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Marketing 1 and 2 Agenda for

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1 Marketing 1 and 2 Agenda for 5.7.13
Marketing 2 – UNBA Work Day Marketing 1 – Recap Shark Tank! Hand back evaluation sheets Watch final episode Begin Unit 6 (Promotion) Notes – on my website Note: This entire unit will be independent! Unit Test on Monday, May 13th 3rd and 4th block Sr. Finals Seniors turn in PD Points!!

2 Think Critically… “Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.” Leo Burnett Take 2-3 minutes to consider this statement, jot down your ideas about why this may be a recipe for success.

3 Unit 6: Promotion Chapters 17,18,19,20 Marketing i

4 Promotional Concepts and Strategies
Chapter 17 Promotional Concepts and Strategies

5 Chapter 17.1: Promotion and Promotional Mix
Promotion: persuasive communication Used to inform people about a product/service Used to enhance public image/reputation AIDA Attract Attention Build Interest Build Desire Ask for Action Product Promotion: convince prospects to select its products or services instead of a competitor’s brand.

6 Chapter 17.1: Promotion and Promotional Mix
Institutional Promotion: used to create a favorable image for a business, help it make a change, or take a stand on issues. Types of Promotional Mix: Personal Selling Advertising Direct Marketing Sales Promotion Public Relations Using Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotion help to communicate with customers in other ways than direct contact.

7 Chapter 17.1: Promotion and Promotional Mix
Personal Selling: Sales Representatives who keep direct contact w/ customers. One of the costliest forms Advertising: Form of non-personal promotion Companies pay to promote ideas, goods, and services. Direct Marketing: Directed to a targeted group of prospects and customers instead of a mass audience. Goals = generate sales or leads for sales representatives. Gives customers initiative to respond by visiting a store or website, calling a toll-free number, returning a form sending an

8 Chapter 17.1: Promotion and Promotional Mix
Sales Promotion: Represents marketing activities that are used to simulate purchasing and sales. Goals=increase sales, inform potential customers, and create a positive business or corporation. Public Relations (PR): Activities enable an organization to influence a target audience. Goals=to cultivate media relations with reporters who cover a specific industry.

9 Chapter 17.1: Promotion and Promotional Mix
Publicity: a tactic that public relations professionals use Involves bringing news or newsworthy info to the publics attention-also known as placement Often appears as a media story or in a larger report Not easily controlled by the business that issues it Promotional Mix: combination of strategies and a cost effective allocation of resources

10 Chapter 17.1: Promotion and Promotional Mix:
Food for Thought… 1) What message does Evian send with this commercial? 2) What type of promotion is being used in this example? 3) Is this approach effective? Why or why not?

11 Chapter 17.2: Types of Promotion
Sales Promotion Sales promotion are incentives that encourage customers to buy products or services. Used to: Encourage customers to try a new product Build awareness Increase purchases by current customers Reward loyalty

12 Chapter 17.2: Types of Promotion
Trade Promotions Trade Promotions are sales promotion activities designed to get support for a product from manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers. Promotional Allowances Discounts given by manufactures to wholesalers to encourage sales. Cooperative Advertising Manufacturer supports the retailer by helping to pay for the cost of advertising its product locally. Slotting Allowances Manufacturer giving money to a retailer to help cover the costs of placing the manufacturer’s product on the shelves.

13 Chapter 17.2: Types of Promotion
Consumer Promotions Sales strategies that encourage customers and prospects to buy a product or service. Support: Advertising Personal Selling Public Relations efforts Examples: Coupons: certificates that entitle customers to cash discounts on goods or services Examples: Premium deals: low-cost items given to consumers at a discount or for free Incentives: to promote many products because they create customer excitement and increase sales Promotional tie-ins- are also known as cross-promotion campaigns

14 Chapter 17.2: Types of Promotion
Food for Thought… Discuss: What do you think? Effective? Ineffective? Why?

15 Consider This… What is a store or website that makes an impression? Or, rather, what is one that stands out as “special” in your mind? Write out this question(s) and journal about it in your notes!

16 Visual Merchandising and Display
Chapter 18 Visual Merchandising and Display

17 Chapter 18.1: Display Features
Visual Merchandising and Display Visual merchandising – encompasses all of the physical elements that merchandisers use to project an image customers. Display- refers to the visual and artistic aspects of presenting a product to a target group of customers. Elements of Visual Merchandising Storefront- encompasses a stores Sign Logo Marquee Banners Windows Marquee is an architectural canopy that extends over a stores entrances

18 Chapter 18.1: Display Features
Store layout Refers to ways that stores use floor space to facilitate and promote sales and serve customers Store Interior Fixtures are permanent or movable store furnishings that hold and display merchandise Interior Displays Point of purchase displays (POPs) consumer sales promotion device Kiosks typically four feet high, have pedestal-mounted, high-tech screens, and take up less than two square feet of stone space

19 Chapter 18.1: Display Features
Food for Thought: How can window displays tell a story? Why is it so important to have a theme?

20 Pull Policy versus Push Policy
Create consumer interest and demand Push Policy Convince a retailer to stock a product being promoted

21 Chapter 18.2 Artistic Design
Display Design and Preparation Step 1: Selecting Merchandise for Display Determines theme & other supporting elements of the display Step 2: Selecting the Display Four Basic kinds of Displays: One item featured Similar products Related products Cross-mix of items Step 3: Choosing a Setting Setting will depend largely on the image it wants to project Step 4: Manipulating Artistic Elements These subtly influence your perception (line, color, shape, motion, etc.) Focal Point: an area in the display that attracts attention first Step 5: Evaluating Completed Displays Asking questions to make sure the display enhances the image the store wants to project

22 Chapter 18.2 Artistic Design

23 Chapter 19 Advertising

24 Chapter 19.1: Advertising Media
Promotional and Institutional Advertising Promotional: When the goal is to increase sales Institutional: Tries to create a favorable image for a company and foster goodwill in the marketplace Mass Advertising Enables to companies to reach large numbers of people with their messages. Examples: Television, Radio Media: agencies, means, or instruments used to convey advertising messages to the public Four main categories of advertising media: Print, Broadcast, on line, and specialty

25 Chapter 19.1: Advertising Media
Print Media Includes Advertising in newspapers Magazines Direct mail Signs Billboards Transit advertising: found on public transportation Includes: Printed posters inside trains, taxis, and buses Broadcast Media Television Combines all the creative elements necessary—sight, sounds, action, and color – to produce a compelling advertising message. Radio The radios ability to reach a wide audience makes it an extremely efficient and cost-effective advertising medium.

26 Chapter 19.1: Advertising Media
Online Advertising Form of advertising that uses either or the World Wide Web. Specialty Media Sometimes called giveaways or advertising specialties, are relatively inexpensive, useful items featuring an advertiser’s name or logo Media planning: Process of selecting the advertising media and deciding the time or space in which the ads should appear to accomplish a marketing objective.

27 Chapter 19.1: Advertising Media
Food for Thought… Follow Up Questions: Is this an effective ad? Why? What message does it send? vs.

28 Chapter 19.2 Media Measurement and Rates
Audience: The number of homes or people exposed to an ad Impression Frequency: Number of times an audience sees or hears an advertisement Cost per thousand (CPM) : is the media cost of exposing 1,000 readers or viewers to an advertising impression Media Rates Newspaper- Classified or display Magazine- Based on circulation, type of readership, and production techniques Radio- Network, advertising, national, local Online- Banners, rich-media, and interstitial Television- Price determined by the time the ad is aired

29 Chapter 19.2 Media Measurement and Rates
Promotional Budget: Considers the cost for developing, placing, or airing an advertisement 1. Budget decided on percentage of past or anticipated sales 2. If following the all you can afford method, it first pays all expenses, then applies the remainder of funds available to promotional activities 3. Competition method- advertiser matches its competitors promotional expenditures or prepares a budget based on the competitors market share 4. Objective and task method, the company determines goals, considers the necessary steps to meet goals, and determine the cost for promotional activities to meet the goals

30 Chapter 19.2 Media Measurement and Rates
Food for Thought & Independent Activity: Check out the following link. Then, read the article and answer the questions that follow. Link: Question 1: During which show does advertising cost the most? Question 2: During which show is advertising the cheapest? Question 3: In one paragraph, sum up a rationale for both of these facts.

31 Chapter 20 Print Advertisements

32 Chapter 20.1: Essential Elements of Advertising
The Advertising Campaign Advertising Campaign- Group of advertisements, commercials, and related promotional materials and activities that are designed as part of a coordinated advertising plan to meet the specific goals of a company. 1. Identify the target audience 2. Determine objectives 3. Establish the budget 4. Develop the message 5. Select the media 6. Evaluate the campaign

33 Chapter 20.1: Essential Elements of Advertising
Advertising Agencies Independent business that specialize in developing ad campaigns and crafting the ads for clients Developing Print Advertisements Headline- Phrase or sentence that attracts the readers’ attention to a particular product or service Copy- Selling message of a written advertisement Illustration- The photograph, drawing, or other graphic elements used in an advertisement

34 Chapter 20.1: Essential Elements of Advertising
Food for thought… From that ad, who do you perceive the target audience to be? What do you surmise the objective of that ad would be? What is the message of the ad?

35 Chapter 20.2: Advertising Layout
Ad Layout: a sketch that shows the general arrangement and appearance of a finished ad. Indicates: Headline Position Illustration Copy Signature One Technique: creating a Z layout…Most dominant item on the top and form a Z down the rest of the page.

36 Chapter 20.2: Advertising Layout
Emphasis: make the reader focus on one aspect of the ad. Different sized font Italics Bold Face Combination of capital and lowercase letters Advertising Proof: shows exactly how an ad will appear in print.

37 Chapter 20.2: Advertising Layout

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