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K. Harrison CERN, 15th May 2003 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Development strategy - Ganga prototype - Release plans - Conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "K. Harrison CERN, 15th May 2003 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Development strategy - Ganga prototype - Release plans - Conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 K. Harrison CERN, 15th May 2003 GANGA: GAUDI/ATHENA AND GRID ALLIANCE - Development strategy - Ganga prototype - Release plans - Conclusions

2 15th May 20032 Feedback from March Software Workshop - Concern expressed at March Software Workshop about number of projects relating to job configuration, submission and/or management: ASK, AtCom, Chimera, DIAL, Ganga, GrappaASKAtComChimeraDIALGangaGrappa - Consensus was that exploring a variety of approaches through the different projects had been a good thing, given uncertainties in how the Grid will develop, but a closer collaboration between projects is needed - Development of software based on components was encouraged  Allow possibility of combining components from different projects to obtain optimal solution

3 15th May 20033 Design and development strategy - Ganga design is based on a set of components that communicate via a software bus  Implementation in Python - Mini-workshop at CERN, 9-12 May, has helped define better how things should work in practice  Reviewed status of prototype  Discussed functionality required of Python bus  Looked at breakdown into components  Defined release schedule for rest of the year - This week, have been talking with people from related projects  All agreed in principle to tighter coordination and collaboration, details to be worked out

4 15th May 20034 Ganga prototype - Code authors: K. Harrison, A. Soroko, C.L. Tan - Guidance and suggestions: N. Brook, R.W.L. Jones, W. Lavrijsen, P. Mato, C.E. Tull - Prototype is mainly for developers, but demonstrates Python as glue: need simplifications to improve usability - Has limitations, but Ganga prototype is already able to submit Atlfast jobs to the LSF batch system on lxplus  Submission to EDG resource broker also possible, but need ATLAS software at worker node - Recipe for submitting Atlfast job available: - First release for users planned for week of 16-20 June

5 15th May 20035 Basic GUI

6 15th May 20036 Job creation

7 15th May 20037 Application parameters

8 15th May 20038 Atlfast job-options editor (by C.L. Tan) -Integral part of Ganga, but will function as standalone tool  Command-line program with a GUI wrapper - GUI-assisted customisation of job-options files prevents certain errors (mis-spelt options/values, incorrect syntax) - User can define/manipulate sequences and lists - Editor is option-type aware  Drop-down menus for discrete choices  Arbitrary value entry for simple options  Value append for list-type options - Favourite settings can be saved to file for subsequent reloading - User-guide available:

9 15th May 20039 Sequence editor

10 15th May 200310 Options editor

11 15th May 200311 Preview of job-options file

12 15th May 200312 Listing of input files

13 15th May 200313 Job submission

14 15th May 200314 Job completion

15 15th May 200315 Release plans (1) 5-9 May: Ganga release 0.1 – Prototype release, mainly for developers – Includes basic GUI, some job-configuration possibilities, job submission to local host or batch system (LSF, PBS, EDG) 12-16 May: ATLAS Software Workshop, CERN - Status and plans

16 15th May 200316 Release plans (2) 16 June 2003: Ganga release 1.0 - CLI and Usability improvements 18-20 June 2003: LHCb Software Week - Announce Ganga 1.0 available for use 12-16 July 2003: 7 th GridPP collaboration meeting, Oxford, UK - Preliminary user feedback on release 1.0 28 July 2003: Ganga release 1.1 - Pure-client submit

17 15th May 200317 Release plans (3) 2-4 September 2003: UK All-Hands Meeting, Nottingham, UK 22-26 September 2003: ATLAS Software Workshop - User feedback on 1.1 29 September: Ganga release 2.0 - CLI capture of GUI actions - PyBus and ASK modules - Pre-execute release installation

18 15th May 200318 Pre-execution of release installation User running Ganga client Gatekeeper Worker nodes Software server Send script Send job output Request software Receive software Submit job Request software Receive software Send job output

19 15th May 200319 Release plans (4) 10 November: Ganga release 3.0 - Enhanced monitoring 12-14 November 2003: LHCb Software Week 15-21 November 2003: SuperComputing/Grid 2003, Phoenix, USA - End-to-end troubleshooting demonstration 1-5 December: ATLAS Software Workshop April-March 2004 - ATLAS DC2

20 15th May 200320 Conclusions - Ganga prototype has been developed - Prototype includes basic GUI functionality and job-options editor, and allows submission of Atlfast jobs - Mini-workshop at CERN, 9-12 May, has helped define Ganga roadmap for the rest of the year - First Ganga release for users planned for week of 16-20 June - Looking to coordinate and collaborate with ASK, AtCom, Chimera, DIAL and Grappa: aim for full integration of tools

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