groups: quarterly meetings Steering Committee: quarterly meetings Plan completed: October 2014 Overview: Planning Schedule

37 Overview: Community Engagement Resident Meeting - April 24, 2012 Resident Kickoff Meeting – Dec 10, 2012 Partner & Community Meeting – Dec 10. 2012

38 Overview: Communication Plan Resident Training Transformation Team, Steering Committee, and Focus Group Meetings Issues forums, workshops and charrettes Flyers posted in local access centers Resident and Community Survey Press releases Social media Housing Authority website

39 Jointly, the Focus Groups will design and implement the transformation planning process over the 24 month grant-planning period. Steering Committee will promote consensus. Kingsport Housing & Redevelopment Authority will lead the planning process Kingsport Housing & Redevelopment Authority, City and Anchor Institutions Steering Committee Education Economic Self- Sufficiency Health Safety Transport Seniors Youth Overview: Key Partners and Stakeholders Northeast State Community College will serve as an independent Monitoring and Evaluation entity and will track progress. Stakeholders will provide input, confirm findings, and provide consensus throughout the transformation planning process.


41 Let’s Start Planning!

42 Planning Station Exercise #1 Change / No Change On the Map: Put a RED DOT on a place that you want to preserve, or something you don’t want to see change. Think about… A historic building A favorite park Your community center………etc. You get four dots so you’ll need to choose wisely!

43 Planning Station Exercise #2 Change / No Change On the same Map: Put a GREEN DOT on something you want to see change. Think about: A building that is run down and needs repair or demolition A vacant lot where there should be a house A broken sidewalk to fix A dangerous intersection that needs a stop sign or traffic light….…etc. Remember, four dots only!

44 Planning Station Exercise #3 Major Issues & Opportunities On the same Map: Grab a marker and post-it notes to identify and highlight major issues & opportunities on the map Issues & Opportunities

45 Project Website: THANK YOU

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