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M1U1 The night of the horse. A What do you know about…….? Here are pictures of three famous historical places. Match them with the countries. a Greece.

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Presentation on theme: "M1U1 The night of the horse. A What do you know about…….? Here are pictures of three famous historical places. Match them with the countries. a Greece."— Presentation transcript:

1 M1U1 The night of the horse

2 A What do you know about…….? Here are pictures of three famous historical places. Match them with the countries. a Greece b Egypt c The UK 123 PyramidsStonehenge Parthenon Temple bca

3 埃及金字塔( Pyramids )建于4500年前,是 古埃及法老(即国王)和王后的陵墓。陵墓是用 巨大石块修砌成的方锥形建筑,因形似汉字 “ 金 ” 字, 故译作 “ 金字塔 ” 。埃及迄今已发现大大小小的金字 塔110座,大多建于埃及古王朝时期。 古埃及 英国索尔兹伯里以北的古代巨石建筑遗迹。阵 中巨石的排列,可能是远古人类为观测天象而 置的。推动了考古天文学的发展。是欧洲著名 的史前时代文化神庙遗址,英国考古学家研究 发现,巨石阵的准确建造年代距今已经有 4300 年,即建于公元前 2300 年左右. 在希腊首都雅典卫城坐落的古城堡中心,神庙矗 立在卫城的最高点,这就是在世界艺术宝库中著 名的帕特农神庙。这座神庙历经两千多年的沧桑 之变,如今庙顶已坍塌,雕像荡然无存,浮雕剥 蚀严重,但从巍然屹立的柱廊中,还可以看出神 庙当年的丰姿。巴特农神庙是雅典卫城最重要的 主体建筑。雅典卫城

4 The City of Troy 特洛伊城

5 Greece n. Greek a. Troy n. 特洛伊 Trojan n. 特洛伊人 Troy Sparta Sparta n. 斯巴达

6 How did the Trojan War start?

7 The Trojan War 特洛伊老国王的儿子作为使者出使希腊, 抢走了斯巴达国王墨涅拉俄斯的王妃海伦, 他们两个其实是勾搭成奸的,墨涅拉俄斯 召集了全希腊的英雄入侵特洛伊,为了抢 回老婆,报仇雪恨。战争打了十年,双方 最伟大的英雄都战死,希腊军队依然无法 攻入特洛伊城,最后他们用了智者奥得修 斯的计策,用木马计攻陷了特洛伊。

8 Sparta King Menelaus Queen Helen 夫妻

9 Troy King of Troy Paris (son) 父子

10 Group discussion: What can you see in each picture ?

11 Try to Write down the key words and put them in the correct order

12 In this picture, you can see Paris and the three goddesses.

13 In this picture,you can see Paris giving her the prize, a golden apple.

14 In this picture, you can see Paris’s ship sailing away from Troy. Sail away 驶离 Troy

15 In this Picture, you can see Helen,Menelaus and Paris at dinner

16 King Menelaus had to go away from Sparta for a few days. As soon as he went , Paris took Helen to the ship. His men also stole a lot of gold from Sparta.

17 The King of Troy was happy to see his son Paris again. In this picture, you can see Paris and Helen returning to Troy.

18 In this picture, you can see the ships coming towards Troy. towards prep. 朝…,向…朝…,向…

19 There were many battles in front of the walls of Troy. You can see one of the battles in this picture. battle -n. 战役

20 correct order: d h a e b g c f

21 Ask and Answer: 1.Paris was the prince of the Sparta, wasn’t he? 2.How did Paris go to Sparta? 3.Did Helen go with Paris to Troy as soon as King Menelaus left Sparta? No,he wasn’t By ship. Yes, she did.

22 Ask and Answer: 4. What was King Menelaus ‘s feeling? 5. How did the Trojan War start? 6. How long did the battle last for? For ten years. Because Paris took the queen of Sparta away. He was very angry.

23 Learn some new words: plain n. A wide,level area of land 平原

24 Learn some new words: A giant wooden horse A very big horse made of wood Wood n. 木头 Wooden a. 木制的 giant a. --huge, very big

25 Learn some new words: citizen n. 市民,公民 celebrate v. 庆祝 All the citizens of Troy celebrated in the main square of the city celebration n. 庆祝

26 capture v.-- take control by force Learn some new words: They are so happy to capture the hill. 夺取,俘虏

27 drag v. Learn some new words: Pull something heavy roughly dragged 拖

28 seize v.--- take hold of roughly The job of the police is to seize the thief. 抓住,逮住

29 New words : 1. plain n. 平原 2. Troy n. 特洛伊 ( 古城 ) 3. Trojan a. 特洛伊(人)的 n. 特洛伊人 4. sail v. 航行 sail away 驶离 5. wooden a. 木制的 6. giant a. 巨大的,庞大的 7. citizen n. 市民,公民 8. celebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n. 庆祝 9. capture v. 夺取 10. seize v. 抓住 11. drag v. 拖 (dragged—dragged) 12.Roughly ad. 粗鲁地

30 Choose the closest words or phrases A.safely B.take control by force C. caught D. made of wood E.pulled roughly ( )1.The Greeks seized the captain on the hill finally. ( )2.They have tried for ten years to capture our city. ( )3. Tom liked the wooden ship very much. ( ) 4. The Trojans dragged the giant horses into the city with ropes. ( ) 5. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened. C B D E A 安全地

31 Matching : 1.the plain 2.seized 3.capture 4.wooden 5.securely 6.celebrated 7.dragged A. pulled roughly B. made of wood C. safely D. enjoyed themselves by singing dancing, eating, etc. E. make …their prisoners F. took hold of somebody roughly G. on the far side of

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