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Acknowledge and Celebrate Coaching in your Organization with Clarity and Ease 2015 PRISM Nomination & Award Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Acknowledge and Celebrate Coaching in your Organization with Clarity and Ease 2015 PRISM Nomination & Award Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acknowledge and Celebrate Coaching in your Organization with Clarity and Ease 2015 PRISM Nomination & Award Process

2 Benefits to Applying Organizations  Recognizing improved bottom line results and leaders  Well told success story to commemorate organizational achievement  Publicity for best in class for organizational coaching  Award celebrating excellence in coaching 2

3 Nomination Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for the ICF Washington State PRISM Award, nominees must satisfy several criteria, including:  Nominated organization must be located in Washington State  Be nominated by an ICF Credentialed coach with current ICF membership  Coaching initiative active at least 12 months 3

4 Nomination Eligibility Criteria Coaching initiative impacted individual coaching clients and/or organization in a observable and measurable way. o High potential employee development o Leadership development o Change management initiatives o Team/group effectiveness o Customer service improvements o Problem solving capability o Communication and feedback skills o Employee health and wellness o Employee engagement o Employee work/life balance 4

5 Additional Requirements Nominating ICF coach and team should be prepared to share their success story:  With one member of the panel of judges who may seek clarifying information in an interview format on October 2 or 5;  With PRISM Award Celebration attendees during the evening of November 3; and  With Symposium Event attendees in a 90-minute learning format during the day of November 3 5

6 Nomination Form All submissions must use nomination form available at Email completed form to by 5 p.m. Pacific, Friday, September 11, 2015 6

7 Nominating Coach Provide contact details for one nominating coach who participated in the organization’s coaching initiative: o Coach name: Sue Paxton o ICF Credential level (e.g. ACC, PCC, MCC): PCC o Current ICF membership o Coach business/company name: Composite Integrated Products (CIP) o Coach email: o Coach phone: 425-998-8987 7

8 Organizational Nominee Information about the specific organization where coaching initiative was implemented: o Organization name: Composite Integrated Products o Organization address: 123 321 st Place SW, Seattle, WA 98081 o Organization status (e.g. for-profit, non-profit, government): For Profit o Industry sector (e.g. pharmaceutical, telecommunications, manufacturing): Manufacturing o Number of employees: 152 o Annual revenue (USD): $1.3 million o Implementation date of coaching initiative: Jan 2,2014 o Current status of coaching initiative: Ongoing 8

9 Organizational Nominee Quantify the extent the coaching initiative has been implemented across the organization:  Number of coaches used in coaching initiative: 5  Number of employees receiving coaching: 42  Number of department areas/business lines using coaching: All Management levels and High Performers 9

10 Sponsor or Champion Information Provide contact details for the coaching sponsor (e.g. HR, Learning & Development, Talent Management etc…) within the organization: Coaching EXAMPLE Name Title /Position E-MailPhone ICF Credential Champion #1 Sam Cooke Talent Mgmt Ldr Samcooke@CIP.com425-123-4567 ACC Champion #2 Jen Lexicon Finance &MktLdr Jlexicon@CIP.com206-222-4536 Champion #3 Ethan Chris Leadership Dev Ecteam@CIP.com206-567-8912 10

11 Snapshot of Coaching Initiative EXAMPLE As the Nominating Coach, describe why you feel this organization should be recognized for an ICF Washington State PRISM Award: (250 words or less): Composite Integrated Products (CIP) hold itself to high standards in the innovation of integrated composite products and have done an excellent job putting together a program that runs smoothly not just for CIP Management but also for the Coaches. CIP chose to adopt and build a coaching culture and deepen its leadership capabilities to drive the culture. CIP is committed to the program for the long-haul, and has done the internal work to review and refresh its values and mission to reflect the change in culture its wants to see. I am nominating CPI for the ICF WA PRISM Award because this program is more than lip service;.... 11

12 Scope of Coaching Initiative EXAMPLE Please describe the generalscope of the coaching initiative in terms of the types of coaching being applied inside the organization: (250 words or less): In 2013 Composite Integrated Products implemented a leadership development program to build a coaching culture within the organization to increase engagement, accountability, performance, and deepen leadership capabilities to expand their potential. The program was created to help leaders shift from a consulting and problem solving methodology into a growth and development focus. The program was designed with two phases: Phase I an interactive workshop where all leaders learn the fundamentals of a coaching approach to effectively communicate, gain clarity about how they show up as a leader,… Phase II Each participant is matched with a coach. The benefits of this confidential partnership is participants are able to anchor their learning from the workshop into their daily work, be coached through their blind spots and be challenged beyond their comfort zone for exemplary results. … 12

13 Participating Coach(es) Name Internal Coach External Coach ICF Credential Level (If Applicable) Other Organizational Credential (If Applicable) ICF Member (Y/N) Coach #1Sam HessXACCY Coach #2Jessica FreedXACCY Coach #3Tonya NunionXSHRM SPHR Coach #4Frank LyonXACC Coach #5Sue PaxtonxMCCY Coach #6 Coach #7 Provide information about the coaches who worked on this coaching initiative:. 13

14 Evaluation Criteria Judges will only receive the answers to the following four questions and will not be informed of the name of the nominated organization or participating coaches when judging the evaluative criteria. 14

15 Strategy Provide specific examples of how organizational goals, strategic priorities or workplace needs are being addressed through the coaching initiative. Examples could include, but not be limited to, the following (500 words or less): 15

16 Strategy Examples  Coaching initiative aligns with organizational mission, vision, core values, or behaviors  Coaching initiative can be mapped clearly to current organizational goals/objectives  Coaching initiative supported by dedicated allocation of human and/or financial resources  Coaching initiative has proven to be adaptable/has evolved to serve fast –emerging employee/organizational needs  Coaching has become a fundamental element to the organizational team-building processes 16

17 Strategy - EXAMPLE How does this initiative meet the company goals? Who was coached? How were clients selected? How did it align with Company Values? Why did you start this initiative? Was it Voluntary? Why Coaching? What was the gap or strategy that coaching was brought in to address? 17

18 Standards Provide examples of how the coaching initiative was developed in a way that would highlight a commitment to rigorous professional standards, industry excellence or best practices within organizational coaching. Examples could include, but not be limited to, the following (500 words or less): 18

19 Standards - Examples  Coaching initiative utilizes external or internal coaches who hold an ICF Credential and who is an ICF member  Individuals offering coach-specific training to employees have graduated from an ICF accredited/approved program  Coaches involved in the initiative have been offered coach mentoring/coaching supervision  ICF Code of Ethics has been identified as a resource in coaching agreement with the organization; in particular, confidentiality has been preserved in coaching conversations  Clear rationale for using coaching as the preferred solution 19

20 Standards - EXAMPLE How did you maintain Confidentiality between coach and client? What was your Code of Ethics? Did you use the ICF Competencies – which ones? What best practices did you implement or re-use? How was coaching conducted? Face to Face? Phone? Video? Why did you use the coaching methodology? How did you maintain Confidentiality? Did you use certified coaches? How did you choose coaches? How the coaching initiative was developed? 20

21 Sustainability Sustainability: Provide examples of how coaching has become embedded into the fabric of the organization or identify any plans to develop/expand the coaching initiative further. Examples could include, but not be limited to, the following (500 words or less): 21

22 Sustainability - Examples  Organization has coaching champions/advocates in senior leadership position who can communicate the coaching strategy effectively  Coaching has become positioned as a preferred solution when compared to other modalities  Coaching used as modality in forward-thinking areas (e.g. talent management, succession planning, employee development)  Coaching shows long-term resilience in organizational infrastructure/operating budget  Organizational leadership styles have changed positively resulting from the coaching 22

23 Sustainability - EXAMPLE How do you sustain the gains? Where will coaching be used in the future? What areas most benefited from coaching? Where will you implement coaching next? How were coaching relationships evaluated? What changes did you make to the initiative over time? Success stories? Vision for the future of coaching? How was it measured? How coaching has become embedded in the culture? 23

24 Impact Provide any observable and measureable details that underscore the value, influence or effectiveness of the coaching initiative. Examples could include, but not be limited to, the following (500 words or less): 24

25 Impact - Examples  Integration of coaching measured by number of employees/proportion of workforce receiving coaching  Employees who have received coaching provide positive testimonials that demonstrate the breadth and/or depth of coaching initiative  Employee indicators provided that validate increased levels of workplace engagement and well-being (e.g. decreased stress, increased resilience, goal attainment)  Return on Expectations (ROE) measurements provided for non-monetary employee/organizational goals that were identified before coaching initiative was implemented  Return on Investment (ROI) measurements calculated for areas that emphasized financial business outcomes or for any impacted goal areas that can be converted to a monetary value 25

26 Impact EXAMPLE How did you measure behavioral change? What was the impact of coaching? What results did you achieve What were the responses to surveys, feedback etc? Any measures specific to coaching? How do you ensure forward movement? What changed within the business? How is coaching becoming embedded in business and/or HR process? If this specific coaching program was eliminated, what would remain? Which groups are you expanding coaching to and why? What are the observable and measureable details? 26

27 Questions

28 Mark your Calendars!!! 2015 ICF Washington State PRISM Symposium & Annual PRISM Award Ceremony November 3, 2015 Washington State Convention Center 800 Convention Place Seattle, WA 98101 Registration opens Monday, September 7, 2015 28

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