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Daniela Masiariková Oktáva 2010/2011. Slavery The American Civil War Abolitionism Antislavery societies Abolitionists Ku Klux Klan.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniela Masiariková Oktáva 2010/2011. Slavery The American Civil War Abolitionism Antislavery societies Abolitionists Ku Klux Klan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniela Masiariková Oktáva 2010/2011

2 Slavery The American Civil War Abolitionism Antislavery societies Abolitionists Ku Klux Klan

3 - Americans whose ancestors were born in Africa 17th century – the first Africans in America

4 Beginning in 1619 - Virginia Spread to areas with good-quality soil for large plantations one of the principal issues leading to the American Civil War

5 At first: baptized slave is free then: slaves = property without any rights value of the slave = 3/5 value of citizen



8 1861 – 1865 North x South flashpoint of conflict: 1860 - Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected in the presidential election


10 advanced trade with Europe and Asia industrial – factory production (metallurgy, steel, cotton textile industry) antislavery

11 backward agriculture - plantations (tabacco, rice, cotton, coffee, sugarcane) profiting from the labour of slaves (350,000 slave owners owned 4,000,000 slaves) slavery


13 Union was disintegrated South created a new polity - Confederation States of America - president Jefferson Davis - capital city Richmond 1865 – the end of the war - South capitulated


15 a movement, which makes an effort to repeal any law or regulation abolition of slavery: the federal government - prohibited slavery in the Northewest territory in 1787 - banned the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1808 Quakers (The Religious Society of Friends)

16 During the 1830s – trying to reach and convert a mass audience Antislavery society: The African Colonization Society (1816) – Liberia The American Anti-Slavery Society (1833)

17 William Lloyd Garrison - The Liberator Frederick Douglass William Wells Brown John Brown

18 1863 - President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which declared freedom and liberation of black slaves in Union 1865 -The Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished the slavery, became part of the Constitution and slavery was eliminated of all States of the Union

19 in the south established in 1865 - against the emancipation of slaves advocated extremist reactionary currents (white supremacy, racism, anti-immigration, anti-semitism) violence against blacks (hanging) reformed in 1915 by William J. Simmons



22 htm karstvi-v-usa-temna-stranka-historie.html SOCHROVÁ, Marie. Dějepis v kostce II. Havlíčkův Brod: FRAGMENT, 1999

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