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Team Science is dedicated to increasing the achievement of students in grades K-12 in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM)

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Presentation on theme: "Team Science is dedicated to increasing the achievement of students in grades K-12 in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Science is dedicated to increasing the achievement of students in grades K-12 in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) through learning programs and processes which expose the students to interactive and dynamic hands-on activities taught by industry experts and teaching professionals proven educational programs to augments current STEAM efforts 24 years of successes for students, parents, volunteers, educators and sponsors 100+ volunteer base of employed or retired aerospace, technical, educational and financial professionals

2 Our Mission Create the love of science and math in every heart through the power of math and science in every mind. Our Values Our mission is accomplished through the generosity of those that put their faith and confidence in our work. Therefore, we strive to uphold these values in all that we do. *Integrity, Trust and Accountability * Partnerships * Innovation and Continuous Improvement * Respect and Diversity

3 Team Science History  1991  Corporate event at Rockwell Downey facility as part of National Engineering Week activities – 200 11-12 th grade Downey Unified students  1992  1 st Educator Enrichment Day held in February, first Summer Science Camp held in July on site at Downey facility  1996  Summer Science Camp/Educator Enrichment become part of Boeing Explore Engineering program  2007  Team Science forms as a non-profit entity  2011  Team Science SSC celebrates 20 years  2013  Team Science SSC and WUHSD successfully launch 3-yr STEM partnership

4 Summer Science Camp – July 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 and 25  Six day student commitment  22 workshops held at Pioneer High School (9am-3pm)  Early Morning Math offering for grades 2-12 (7:15 am-8:45 am)  Teacher volunteer s welcomed to assist and observe in workshops  Teacher Day – tour of camp for interested teachers Details  Registration begins March 9 and ends April 6  Registration, information and website is in English and Spanish  36 Scholarships (up to 72 students /district) on buy on get one basis  No shows not subject to buy one get one offer  Accommodation of replacement students only first week of camp  Select students who want to come to camp from all levels of achievement  Preference should be given to returning students On the horizon – SSC 2015

5 Registration and Camp Information Timeline  Registration material sent to registration focals  Schools distribute and collect completed registration packets  WUHSD enters data from registration packets into TS database  TS reviews and confirms placement of students  Workshop confirmations sent to student/parents  Camp reminder e-mail sent to students/parents  Camp opens  Last day to accept walk on/ replacement students  March 9  Mar 9 – Apr 6  Apr 6-May 1  May 1- May 10  June 1  July 6  July 10  July 11

6 The Registration Process  Districts will receive registration materials  2015 Summer Science Camp Registration Form  Workshop Descriptions  Student Waiver Form  Self-Release Form (when applicable)  Districts will collect completed registration packets and forward to WUHSD  WUHSD data focal to apply discount codes and enter registrations in TS database  Validation of data entry by Team Science  Students placed appropriately- age/grade/workshop  Student packets complete  Team Science sends workshop confirmation letters to parents

7 What is a complete registration packet 1. 2015 TS Registration form grade - entering in fall age – will validate to the grade shirt size choose three potential workshops  stress to parents it is one work shop all six days and a six day commitment e-mail address – validate and should not be school personnel Authority to Pick Up (ATP) information must be complete 2. Student Waiver form Must be signed by parent or legal guardian Insure that parent or legal guardian get copy of release form 3.Self –Release form (age 13 and up only) Must be signed by parent or legal guardian Must be witnessed by school representative Student must have copy with them at camp

8 Important Points E-mail addresses must be correct and valid- this is how we communicate Stress that camp is a six day commitment. Attendance is documented and sent to the districts. Poor attendees will not be invited back. Select cross section of students who want to come to camp. Emergencies will arise and are accommodated, casual pick ups are discouraged and will be reported to the district. Inform parents that the student makes three workshops choices but attends the assigned workshop all six days Select workshops carefully, reassignment is on a case by case basis and not a given. Behavior issues and bullying will not be tolerated. Students will sign a Code of Conduct and violators will be expelled from camp.

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