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Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Dissemination and Further Analysis Workshop Further Examples of MICS Dissemination Tools MICS4 Data dissemination.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Dissemination and Further Analysis Workshop Further Examples of MICS Dissemination Tools MICS4 Data dissemination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Dissemination and Further Analysis Workshop Further Examples of MICS Dissemination Tools MICS4 Data dissemination and Further Analysis

2 Preparation of Dissemination and Further Analysis Plans: 1.Decide on 3-5 specific key topics (as discussed during your working groups) 2.For each dissemination topic, identify the target groups, objectives and tools (packaging) to effectively reach your target groups. 3.For each further analysis question (topic), think of your objectives, methods (e.g., data associations, cross- tabulations, comparisons with other comparative sources), products (e.g., thematic analysis, policy brief), responsible party and dissemination tools (e.g., speech, executive summary).

3 New to MICS4: Dissemination templates 1. Animated presentations- Book-Summary-Website 2. Brochures-CD-Poster- Informational stacked sheets

4 MICS4 Templates: Brochures-CD- Poster-Informational stacked sheets Also included: instructions and a colour chart

5 Instructions 2. Children’s Book 3. MICS Summary 4. WordPress Website 1. Animated Presentations MICS4 Templates: Animated presentations-Book-Summary-Website

6 3-fold & accordion brochures/posters:


8 Simple tools to present key findings Add photos, maps, tables or charts Templates come in the Microsoft suite for easy customization and Adobe InDesign (more advanced users/printers). Step by step customization guides is provided NOTE: pictures should be at least 1024 x 768 pixels (sufficient for a 4x6 inches---10x15 cm---picture in the posters, smaller resolution can be used in brochures). About 300 dpi for print purposes. JPEG is an appropriate format. 3-fold & accordion brochures/posters:

9 Accordion brochure Side A) Side B)

10 Suriname Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011 Monitoring the situation of children and women Template also available in InDesign. Customization instructions are available in Word or PDF. MICS CD Template in Power Point

11 Stacked Informational Sheets

12 Animated presentations: Give your videos a more professional look and feel With title sequences and segues As your videos transition from one indicator topic to another, the segues help transition your presentations and prepare the audience for the next topic. Includes all UN languages (& add your own), these presentations add visual interest to your videos. Title animation Bumper animation

13 Animated Presentation: Storyboard

14 Children’s Book: Share findings with children and classrooms. Suitable for adult audiences! Over 300 illustrations, multiple page templates… easy for anyone to mix-and-match artwork to create an attractive and educational book. May encourage children to carry out their own survey to see how their communities or families compare with the country as a whole. Production likely requires assistance of a designer. Book should be professionally printed.





19 See example from NepalNepal

20 MICS Summary:

21 Enables you to create a sharp, brief report to attractively convey your findings. Can be professionally printed or directly from your desktop printer. Clean look and an easy solution. Designed in both letter and A4 sizes, users can choose among Abode InDesign, Quark XPress and Microsoft Word to create their final publication.

22 Word Press website: Easy-to-use, intuitive application. Opportunity to combine text, graphs, photos and videos. Content is easily managed using a friendly backend that enables you to make changes instantly. Ideal for both technical and nontechnical users. Preferable to consult with an IT officer during installation Link

23 Word Press: Installation Instructions

24 Other examples:

25 Journalist Workshop Agenda: Detailed agenda of how to structure a 3-hour workshop to educate/further sensitize journalists on what is MICS, how to interpret/use its findings Objectives:  List at least three ways to use MICS data  Describe how to bring MICS data to life for their audiences  Develop at least 3 stories that feature or use MICS data One version for facilitators, one for journalists Link to Journalist Workshop Agenda

26 Ideas on how to prepare a Key Findings Report: Look at Key Findings reports produced by MICS3 and MICS4 countries (e.g. Swaziland).MICS3Swaziland

27 Making MICS4 available on the World Wide Web: Further ideas on how to use the Web to further disseminate your MICS findings Link

28 A few more Dissemination and Further Analysis resources: 1.Look at existing reports available at (under Publications).Publications 2.Look at dissemination tools produced by MICS3 3.Visit DHS website for ideas of comparative reports, analytical studies, further analyses, 4.DHS also has some examples of dissemination tools such as policy briefs, fact sheets, etc. You will find an example “The Impact of Education on Health Reforms” based on the 2005 Ethiopia DHSThe Impact of Education on Health Reforms 5.Journalists’ Guide to DHSGuide

29 ………………….. Playing with MICS tables: An Example from the 2010 Serbia MICS4

30 Describe the obvious (compare row totals with grand total) Observe the ranges (largest and smallest observation). What’s happening? Any idea why. Identify the denominator (# of households, or women, or children under 5, or men 15-24, etc.)denominator Relate findings to national goals or MDGs… Compare between regions, age, sex, education, etc… Look at trends (ensure data CAN be compared between rounds, as definitions may have changed)

31 Focus on disparities… Data in tables are presented through various dimensions, at times unique to a country: Geographical regions Age Gender Marital status Wealth Religion Mother’s education Child labour status Language Others

32 MICS4 indicatorsindicators 3. CHILD HEALTH Numerator Denominator 3.5 Hepatitis B immunization coverage IM Number of children age 12-23 months who received the third dose of Hepatitis B vaccine before their first birthday Total number of children age 12- 23 months 3.6 Yellow fever immunization coverage IM Number of children age 12-23 months who received yellow fever vaccine before their first birthday Total number of children age 12-23 months 3.7Neonatal tetanus protectionMN Number of women age 15-49 years with a live birth in the 2 years preceding the survey who were given at least two doses of tetanus toxoid vaccine within the appropriate interval prior to giving birth Total number of women age 15-49 years with a live birth in the 2 years preceding the survey 3.8 Oral rehydration therapy with continued feeding CA Number of children under age 5 with diarrhoea in the previous 2 weeks who received ORT (ORS packet or recommended homemade fluid or increased fluids) and continued feeding during the episode of diarrhoea Total number of children under age 5 with diarrhoea in the previous 2 weeks 3.9 Care-seeking for suspected pneumonia CA Number of children under age 5 with suspected pneumonia in the previous 2 weeks who were taken to an appropriate health provider Total number of children under age 5 with suspected pneumonia in the previous 2 weeks

33 How does comprehensive knowledge about HIV transmission among women age 15-24 compare between women in Serbia and women in Roma Settlements of Serbia? We are interested to see if this even differs by wealth.

34 MDGs: Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goals and Targets (from the Millennium Declaration) Indicators for monitoring progress for Target 6.A

35 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Age: 15-24 25-29 15-29 30-39 40-49 Comprehensive knowledge: 54.1%

36 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop 54.1% Compre- hensive knowledge (%) Number of women age 15-24 Various dimensions: Region Area Age Marital status Women’s education Wealth index quintiles

37 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Comprehensive knowledge (%) ………… ………… ………… Number of women age 15-24 Wealth index quintiles 330/ 742 = 44% 408/ 621 = 66% Comprehensive knowledge among women age 15-24, by wealth, Serbia (%) 57 142 131 178 230

38 What about women in Roma Settlements of Serbia?

39 Age: 15-24 25-29 15-29 30-39 40-49 Comprehensive knowledge 12.2% Number of women

40 Various dimensions: Area Age Marital status Women’s education Wealth index quintiles 12.2% Compre- hensive knowledge (%) Number of women age 15-24

41 Comprehensive knowledge (%) Number of women age 15-24 Wealth index quintiles 58/ 307 = 19% 38/ 477 = 8% Rounded value Comprehensive knowledge among women age 15-24, by wealth, Roma Settlements (%) ………… ………… ………… 5 16 38 20

42 Wealth index quintiles Comprehensive knowledge Serbia (%) 57 142 131 178 230 330/ 742 = 44% 408/ 621 = 66% Comprehensive knowledge Roma (%) 5 16 38 20 38/ 477 = 8% 58/ 307 = 19% How does comprehensive knowledge about HIV transmission among women age 15-24 compare between women in Serbia and those in Roma Settlements in Serbia? GENERAL OBSERVATION: Knowledge among Roma women in the 3 lowest wealth quintiles is only about one-eight that of the wealthiest women in Serbia

43 Merci beaucoup!

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