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Dayna Sherry, Ph.D. Registered Psychologist. Background and Education.

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1 Dayna Sherry, Ph.D. Registered Psychologist

2 Background and Education


4 Current Employment

5 Health Psychologist Aka “behavioral medicine”, “medical psychology” and “psychosomatic medicine. “ Referrals due to health conditions. Interplay between physical and emotional illness and health. Promotion and maintenance of healthy behaviours. Multidisciplinary team. Source: American Psychological Association (2014)

6 Multi-Organ Transplant Program Kidney, liver, heart, and pancreas transplants for all four maritime provinces. Assessment, consultation, and treatment for:  liver transplant recipients  kidney/pancreas transplant recipients  living kidney donors

7 Multi-Organ Transplant Program Inpatients and outpatient, pre- and post-transplant. Suitability for transplant or donation. Coping with chronic disease.

8 Behaviour Change Institute Provide training for healthcare providers. Evidence-based behaviour change counselling strategies. To help healthcare providers promoting health behaviour change. Chronic disease.

9 Partners for Healthier Weight 52-week obesity management series designed for individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater. Multidisciplinary team. Focus on intensive lifestyle modification to support participants in re-learning their relationship with food.

10 1985 1990 1994 1996 1998 < 10% 10% - 14% 15% - <20% Prevalence of Obesity Among Canadian Adults >= 20% 2000 Source: Katzmarzyk (2002)

11 1985 1990 1994 1996 1998 < 10% 10% - 14% 15% - <20% Prevalence of Obesity Among Canadian Adults >= 20% 2000 Source: Katzmarzyk (2002)

12 Complexity of Weight Management

13 Clinical Psychologist Chances of having a mental illness in your lifetime in Canada? 20% At any given time, percentage of Canadians who have a mental illness? 10% Percentage of those aged 15 – 24 years who report a mental illness or substance abuse problem? 18% Source: Kirby & Keon (2004)

14 Source: (2014) What is depression?

15 Percentage of Canadians who will experience a major depression in their lifetime: 8% Psychological treatments for depression are roughly as successful as drug therapies for depression. Source: Canadian Psychological Association (2012)

16 What is anxiety? Percentage of Canadians who will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime: 12% Panic attacks: Periods of intense fear or apprehension that are of sudden onset. Social anxiety: Fear when a person is in social interactions. Source: Canadian Psychological Association (2012)

17 What is anxiety? Health anxiety: Excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. Generalized anxiety: Excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry. Source: Canadian Psychological Association (2012)

18 Research Active research program on personality traits, interpersonal processes, and health. Funded by local, provincial, and national research granting agencies. Over 30 peer-reviewed publications and over 100 scholarly presentations.

19 When to see a psychologist?

20 How to find a psychologist? Check credentials:

21 How to Become a Clinical (Health) Psychologist? A lot of school! Minimum: 4 yr undergrad 2 yr MA 3 yr PhD 1 yr Residency Is it worth it?

22 Thank you 22

23 Dayna L. Sherry, Ph.D. Registered Psychologist Capital District Health Authority QEII Health Sciences Centre 3rd floor, Bethune Building, Room 336 1276 South Park Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2Y9 Phone: (902) 473-4686 Fax: (902) 473-2148 Email: 23

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