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The Well-Being of Children in North Dakota Highlights from the North Dakota KIDS COUNT 2011 Fact Book 1 North Dakota KIDS COUNT.

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Presentation on theme: "The Well-Being of Children in North Dakota Highlights from the North Dakota KIDS COUNT 2011 Fact Book 1 North Dakota KIDS COUNT."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Well-Being of Children in North Dakota Highlights from the North Dakota KIDS COUNT 2011 Fact Book 1 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

2 Funded by Annie E. Casey Foundation Partner with North Dakota State Data Center at NDSU Mission: To provide accurate, current data on child well-being in order to inform local and state discussions about how to secure better futures for all of North Dakota’s children. Website Electronic newsletter Contact Facebook 2 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

3 Seven Components of Child Well-Being 1.Demographics 2.Family and Community 3.Economic Well-Being 4.Education 5.Early Care 6.Health 7.Safety and Risky Behaviors 3 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

4 1. Demographic Indicators Number of children Total births Unmarried teen births Race and ethnicity 4 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

5 Number of Children Children are a declining percent of the state’s population. 5 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

6 Children * as a Percent of North Dakota’s Population, 1990-2009 6 North Dakota KIDS COUNT *Ages 0-17

7 Number of Children Young children (ages 0-5) are increasing slightly in number while older children (ages 6-17) are decreasing. 7 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

8 Number of North Dakota Children by Age, 2000 and 2009 8 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

9 Total Births In the past decade, North Dakota experienced an increase in births. 9 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

10 Number of Births in North Dakota, 1990-2009 10 North Dakota KIDS COUNT

11 Unmarried Teen Births Unmarried teen births are a declining percent of the total births in North Dakota. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 11

12 Births to Unmarried Teens* as a Percent of all Births in North Dakota, 1994-2009 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 12 *Ages 12-19

13 Race and Ethnicity American Indians are North Dakota’s largest race/ethnic minority group of children. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 13

14 Percent of all North Dakota Children by Race/Ethnicity* in 2009 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 14

15 2. Family and Community Indicators Living arrangements Working mothers Unmarried mothers North Dakota KIDS COUNT 15

16 Living Arrangements While most North Dakota children live with two parents, the proportion of children who live in single-parent families continues to increase. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 16

17 Percent of all North Dakota Children* Living in Single-Parent Families, 1980-2009 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 17 *Ages 0-17

18 Working Mothers Most North Dakota mothers work. In 2009, North Dakota’s proportion of mothers in the labor force was the second highest for all states in the nation. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 18

19 Percent of all Mothers in the Labor Force with Children,* North Dakota and United States, 1980-2009 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 19 *Ages 0-17

20 Unmarried Mothers Births to unmarried women have risen consistently in the past decade. Most of these births (80%) are to women ages 20 or older. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 20

21 Percent of all North Dakota Births to Unmarried Women, 1994-2009 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 21

22 3. Economic Well-Being Indicators Income and poverty Financial assistance North Dakota KIDS COUNT 22

23 Income and Poverty Although the state of North Dakota experienced prosperity in the past decade, the child poverty rate remained unchanged. Poverty level in 2009 = $21,954 for a family of four Living near poverty = when family income is between the poverty level and 149% of the poverty level Living in extreme poverty = when family income is less than 50% of the poverty level Nearly one in four North Dakota children live at or near the poverty level. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 23

24 Percent of North Dakota Children* by Level of Poverty Experience, 1990-2009 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 24 *Ages 0-17

25 Financial Assistance Common types of financial assistance SNAP (formerly food stamps) TANF (formerly “welfare” or ADFC) While 14% of North Dakota children live in poverty, only 5% live in families that receive TANF cash assistance. SNAP benefits are received by 24% of children, which is similar to the percent of children living in or near poverty. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 25

26 Percent of North Dakota Children Receiving Assistance through TANF* and SNAP, 2000-2010 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 26 *TANF = ages 0-19; SNAP = ages 0-18

27 4. Education Indicators Daily enrollments in public schools Test scores High school dropouts Special education North Dakota KIDS COUNT 27

28 Enrollment in Public Schools Enrollment in North Dakota public schools declined over the past decade. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 28

29 Average Daily Membership in North Dakota Public Schools, 1998-2010 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 29

30 Test Scores In 2010, average ACT scores for North Dakota high school graduates were slightly above the national average (21.5 vs. 21.0). According to ACT benchmarks for what it takes to be successful in first-year college classes, only 24% of North Dakota graduates are ready for English, math, reading, and science classes. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 30

31 Percent of North Dakota High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Benchmarks by Course, 2010 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 31

32 High School Dropouts In 2009-10, 701 North Dakota public school students enrolled in grades 9 through 12 and then dropped out during the year. Dropouts accounted for 2.2% of total high school enrollment. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 32

33 North Dakota Counties with Above Average Dropout Rates, 2009-10 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 33

34 Special Education In 2010, children enrolled in special education comprised 14% of total North Dakota public school enrollment. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 34

35 Percent of North Dakota Children Enrolled in Special Education by Type of Impairment, 2010 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 35

36 5. Early Care Indicators Licensed child care Child care costs North Dakota KIDS COUNT 36

37 Licensed Child Care Child care types: Legally recognized Licensed Self-certified In-home providers Approved relatives Registered tribal providers Informal networks of friends, relatives, neighbors In 2011, licensed child care had the capacity to care for only 34% of children ages 0 to 13. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 37

38 North Dakota Counties with the Lowest Licensed Child Care Capacities, 2011 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 38

39 Child Care Cost Average costs for licensed child care in North Dakota counties: Infant care: from $80 to $146 per week in family/group settings (in counties where available) North Dakota KIDS COUNT 39

40 Counties with the Highest Average Yearly Cost of Infant Care in Family/Group Settings, 2010 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 40 Source: Child Care Resource & Referral

41 6. Health Indicators Low birth-weight babies Hearing impaired Uninsured children North Dakota KIDS COUNT 41

42 Low Birth-Weight Babies North Dakota consistently ranks among states with the lowest percentage of low birth-weight babies in the nation. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 42

43 Low Birth-Weight Babies as a Percent of all Births, 2008 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 43

44 Hearing Impaired In 2010, nearly every newborn in North Dakota was screened for hearing loss. Nine percent of North Dakota newborns did not pass this screening. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 44

45 North Dakota Counties with the Highest Percent of Newborns who Failed Hearing Screening, 2010 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 45

46 Uninsured Children In 2007, 8% of all North Dakota children were not covered by some form of health insurance. Low-income and poor children (in families with incomes below 200% of poverty) are the majority of uninsured children in North Dakota (63%). North Dakota KIDS COUNT 46

47 North Dakota Counties with the Highest Percent of Uninsured Low-Income and Poor Children, 2007 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 47

48 7. Safety and Risky Behaviors Indicators Juvenile court referrals Child abuse, neglect, and domestic violence Idle teens North Dakota KIDS COUNT 48

49 Juvenile Court Referrals North Dakota juveniles referred to court as a proportion of all youth ages 10 to 17 has remained relatively unchanged over the past several years. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 49

50 North Dakota Children* Referred to Juvenile Court, 2003-2010 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 50 *Ages 10-17

51 Child Abuse, Neglect, and Domestic Violence In 2010, 4% of all North Dakota children were suspected victims of child abuse or neglect. Following Child Protection Services assessments, 1,136 children were determined to be in high- risk situations that required immediate services. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 51

52 Counties with Largest Proportion of Children* who are Suspected Victims of Child Abuse or Neglect, 2010 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 52 *Ages 0-17. Children impacted by abuse or neglect living on American Indian reservations are not included in these data.

53 Idle Teens Idle teens are youth not in school, not high school graduates, and not in the labor force. Idle teens comprised 2% of all North Dakota youth ages 16 to 19 in 2009. North Dakota KIDS COUNT 53

54 Percent of Youth* Who Are Idle Teens, 2009 North Dakota KIDS COUNT 54 *Ages 16-19

55 Get involved in helping kids See our website: “How to Help” North Dakota KIDS COUNT 55

56 North Dakota KIDS COUNT Feel free to copy or use these slides. We ask only two things: 1)Please cite North Dakota KIDS COUNT, and 2)Send a message to and let us know how and when you used these materials. Thanks! North Dakota KIDS COUNT 56

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