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An Introduction to wSTARS. Overview wSTARS--What is it? How is it used and maintained? How does it benefit tribes? How to get your data into the system.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to wSTARS. Overview wSTARS--What is it? How is it used and maintained? How does it benefit tribes? How to get your data into the system."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to wSTARS

2 Overview wSTARS--What is it? How is it used and maintained? How does it benefit tribes? How to get your data into the system System walk through Questions

3 What is wSTARS?  web-based Sanitation Tracking and Reporting System  IHS database  Internet database that stores and tracks information on sanitation facilities projects  Confidential and secure database

4 What is wSTARS used for?  IHS uses the data to track and prioritize projects and needs related to sanitation of all media types-- water, wastewater, solid waste  EPA uses wSTARS to store and track dump data

5 EPA’s Role  EPA collects and inputs data into the wSTARS system  National Open Dump Inventory  Since 2007  Current national total 3,000+  Report to Congress

6 How does wSTARS benefit tribes?  Means of getting your data into part of the national picture  Beginning of process to request funding for clean ups

7 wSTARS and SDS  wSTARS has 6 sub-systems for tracking and reporting data  Only one we are interested in today -SDS  Sanitation Deficiency System  documents information about sanitation deficiencies related to AI/AN individual homes and communities

8 How the SDS works  Contains variety of media projects  Once a project is in the system it is assigned a score or deficiency ranking  Scores are assigned by IHS via national guidelines  Projects are selected for funding based on deficiency ranking every FY

9 How the SDS works…  Projects can be assigned a deficiency value 1-5  Solid waste projects cap at 3  Open dump cleanups can earn high rankings  Contain hazardous materials  Only option for disposal in the community  Can use discretionary points to up ranking  Projects are rescored every year, priority list not a waiting list

10 Getting your data in the system…  wSTARS  Get your information to EPA Regional wSTARS contact  SDS contact your IHS area reservation engineer

11 Information for wSTARS  What is an open dump?  Any facility or site where solid waste is disposed of which is not a sanitary landfill which meets the criteria promulgated under section 6944 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act 42 U.S.C 6941 and which is not a facility for disposal of hazardous waste. --Open Dump Cleanup Act 1994  Open Dump Inventory Form  One form per dump site!  Open Dump Inventory Form Field Guide


13 Facility Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Community: _______________________________________ Tribe: _________________________________________________ State: ______________________County: __________________________________ EPA ID (if any) _______________________ Lat/Long: N_____________________________________(Decimal) W_____________________________________ (Decimal) Land Status: ___AK Native Land ___Allotted ___Fee ___NM Pueblos ___Private ___Trust (Individual) ___Trust (Tribal) Solid Waste Inventory Form

14 Solid Waste System Type (check one) Condition (check one) ___Solid Waste Disposal Site___Open Dump-Buried ___Open Dump-Surface ___Closed ___Cleaned up ___Upgraded ___Properly Managed ___Collection System with Off-Reservation Disposal___Open Dump-Surface ___Properly Managed ___Needs Improve ___Transfer Site___Open Dump-Surface ___Cleaned up ___Properly Managed ___Transfer Site with Off-Reservation Disposal___Open Dump-Surface ___Cleaned up ___Properly Managed ___Recycling facility ___Open Dump-Surface ___Cleaned up ___Properly Managed ___Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill___Open Dump-Buried ___Open Dump- Surface ___Closed ___Cleaned up ___Properly Managed System Status: ___Active ___Inactive

15 Site Characteristics 1.Surface Area (Acres) _______________Acres 2.Surface Volume (Cubic Yards) ______________yd 3 Hazard Factors (check all that apply) 1.Contents ___Abandoned automobiles ___Abandoned trailers ___Animal carcasses ___Appliances/white goods ___Construction and demolition waste ___Drums/containers of unknowns/pesticide containers ___Electronics ___Florescent light bulbs ___Furniture ___Lead acid batteries ___Medical wastes ___Meth-lab wastes ___Municipal solid waste ___Scrap tires ___Sewage sludge/septic-tank pumpings ___Suspected asbestos or lead containing materials ___Suspected RCRA Subtitle C hazardous wastes (treated wood, paints, solvents) ___Waste oil/oily wastes ___Yard/green wastes 1.Rainfall (check one) ___Low (<10 in/yr) ___Medium (10-25 in/yr) ___High (>25 in/yr) 2.Site Drainage and Leachate Potential (check one) ___Site drainage protects ground or surface water ___Limited ponding, drainage effects largely neutral ___Site drainage increases ground or surface water contamination 3.Flooding Potential (check one) ___No potential for flooding ___Debris movement from flooding unlikely ___Debris movement from flooding likely 4.Frequency of Cover (check one) ___Daily ___Monthly ___Never ___Weekly ___Yearly

16 Open Dump Inventory Form Hazard Factors (continued) 1.Frequency of Burning (check one) ___Burning does not occur ___Burning less frequently than weekly ___Burning more frequently than weekly 2.Fenced site ___Yes ___No 3.Controlled Access (check one) ___Effectively controlled access ___Ineffective controls or poorly restricted access ___Unrestricted access 4.Public Concern (check one) ___No concern voiced ___Little concern voiced by the public ___Concern frequently voiced by the public Proximity Factors 1.Vertical Distance to Drinking Water Aquifer (check one) ___Greater than 600 feet ___51-599 feet ___Less than 50 feet 2.Horizontal Distance to Surface Water Bodies (check one) ___Greater than 1,000 feet ___51-1,000 feet ___Less than 50 feet 3.Distance to Homes (check one) ___Greater than 5,000 feet ___1,000-5,000 feet ___Less than 1,000 feet

17 Open Dump Inventory Form General Description (include description of how to get to the site from a known location) Comments Surveyor:__________________________________________________________InventoryDate:_________ _______________ (First Name, Last Name, Organization) (mm/dd/yy)

18 Tips For Inventory Forms  Lat/Longs  Should be in decimal form but Degrees, Minutes, Seconds can be converted easily.  Most GPS units will calculate an area for you when walking the perimeter of the site.  Calculating Area/Volume:  1 acre is approximately the size of a football field without the end zones.  Dump Truck ~ 10 cy and Semi trailer ~ 100 cy

19 Tips for Inventory Forms -Use free internet tools/maps to help determine proximity factors. -Answer every question. -Take time to include information on how to get to the site – under general description. -Great work for summer help!!!

20 wSTARS online   Minimum Requirements: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Adobe Flash Player 9.0 or higher

21 Questions? Becky Geyer, US EPA Region 5 312-353-8314 Scott Snell, IHS Bemidji 218-444-0502

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