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Design and Implementation of the Kanchan TM Arsenic Filter in the Nepal Terai The World Bank Brown Bag Lunch October 19, 2004 Susan Murcott Dept. of Civil.

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Presentation on theme: "Design and Implementation of the Kanchan TM Arsenic Filter in the Nepal Terai The World Bank Brown Bag Lunch October 19, 2004 Susan Murcott Dept. of Civil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and Implementation of the Kanchan TM Arsenic Filter in the Nepal Terai The World Bank Brown Bag Lunch October 19, 2004 Susan Murcott Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2 20th century Western engineering design was comparatively simple §Technical Criteria §Economic/Financial Criteria (Cost-Benefit Analysis) Technical Financial

3 Environmental Awareness Added another Dimension §Technical §Economic/Financial Criteria (Cost-Benefit Analysis) §Environmental Technical Financial Environmental

4 Balance: economic, social, environmental aspects Equity …”meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” -Our Common Future, 1987 “Sustainable development” has 2 widely accepted meanings:

5 “Engineering design for sustainable development” framework Financial /Economic * Low cost * Supports local economies * Self-sustaining Technical Water quality evaluations WHO Guidelines National Standards Flow rate Use local materials Social Socially acceptable Simple/user friendly Convenient Durable

6 The Design Process (text book version) §Information Gathering §Problem Definition §Idea Generation §Concept Evaluation §Lab Research, Experimentation & Analysis §Detail Design §Fabrication §Testing & Evaluation (Lab and Field)

7 Co-Designing/Co-evolving for Development (an iterative process) 1. Problem Awareness Co(m)-passion, and Partnership 2. Problem Co- Definition 3. Idea Co- Generation 4. Concept Co-Evaluation 5. Field Experience, Fabrication, Experiment, Lab Work, Analysis 7. Pilot studies 6. Refined Design (Field and lab testing, multiple sites, multiple countries) 10. Reiteration 9 Scale-up 8. Implementation Co-designing/ co-evolving equitable and sustainable development

8 1. Problem Awareness, Co(m)-passion, Partnership

9 Problem Awarensss Where is Nepal?

10 Where is Arsenic in Nepal? (NASC and ENPHO, 2004)

11 Nawalparasi District Rupandehi District Parsa & Bara Districts Rautahat District Field Project Sites Kathmandu Kapilvastu District

12 Pre-1970s:Surface water for drinking, caused many diseases 1970s: Groundwater was tapped as a safe, pathogen-free alternative for drinking 1980s: Naturally occurring arsenic found in groundwater 1990s:Millions of people found affected, serious disaster Problem Awareness - Arsenic in South Asia

13 Problem Awareness – Arsenic World Health Organization guideline: 10 ppb Nepali interim guideline: 50 ppb Nepal Terai Region 25% tubewells >10 ppb (1.7 million people) 8% tubewells >50 ppb (0.5-0.7 million people) Source: Natural Toxicology – Poison – Skin disease such as melanosis, keratosis – Vasular diseases – Cancer to lung, bladder

14 Compassion

15 Melanosis (left) and Keratosis (below)

16 er 

17 PassionCo(m)-passion

18 Partnership Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Support Programme (RWSSSP) Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO)

19 2. Problem Co-Definition

20 Problem Co-Definition Our proposal is to design a household drinking water treatment unit to remove arsenic and pathogens; Technical Performance: Remove arsenic, bacteria and parasites to National Standards or WHO Guidelines; Water Quantity: The flow rate should be > 10 L/hour; Cost: The cost/unit should be < $30. Yearly replacement parts <$2, designed for use by individuals in rural areas and urban slums who earn <$2/day; Manufacturing: To be produced by local people, using locally available materials, creating local jobs; Socially acceptable: ease of use and maintainence by women

21 Problem Co-Definition Arsenic Technology Database Gather information for 50+ technologies: Arsenic removal mechanisms (physical, chemical, etc) Technical performance Construction, operation and maintenance Cost Flow rate Strengths, weakness, limitations

22 Idea Co-Generation 8 Arsenic Removal Technologies §(1) 3 Kolshi (in Nepali = 3 Gagri with zero valent iron filings); §(2) Iron filings in jerry can; §(3) Coagulation/Filtration (2-Kolshi based on Chakraborti’s arsenic removal system); §(4) Iron oxide coated sand; §(5) Activated alumina metal oxide #1 (Apyron Inc.); §(6) Activated alumina metal oxide #2 (Aquatic Treatment Systems Inc.); §(7) Arsenic treatment plant; §(8) Arsenic Biosand Filter

23 Three-Kolshi (Gagri) System Raw water Iron filings Fine sand Filtered water

24 Jerry Can 1. Fill 10 L plastic jug with raw water. 2. Add iron filings 3.Wait 3 hours 4. Decant treated water

25 Coagulation/Filtration (2-Kolshi) Raw Water Chemical packet Mixing & Settling Filtration Treated Water

26 Iron Oxide Coated Sand (IOCS) Raw Water Treated Water Sand and gravel Iron Oxide Coated Sand (IOCS)

27 Activated Alumina Metal Oxide #1 (Apyron Aqua-Bind Media) Influent Effluent GAC Sand Activated Alumina Raw Water Treated Water

28 Raw Water Alumina Manganese Oxide (A/M) Treated Water Activated Alumina Metal Oxide #2 (Aquatic Treatment Systems, Inc.)

29 Arsenic Treatment Plants (ATPs) Aeration Chamber Sand Filter Storage Treated Water

30 Kanchan TM Arsenic Filter (KAF)

31 Concept Co-Evaluation is based on... §Principles/values (also passions and instincts) §Relationship with local community and partners in the local environment §Criteria: “a standard, rule or test on which a decision can be based” §Metrics = indicators, both quantitative and qualitative.

32 Design Concept Co-Evaluation Matrix (aka Pugh Chart)

33 Field Experience, Fabrication, Experiment, Lab Engagement with: local people and partners, local environment the problem and solutions

34 Stages 5-8 in Arsenic Mitigation 1999 200020012002200320042005+ Field Experience, Fabrication, Experiment, Lab Work, Analysis Refined Design Pilot Studies (Phase I) Pilot Studies (Phase II) Implementation

35 Refined Design Phase I Evaluation

36 1.Preliminary screening of technologies in database/ website. 2.Select 8 technologies to be field tested against following criteria: Phase I Evaluation Technical Performance: Meet National (50 ug/L) or WHO guidelines (ug/L)) for arsenic and microbial removal. Flow rate > 10 L/hour Social : Customer satisfaction, specifically among women who are typically the managers of household water. Financial : Affordable to people earning $1/day

37 Recommend for Phase II? CostSocialTechnicalTechnology Phase I Evaluation Summary 3-Kolshi Jerry Can Iron Coated Sand Alumina #1 Alumina #2 2-Kolshi Treatment Plants KAF

38 Pilot Studies Phase II Evaluation

39 Coagulation/ filtration System (2-Kolshi) Kanshan TM Arsenic Filter (KAF) 3 Kolshi Phase II Pilot Studies of 3 Technologies

40 Phase II Evaluation Summary = poor = moderate= good Best3rd2ndOverall Ranking Low running cost User acceptance Low initial cost Long-term sustainability Simple O&M Easy construction Materials availability 10-30L/hr1-5L/hr3-5L/hrFlow rate 93-99%Not tested Iron removal 90-95%80-90%95-99%Arsenic removal AKF2-Kolshi3-Kolshi

41 Technical Indicators Average Results Arsenic Removal93 % Total Coliform Removal 58 % E. Coli Removal64 % Iron Removal93 % Flow Rate14 L/hr KAF Pilot Study Results (n=16)

42 Stages 5-8 Kanshan TM Arsenic Filter (AKF)

43 Kanchan TM Arsenic Filter Intended for arsenic and bacteria removal Constructed with easily available local materials Manufactured by trained local technicians Adequate flow rate for a large family (15L/hr) No chemical additives No replacement parts except iron nails Easy to operate and clean Developed in Nepal and at MIT based on improvement of slow sand filter

44 Diffuser Basin Lid Container Pipe Kanshan TM Arsenic Filter Cross Section Gravel Coarse Sand Water Fine Sand Iron Nails Brick chips

45 Filter Operation 1.Pour water into top basin. Water will pass through filter and flow up the pipe 2. Collect filtered water at the pipe outlet 3. If flow rate is insufficient, then cleaning is required

46 Filter Cleaning/ Maintenance Wash your hands with soap Remove diffuser basin Stir the uppermost ½ inch of sand with your fingers

47 Remove turbid water with a cup. Replace the basin and add more water. Repeat this process three times total Discard the turbid water in a dug hole with some cow dung in it Now the filter can be used again Filter Cleaning/ Maintenance

48 Further Work – Refined Design Concrete Square (2002) Concrete Round (2003) Plastic Hilltake (2003) Plastic Gem505 (2004)

49 Technical Performance Currently more than 1000 filters are in operation. 2000 by Jan.05 We have monitored 800+ filters between February to May 2004 on arsenic and iron removal The average time between filter installation date and filter monitoring date is 93 days More than 500 were sold by NRCS, about 100 by Fund Board, about 450 by RWSSSP Filters were sold starting from September 2002 until today

50 Effluent Arsenic Concentration (ppb) 0 to 10 11 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 250 250 + Influent Arsenic Concentration (ppb) KAF Blanket Monitoring Arsenic Removal (n=644)

51 Unacceptable Acceptable Figure indicates number of filters KAF Blanket Monitoring Arsenic Removal (n=644)

52 Filter Performance: Arsenic (n=650)

53 1.5 Years Arsenic Monitoring on Filter A (Nim Narayan Chaudhary)

54 1.5 Years Arsenic Monitoring on Filter B (Lila Bdr. Pun)

55 1.5 Year Arsenic Monitoring on Filter C (Bhanu Primary School)

56 Insufficient flow Ideal flow Performance compromised

57 Filter Cost (Gem505) $15.73 $0.74 $0.34 $0.74 $0.41 $0.27 $4.79 $0.04 $1.82 $1.03 $5.55 Gem505 ($US) Transportation of container & piping Tools Documentation Transportation of sand & gravel Labour Iron Nails 5 kg Total Per Unit Cost Sand & Gravel Piping System Basin Container and Lid Assume exchange rate of US$1 = 73 Nepali Rupees Note: No replacement parts needed except iron nails (nails can last at least 1.5 years)

58 Implementation and Scale-up

59 Implementation – World Bank Project Funding Source: Won a US$115,000 award from the World Bank Development Marketplace Global Competition 2003 Project Objective: To sustainably promote the AKF as an appropriate arsenic mitigation option throughout Nepal Project Duration: February 2004 to January 2005 Project Partners: MIT, ENPHO, RWSSSP

60 World Bank Project - Key Activities 1.Establish an in-country KAF reference center at ENPHO to compile all ABF related information 2.Train local entrepreneurs from 10 arsenic- affected districts as “local KAF agents” on KAF construction, troubleshooting, water testing 3.Conduct workshops to 30 local governments bodies and 150 villages on health, water management, treatment options, and KAF information

61 World Bank Project - Key Activities 4.Monitor all filters that are in operation. 2000 filters will be in operation by Dec 2004. 6.Evaluate overall project implementation scheme and make recommendations to scale-up project 5.Research & develop better filter design based on lab experiment, field observations and feedbacks from users

62 Is this Project: Appropriate? Green? Sustainable? Co(m)-passionate?

63 Design Principles for Appropriate Technology (E.F. Schumacher: Small is Beautiful, 1973) §1. Simple design & production Yes! §2. Inexpensive Yes! §3. Use local materials for local use Yes! §4. Rural focus Yes!

64 Green? §Safe drinking water, but we have not yet had to set up a mechanism to collect or store spent absorbent media (iron nails)

65 Sustainable Implementation? We select and train entrepreneurs whose businesses are easily accessible locations We provide detailed information to villagers such that they can make individual informed decision to protect their health We strengthen the capacity of existing local authorities to support safe water initiatives, rather than relying on remote central authority We use existing and functioning distribution networks and infrastructure; therefore reducing risk of failure and negative impacts

66 Entrepreneurs’ Financial Sustainability? Financially sustainable: Margin per unit X unit sales > Fixed cost Example: About $5.00/unit X 100 units = $500 > Fixed Cost In our case: Fixed cost is minimal because the entrepreneurs are well- established organizations with their own financial support for their premises and staff. Temporary staff can be hired to construct filters based on demand

67 Co(m)-passionate Technology? Filter designed in local environment with local partners Filter designed based on collaborative, iterative, multi-disciplinary approach inherent in sustainable development concept Filter designed within social and economic constraints of rural Nepal Manufactured by local labor using materials available in rural Nepal Easy operation and maintenance Filtered water tastes and looks significantly better than untreated water (according to many users) so users like it and are continuing to use it

68 Future Plans and Challenges How to scale-up from 2,000 units (2004) to reach 0.7M in Nepal? Increase villagers’ awareness of health and water, targeting the poorest, the least educated, and in remote western areas. Address collection and disposal of spent media Continue to subsidize filters for the poorest villagers Provide entrepreneurs refresher training & certification Continue research on bacteria, viruses, protozoa removal Influence government and policy-makers

69 For Further Information Susan Murcott, Lecturer and Principal Investigator Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tommy Ngai, Lecturer and Research Affiliate Massachusetts Institute of Technology Roshan Shrestha, Chairperson Environment & Public Health Organization Sophie Walejick Website:

70 Acknowledgements In Nepal: Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO), Kathmandu Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Support Programme (RWSSSP), Butwal Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board (RWSSFDB) Department of Education (DOE) Department of Water Supply & Sewerage (DWSS) Kathmandu University Tribhuvan University Internationally: MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master of Engineering Program MIT IDEAS Competition and Lemelson Foundation The World Bank UNICEF Stanford University University of Calgary, Canada University of Texas at Dallas Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS) Women who carry the water

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