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Ethnicity- why it matters DRS in-service training day 12 th November 2013 Dr Joy Tomlinson.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethnicity- why it matters DRS in-service training day 12 th November 2013 Dr Joy Tomlinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethnicity- why it matters DRS in-service training day 12 th November 2013 Dr Joy Tomlinson

2 Why does it matter? DRIVE UK study (2 cohorts, Yorkshire & London), 50,285 people- March 2012. –Prevalence of any DR 38% prevalence in White Europeans 52% in Afro/Afro-caribbeans 43% in South Asians –STDR 5.5% in White Europeans 11.5% in Afro/Afro-Carribbeans 10.3% in South Asians


4 Over time, Scotland is becoming more diverse. But there is no easy summary. Identity, ethnicity and place of birth tell different aspects of a story. People born outside the UK by council area, Scotland, 2001 and 2011 Percentage of population born outside the UK 20012011 East Lothian3.05.3 Edinburgh, City of8.315.9 Midlothian2.64.0 West Lothian2.95.6 Aberdeen City6.315.9 Glasgow City5.712.2 Scotland3.87.0

5 CountryNumber Percentage (of people born outside the UK) Change in number: 2001 to 2011 All people born outside the UK369,000100178,000 Poland55,0001553,000 India23,0006.413,000 Republic of Ireland23,0006.21,000 Germany22,00064,000 Pakistan20,0005.47,000 United States of America16,0004.35,000 China15,0004.212,000 South Africa11,0002.93,000 Nigeria9,0002.68,000 Canada9,0002.61,000 Australia8,0002.21,000 Hong Kong (Special Admin. Region of China)8,0002.11,000 France7,0001.92,000 Italy6,0001.61,000 Spain5,0001.32,000 Other131,00035.464,000

6 Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British form the largest non-white group in Scotland White Mixed or multiple ethnic groups Asian, Asi an Sco ttish or Asi an Briti shAfrican Caribbe an or Bla ck Other eth nic gro ups Fife97. Grampian960. Greater Glasgow & Clyde92. Highland98. Lanarkshire980. Lothian94. Scotland960.

7 Cities drive diversity but there are different trends across Scotland All people White Mixed or mu ltipl e eth nic gro ups Asian, Asi an Sco ttish or Asi an Briti shAfrican Caribb ea n or Bla ck Other eth nic gro ups Fife365,198356,5501,2575,748704422517 Grampian569,061546,0902,49112,1555,6209141,791 GG&C1,213,4081,124,9444,69462,56814,1292,1704,903 Highland320,298316,0489412,431321277280 Lanarkshire574,637563,0861,2728,444963319553 Lothian834,350787,4515,19431,0695,2641,3554,017 Scotland5,295,4035,084,40719,815140,67829,6386,54014,325

8 Lothian’s population is more ethnically diverse than most of Scotland. Edinburgh has the highest proportion of non white Scots and the largest number of Polish people White - Scotti sh White - Other British White - Irish White - Polish White - Other Asian, Asian Scottis h or Asian British Other ethni c grou ps East Lothian 85.6%9.3%0.9%0.8%1.7%1.0%0.8% Edinburgh 70.3%11.8%1.8%2.7%5.1%5.5%2.8% Midlothian 90.0%5.8%0.6%0.5%1.3%1.1%0.8% West Lothian 87.8%5.8%0.7%1.9%1.3%1.7%0.8% Lothian 77.8%9.6%1.3%2.1%3.5%3.7%2.0% Scotland 84.0%7.9%1.0%1.2%1.9%2.7%1.4%

9 Lothian’s population is more ethnically diverse than most of Scotland. Edinburgh has the highest proportion of non white Scots and the largest number of Polish people

10 Compared to Lothian, the SOARIAN database shows a higher proportion of Asian and mixed ethnicity patients – diabetes prevalence is higher among some ethnic groups notably South Asians

11 All white Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups All Asian All African All Caribb ean Scotland 201196. Lothian 201194. SOARIAN90. Compared to Lothian, the SOARIAN database shows a higher proportion of Asian and mixed ethnicity patients – diabetes prevalence is higher among some ethnic groups notably South Asians

12 Scotland %Lothian %SOARIAN % White: Scottish 83.9577.7573.13 White: Other British 7.889.6312.37 White: Irish 1.021.340.61 White: Other 3.165.664.44 Mixed/multiple 0.641.104.31 Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British: Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British 0.930.951.86 Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British: Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British 0.620.911.10 Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British: Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British: Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British 0.641.070.57 Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British: Other Asian 0.400.630.67 African: African, African Scottish or African British 0.550.620.53 African: Other African Caribbean

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