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European Life Sciences Infrastructure for Biological Information ELIXIR FI for BBMRI IT Morris FIMM and THL Tommi Nyrönen.

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Presentation on theme: "European Life Sciences Infrastructure for Biological Information ELIXIR FI for BBMRI IT Morris FIMM and THL Tommi Nyrönen."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Life Sciences Infrastructure for Biological Information ELIXIR FI for BBMRI IT Morris Swertz @ FIMM and THL Tommi Nyrönen CSC 9.6.2014 1

2 ELIXIR Programme 2014-2018 2

3 Technical coordination Nodes (HoNs) Task forces (TeCs) BioMedBridges Research Infrastructures e-infrastructures EMBRC, INSTRUCT, Eurobioimagining, Infrafrontier, ERINHA, EUOpenScreen, EATRIS, BBMRI, ECRINm, LifeWatch, … EUDAT, PRACE, GEANT, EGI, JISC, … Compute Data Standards Tools Single-sign on and data access control as a core technical component (AAI) Trust-building! Personal data security WS 30th June in Berlin

4 Infradev-4 BMS cluster grant preparation 1. Forge effective and lasting partnerships with user communities Simplified access points, Joined up service catalogues, Improved partnering and through a transversal innovation platform. 2. Define and develop a portfolio of shared services Support user access to samples and instrumentation as well as data management and integration to drive the research process, increase RI capabilities through collaborations and visibly reduce redundant processes. 3. Develop and deliver a training programme Significant need to build capabilities for management and operation of distributed RIs. The project will be user-led and use-case driven. 4

5 Tryggve project – platform for sensitive biomedical data Aim to produce a Nordic platform for sensitive BMS research data – Secure platform for processing and cross-border sharing of sensitive biomedical data – Digitalize the routines for sharing sensitive data Collaborative effort, funded by – NeIC – the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration – ELIXIR Nodes in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Project officially launched in April 2014, end date in 4/2017 5

6 ELIXIR Finland node 6 Focuses on cloud infrastructure and federated authentication & authorisation for biomedical organisations

7 7 CSC – Meilahti genomics data handling traffic 2013 5.8 PB in 1.4 PB out Avg. 221 MBytes/s 24/7 e.g. Sequencing Initiative Suomi

8 Biobank-derived dataset access : case Nordic Control DataBase NCDB GWA data from 5500 samples from Estonia, Denmark, Finland and Sweden Nordic Centre of Excellence in Disease Genetics NCoEDG Dataset hosted by EGA, The European Genome-Phenome Archive (, a service of EMBL-EBI

9 Resource entitlement management system (REMS) Access to research datasets 0. Fully public access 1. Researcher has a role/group membership IdP managed/VO-managed 2. Researcher commits to datasets’ licence terms 3. Researcher fills in and submits an application - Dataset owner approves/rejects Or any combination of 1, 2 and 3. NCDB @EGA

10 Planned levels for genomic data access At least the following data access levels are planned for genomic variant data in Finland LIPublic access. E.g. aggregate genotype frequency data, no phenotype data. LIILight access control. E.g. aggregate genotype frequency data grouped based on disease and population, no phenotype data, non-identifying. User identification and agreement to terms of usage policy. (Identity federation, role, REMS) LIIISecure Access with application. Individualized genotype data A) No phenotype data. Available through managed access for qualified researchers (e.g. research groups that work in academic institutions). Approval from a DAC (Data access committee) set up by the data owners (REMS). B) With phenotype data as deposited to dbGAP or EGA. Formal application and a DAC approval system. Few EGA DAC procedures have already been using the REMS as a tool. Each cohort can tailor the data authorization workflow (REMS). C) With extensive or specific phenotype data not available in dbGAP or EGA. Formal application and an approval and active participation of the sample custodian, e.g. epidemiological cohort approval boards (REMS). 10

11 Implemented in ELIXIR pilot action: Process for applying access to the Nordic Control Database

12 REMS Workflow Reports Entitlements REST-API etc. Principal investigator Applicant Research group Members of the application The REMS concept Metadata on dataset 1&2 Dataset 1 hosted by SP (EGA) Dataset 2 hosted by SP (Kite) DAC 1 Approver DAC 2 Approver IdP SP 1. Apply for access 4. Approve 5. Access 3. Circulate to approver 2. Commit to licence terms

13 The REMS implementation A Java portlet on Liferay, using Vaadin framework Open source (LGPL) Discipline-independent Initially bioinformatics Interest also in linguistics and social sciences ELIXIR Finland service (at least until 2018)


15 15 Service focuses in ELIXIR FI in 2014 REMS – expand data access support as service for biomedical data providers like THL and FIMM in Pouta (virtualisation) - CSC cloud for biomedical organisations Production cloud Supports Research Communities and Organisations (incl. Enterprise i.e. Biomedinfa cloud-type) to integrate to virtualised capacities. Development focus: Security features to support biobank data handling Security: Barely-legal vs. Overshoot situations Data replication of key EMBL-EBI datasets over lightpath Next: Computational access to local Ensembl

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