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TCS-Near Fault Observatories for EPOS IP
NFO: a modern vision of EQKs science
One of the EPOS goal is the “…promotion of innovative approaches for a better understanding of the physical processes controlling earthquakes …” thus EPOS is the natural house for hosting services based on high-resolution multidisciplinary near fault data and products collected by innovative (in situ & dense) research infrastructures NFO Increase research Capability New expertise for Multidisciplinary HR-NF data Next generation Data Analysis and Monitoring Transnational access Technological tansfer
Greece and Mid Atlantic rift (10-20 mm/yr);
Tectonic regime of the sites goes from plate boundaries to mountain ranges. Strike-slip and (steep-low) angle normal faulting. NFOs cover areas characterised by a broad range of strain rate values (3-30 mm/yr) activating well developed large crustal faults and complex networks of smaller fault segments. Greece and Mid Atlantic rift (10-20 mm/yr); Plate boundaries (Eurasia-Anatolian, 25mm/yr); Apennines belt and Alpine region (2-4 mm/yr).
ICS TCS BOARD National Research Infrastructures (Near Fault Observatories) TABOO INFO MARSITE SISZ VALAIS CORINTH more NODEs TCS-NFO IN SITU NF OBSERVATORIES Multi-Disciplinary NF data M-data standardisation M-metadata definition Structure: In situ observatories including distributed data centres. Products: Continuous/event based MD-NF-data acquisition and standardisation; MD-metadata definition. Services: SPD data repository; STD data upload; web services for data discovery and data-metadata access. VIRTUAL LABORATORY Data products Cross disciplinary analysis and visualization tools Structure: Common e-infrastructure and web services. Products: transient detection, characterization and catalogs; eqks parameters; MD-time series (raw/corrected); faults geometry; strain data; 3-4D models. Services: MD-data products and metadata database, MD-data visualization and cross disciplinary analysis. TEST BEDs EEW Training and EDU N-RT Procedures Structure: distributed data centers. Products: EEW, training and educational interfaces, hazard products. Services: Early warning testing and educational centers, environment for MD earthquake forecast and eqks induced effects, n-real time data products for hazard products and tests (OEF; ShakeMaps). Interoperability BOARD for GOVERNANCE and LEGAL EPOS Management other TCSs
Governance and Legal TCS-NFO need a BOARD to guarantee:
TCS governance, legal and financial issues TASKs harmonization and interoperability (TCS, ICS) coherent implementation of the services strategic link with both the EPOS BSC and the NRI scientific community and global collaboration (e.g. ICDP, EarthScope) national and international projects (e.g. Supersites, I3, National priorities) Board composition: one representative of each pillar (3) node (6) = 9 people The NFOs Board will establish a WORK PLAN and activities EVALUATION CRITERIA to CONSOLIDATE the RESULTS. Solutions for implementing the governance (e.g. MOU) should be explored to guarantee TRANSPARENCY and SHARE RESOURCES.
Governance and Legal TCS-NFO needs to set up a Board to guarantee:
harmonization of the NFO activity and their interoperability with other TCS, ICS a coherent implementation of the specific services The Board will serve also as a strategic link with both the EPOS BSC and the NRI, dealing with scientific community, legal, governance and financial issues. The governance of the TCS is going to be organized around the NFO Board composed by one representative of each pillar (3) and of each node (6) for a total of 9 people.
NFO (multidisciplinary) data definition
Standard data NFO STD will be delivered to the mono-thematic TCS (for storing and distribution) following the prescribed formats and quality standard NFO STD require specific fields in the metadata not yet considered Seismological data EIDA Geodetic data … GNSS Geochemical data Specific data NFO SPD will be stored at in situ distributed data-centres Common formats and metadata do not exist! SPD often require large, dynamic and multidisciplinary metadata for data correction Strain data EM data Faults geometry …
P1 - In Situ Near Fault Observatories
TCS –V. Supersites Standardization of specific data Distributed Data center for Specific Data storage Metadata definition Data policy. We will follow the EPOS (open, IAAA) data policy. Temporary delay could be also needed in the case of a large event within the NFO. Research data (in projects) can be embargoed for a reasonable time. Web-service for Specific Data and metadata discovery and access
P1 - In Situ Near Fault Observatories
Manpower ( ): Existing: 8 man-months / yr at the primary node for technical support and implementation. 2 man-months / yr at the secondary nodes for technical support. Requested: 1 man/year (for three years ) man/year (for one year) for metadata definition, data standardisation and upload at the secondary nodes. 360 K-euro (human resources and hardware) Manpower ( ): Existing: 8 man-months / yr at the primary node for technical support and implementation. 2 man-months / yr at the secondary nodes for technical support. Requested: 1 man/year (for three years ) man/year (for one year) for metadata definition, data standardisation and upload at the secondary nodes. Financing: 1FTE/3yr FTE/1yr + Hardware = 360 Keuro The above requested human resources and hardware are demanded to EPOS IP (human resources and hardware). Request for funds in IP (cost and funding source)
P2 – Test Beds Platform for experimenting the use of n-real time high-resolution data in unique frameworks apart from the (inter-national) systems it will later be added to (EEW testing centre). Not submitted to EPOS IP because we are not ready but NFO are available for sharing the environment and data products for: Multidisciplinary and/or Operational Earthquake Forecast (downscaling; we recorded within the NFOs events in the range M in ). Training and Educational projects involving students of diverse levels, local authorities and citizens (transnational access policy in I3-GIGANTIS project) Geo-hazard (clear) and Geo-resources (NFO sit on CO2 natural reservoirs and geothermal fields) Link with the SMEs for testing new and cheap instruments MD Eqks Coordination with all the other Educational initiatives in EPOS IP.
P2 – Early Warning Testing Centres
Euro-Med EEW testing centre Running EEW codes Comparing results/performances Sharing knowledge with end users How: Realization and implementation of a prototype at one (primary) node Duplication at secondary nodes Testing centres for EEW (REAKT and other projects follow up) will allow to understand current limits and potential for end-users and the public provide a framework for rapid integration of innovative community-based ideas for the practical implementation and development of these systems.
P2 – Early Warning Testing Centres
Manpower ( ): Existing: 6 man-months / yr at the primary node + 2 man-months/yr at the secondary nodes (in total) for technical support and guidelines definition. Requested: 1 man/year (for three years ) to build EEW testing centre man for one year (last year), to be distributed for the three partners for replicating testing centres and real-time testing. 260 K-euro (human resources and hardware)
P3 – Virtual NF Laboratory
A common e-infrastructure to store and release all the data products coming from the diverse disciplines. VL will be based on a database populated with Standard and Specific Data products and metadata describing the data and the work flows. Availability of basic web services and tools for high Level (1-3) data discovery and (for human and machine-to-machine) and availability preliminary cross-disciplinary analysis visualization of multidisciplinary time series and products We will guarantee the data inter-operability with all the working groups providing complementary services (TCS-S, TCS-V and TCS-G), the EPOS-ICS, and with the inter-national HPC resources.
Examples of combined queries
Rd °T VP/VS Requested station GPS … whatever
Examples of combined queries
Rd °T The VL is not only an informatics issue but also a scientific tool performing multidisciplinary studies and …an a new generation of use case in collaboration with ICS VP/VS Requested station GPS … whatever
P3 – Virtual NF Laboratory
Manpower: Existing ( ): 11 person-months/yr at the primary node for the e-infrastructure design and setup plus data exchange standards definition 1 person-months/yr at each secondary node for standard and tools definition, testing and implementation Requested: 1 man/year (for three years ) + 1 man/year (for one year) for data upload, data exchange format decisions and in general for the interaction with ACTARUS at each (5) secondary node 320 K-euro (human resources and hardware)
Deliverable and Milestones
TASK 1: TCS BOARD (INGV?) D1.1 WG strategy and financial plan D1.2 Coordinating the implementation and the development of the services D1.3 Guaranteeing the EPOS Data policy and access rules D1.4 Guaranteeing the coherency with the overall EPOS approach and solutions (ICS, SCB, ERIC) D1.5 Guaranteeing the harmonization and supporting the coherency with the national strategic plans D1.6 Involving the broad user community and stakeholders (government, academia, industry, SMEs) D1.7 Building up a long-term strategy for new services and service maintenance beyond EPOS IP D1.8 Ethics and legal (e.g. risk communication due to the proximity to the population) TASK 2 : IN SITU NFO (KOERI) D2.1: Maintenance and developmentof the in situ data centers for collection of multidisciplinary near fault data (36 months) D2.2: Standardization of formats for Specific Data and development of procedures for data quality control (coord. TCS-V) (12 months) M2 : Static and Dynamic metadata definition for Specific Data (coord. TCS-V).(18 months) D2.3: Development of a web service at each NFO to provide data discovery and open access to Level 0 multidisciplinary data and metadata (coord. With TCS-V) (30 months) TASK 4 : Virtual Laboratory (INGV) D4.1 Definition and description of data products and related metadata (12 months) D4.2 Advanced server and DB functionalities setup (18 months) M4 First stage of DB population with data and metadata of the primary node (18 months) D4.3 GUIs for human interaction and web services for machine-to-machine interactions are designed (24 months) D4.4 GUIs and web services testing at the primary node (30 months) D4.5 Test for full remote operability with NFOs (36 months) TASK3 : EEW Testing Centers (AMRA) D 3.1 : Definition of guidelines for performance evaluating (12 months) M 3: Setting up of the platform (24 months) D3.2: Off-line tests (24 months) D3.3: Real time implementation of the prototype and results (36 months)
Financial Sustainability beyond EPOS
existing Sustainability plan beyond EPOS IP P1 This service will necessarily remain operational at the NFO nodes. This service will be integrated into the NFO infrastructure and costs for maintenance will have to be provided by the long-term sustainability plan of the NFO from National governments. P2 The testing centres will remain operational platforms running at NFOs, after building up the infrastructure, the cost for maintenance and for staff people will be not so high that it can be managed by National funds associated within the long-term infrastructure. P3 We are quite confident that the construction of such innovative (and operational) platform for building the next generation of earthquake scientists will guarantee the findings of National and International cutting-edge projects.
request for EPOS IP Tot. 1040 K€ 100 K€ 360 K€ 260 K€ 320 K€
(community and project meetings) Governance and Legal 360 K€ (1.5 FTE + hardware) Pillar 1- In situ NF Observatories 260 K€ (1.2 FTE + hardware) Pillar 2 –Test Beds 320 K€ (1.4 FTE + hardware) Pillar 3 – Virtual Laboratory Tot K€
geology seismology geodesy geochemistry laboratory
The NFO challenge is the achievement of the needed expertise to process and integrate all these data coming from of all the various disciplines and place them in the puzzle of earthquake mechanics.
Potential NFOs West Bohemia Slovenia Vrancea
Governance and Legal In order to guarantee the harmonization of the NFO activity and their interoperability with other TCS, the ICS and a coherent implementation of the specific services, the TCS-NFO needs to set up a Board. The Board is expected to serve also as a strategic link with both the EPOS BSC and the NRI, dealing with scientific community, legal, governance and financial issues related to the NFOs. The governance of the TCS is going to be organized around the NFO Board composed by one representative of each pillar (3) and of each node (6) for a total of 9 people. The reasons why we have been thinking to organise the board in this way is mainly related to the (still small) size of our community. In our case 9 people can really guarantee both to represent all the pieces of the community and the deliverables monitoring.
Request: 100 K€ for TCS management
Governance and Legal NFO BOARD - TASK 1: deliverables and milestones D1.1 WG strategy and financial plan D1.2 Coordinating the implementation and the development of the services D1.3 Guaranteeing the EPOS Data policy and access rules D1.4 Guaranteeing the coherency with the overall EPOS approach and solutions (ICS, SCB, ERIC) D1.5 Guaranteeing the harmonization and supporting the coherency with the national strategic plans D1.6 Involving the broad user community and stakeholders (government, academia, industry and SMEs) D1.7 Building up a long-term strategy for new services and service maintenance beyond EPOS IP D1.8 Ethics and legal (e.g. risk communication due to the proximity to the population) Request: 100 K€ for TCS management Leading partner: INGV The NFOs Board will establish a work plan and evaluation’s criteria to manage the activities carried on by the partners. This is fundamental to consolidate the results. The Board will work to guarantee coherency among the tasks included in the EPOS IP NFOs-WP and the remaining ones carried on within other national and international projects (e.g. Supersites, I3, National priorities). Solutions for implementing the governance (e.g. MOU) should be explored to guarantee transparency and share resources.
P1 - In Situ Near Fault Observatories Leading Partner: KOERI (MARSITE)
TASK 2 - Deliverables and Milestones D2.1: Maintenance and development of the in situ data centers to provide the collection of continuous and event based multidisciplinary near fault data (36 months) D2.2: Standardization of formats for Specific Data and development of procedures for data quality control (coord. TCS-V) (12 months) M2 : Static and Dynamic metadata definition for Specific Data (coord. TCS- V).(18 months) D2.3: Development of a web service at each Observatory to provide data discovery and open access to Level 0 multidisciplinary data and metadata (coord. With TCS-V) (30 months) Leading Partner: KOERI (MARSITE) Manpower ( ): Existing: 8 man-months / yr at the primary node for technical support and implementation. 2 man-months / yr at the secondary nodes for technical support. Requested: 1 man/year (for three years ) man/year (for one year) for metadata definition, data standardisation and upload at the secondary nodes. Financing: 1FTE/3yr FTE/1yr + Hardware = 360 Keuro The above requested human resources and hardware are demanded to EPOS IP (human resources and hardware). Request for funds in IP (cost and funding source)
P2 – Early Warning Testing Centres
TASK3 Deliverables and Milestones: D 3.1 : Definition of guidelines for performance evaluating (12 months) M 3: Setting up of the platform (24 months) D3.2: Off-line tests (24 months) D3.3: Real time implementation of the prototype and results (36 months) Leading Partner : AMRA
P3 – Virtual NF Laboratory
TASK 4 Deliverables and Milestones: D4.1 Definition and description of data products and related metadata (12 months) D4.2 Advanced server and DB functionalities setup (18 months) M4.1 first stage of DB population with data and metadata of the primary node (18 months) D4.3 GUIs for human interaction and web services for machine-to-machine interactions are designed (24 months) D4.4 GUIs and web services testing at the primary node (30 months) D4.5 Test for full remote operability with NFOs (36 months) Leading Partner : INGV
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