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Department of Justice National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms Sectoral Innovation Council Meeting March 13, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Justice National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms Sectoral Innovation Council Meeting March 13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Justice National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms Sectoral Innovation Council Meeting March 13, 2014

2 Goals of the National Mission Increasing access to justice by reducing delays and arrears Enhancing accountability through structural changes and by setting performance standards and improving capacities 2

3 Five Strategic Initiatives Policy and Legislative changes Re-engineering Procedures & Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution Focus on Human Resource Development Leveraging ICT for better Justice Delivery Development of Infrastructure facilities for the Subordinate Judiciary 3

4 Legislative Changes For structural reforms in judiciary following legislative proposals are before Parliament: Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill Judicial Appointments Commission Bill Bill to raise the retirement age of High Court Judges

5 Policy and Legislative Changes to reduce pendency in areas prone to excessive litigation Amendment in N.I. Act Recommendation of the Inter-ministerial Group finalized ⁻ Introduction of ADR ⁻ Codification of Summary Procedure ⁻ Encouragement of payment through e-mode Motor Vehicle Act Administrative and Policy recourse for payment of challans without taking recourse to litigation Alternative mechanism of victim compensation in motor accident claims Electricity Act Settlement of Disputes at pre-litigation stage in LokAdalats 5

6 Policy Initiatives State Litigation Policy Litigation Policy - Notified by all States Transform Government into efficient and responsible litigant Setup Empowered Committee to weed out ineffective and infructuous cases Identification of litigation prone areas for taking appropriate measures to resolve issues. Citizen Charter – time bound delivery of public services Robust Grievance Redressal mechanism Arbitration clause in Government contracts 6

7 Re-engineering of Court Process Court Management System (NCMS) Constituted by the Supreme Court in consultation with DOJ in May 2012 Sub-Committees to streamline the Court Processes and Case Rules, Court Development Plan, National Framework for Court Excellence, Human Resource Development Strategy. Reports of the sub-committees under consideration of the Supreme Court. 7

8 Re-engineering of Court Process: Process Service CPC was amended to provide service through additional modes i.e. speed post/fax/courier/e-mail/SMS- emphasis on implementation High Court Rules being amended  Framing of standardised processes for effective delivery of summons  Registration of e-mail addresses and mobile phones for process service Recommendation made for improving process service  Integration of Aadhar cards or electoral cards with a database to be used for process service.  Hand-held devices or mobile phones with GPS can be used to tag the delivery location for making service of summons more effective and transparent.

9 Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution Review of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act by Law Commission of India ADR Centres/Lok Adalats 600 ADR Centres sanctioned under TFC grant 223 ADR Centres have been established 7,45,768 cases have been disposed of in ADR centres 9

10 Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution (Contd.) National Mega Lok Adalats  First Mega Lok Adalat involving cases from Supreme Court to Taluka Level Courts was held on November 23, 2013.  71,78,178 cases have been disposed of by the Mega Lok Adalat - ( including 20,92,650 Pre-litigation cases ).  Next National Mega Lok Adalat has been notified to be held on April 12 th, 2014.

11 Focus on Human Resource Development 18000 posts of Judicial Officers / Judges in District & Subordinate Courts 1800 additional posts of Judicial Officers being created In principle decision taken to increase the judge strength by 25% in High Courts 1549 vacancies in Subordinate Courts filled up under Pendency Reduction Drive Capacity building of State Judicial Academies through action research on judicial reform 11

12 Development of Infrastructure Facilities for Subordinate Judiciary Centrally Sponsored Scheme Amount released to the State Governments: 2011-12: Rs. 595 Cr 2012-13: Rs. 708 Cr 2013-14(Till date): Rs. 851 Cr Total Central expenditure on the scheme Rs. 3400 crore Court Complexes Constructed/Upgraded- over 500 Residential Buildings Constructed- over 300 12

13 Leveraging ICT for Better Justice Delivery eCourts Mission Mode Project 13,277 courts have been computerised by 31 st January, 2014. Online Services available to citizens, lawyers, litigants: Cause list, Case Status, Orders/ Judgments Video Conference Pilot Project underway National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) Objectives o Judicial Management Monitoring; Online Backup of Case Status and to Provide Case Status access to stakeholders 13

14 Model Courts  The concept of Model Court being developed on the following five principles : Citizen Friendly services and lay-out Efficiency in terms of time and cost Delivery of fair, just and high quality judgements Reasonable certainty of commencement and conclusion of proceedings Efficient Mechanism for prompt and responsive redressal of citizens grievances

15 Important Issues under Consideration/Implementation of the National Mission 15 Audio-Video Recording of Court Proceedings Review of Legal Framework for Promoting ADR Court Development Plan Legal Education Reforms Bar Reforms Emphasis on Training for Expeditious Disposal of Cases

16 Thank You

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