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Code 210 All Hands Meeting November 12, 2014. Agenda Introductions Update on Workplace Climate Initiatives Important Procurement Reminders.

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Presentation on theme: "Code 210 All Hands Meeting November 12, 2014. Agenda Introductions Update on Workplace Climate Initiatives Important Procurement Reminders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Code 210 All Hands Meeting November 12, 2014

2 Agenda Introductions Update on Workplace Climate Initiatives Important Procurement Reminders

3 Workplace Climate Initiative Employee Suggestion Box 25 separate inputs/suggestions to date Focal point (Dawn) assigns action according to nature of input Disposition of each input, including proposed action and date of completion, being tracked Disposition results to be posted periodically on Code 210 home page Majority of employees submitting inputs willing to help implement ideas Many good ideas!

4 Employee Suggestions SuggestionStatus Consider creating a shadowing program for the non- 1102 employees in the division. As part of the Division Shadowing Program, opportunities will be included that will be beneficial to all employees with the division, not just 1102 series employees Include info required to exercise options under the Contract Administration tab. Define all steps necessary to exercise options. Senior Staff updated the option justification template Assign the COR as the Assessing Official Rep on all contracts in CPARS. Working with Suzanne to discuss pros and cons with Management Team, before rolling out guidance Update the NF 1634 to change COTR to COR and 1680 to CPARS HQ made aware of issue, will be addressed as part of NFS rewrite activities.

5 Employee Suggestions SuggestionStatus Promote consistency across the division in how files are prepared and documented. Lunch and Learn topics will be added to discuss these issues. In addition, simplified file checklist will be updated to include references to additional information. Create a work transition process to assist specialists as they move offices or contract workload. Senior Staff is working with employee who provided input to develop a transition process to be used across the division when individuals are transferred. “Real time” appreciation for completing significant procurement actions. “Thank You Program” intended to provide quick turnaround recognition. Management team discussions in process for other ways to show appreciation. Streamlining the review and approval of the In House Cost Estimate (IHCE) Working with OCFO to update GPR requirements and internal Procurement review documents.

6 Employee Suggestions SuggestionStatus Request that RAs start inserting “Severable” or “Non- Severable” in PR description box to assist with prioritizing actions during fiscal year end. Working with OCFO to implement this suggestion. Have focused training sessions that get back to the basics of procurement. Topics will be added to existing working group schedules to cover a broad range of foundational procurement topics. Create a Peer Awards process for the division.Team in place to implement this idea. Program being rolled out in November/December. Provide training on the NF 1707 for the division as well as the technical requirements community. This will be covered at an upcoming lunch and learn. In addition, NF 1707 to be addressed in upcoming RA/COR training.

7 Employee Suggestions SuggestionStatus Increase TOMS functionality to include a step for contractor concurrence with a Task before award is made. Speaking with OCIO folks maintaining the software to explore functionality enhancements. Hold training on the TOMS tool for both procurement and technical communities. Increase functionality of TOMS to include error checking on certain fields. Lunch and Learn topic will be added for the training. Task Monitor training content being reviewed. Speaking with OCIO folks maintaining the software to explore functionality enhancements. Streamline review process to be concurrent reviews with all reviewers at the table at one time. Idea being piloted for certain solicitations, with process outlined in Review and Approval matrix To the maximum extent practicable allow folks to participate in lunch time workshops via webex or lync so they can participate from their desks. Will increase use of lyncs and dial-in conference numbers as appropriate for the topic of discussion.

8 Suggestions/Ideas Under Review Hire Pricing Analyst for every offices to reduce reliance on RA community for SEB and pricing related actions. Update the GSFC Award Fee circular to include more guidance on the mechanics of running the PEB. Consider increasing limitation on PEB membership to avoid the potential for or appearance of bias. Procurement should become its own organization outside of Code 200. Suggest that the Procurement Management Team (Mike, Mary and/or Cindy) hold one- on-ones with all employees within the division throughout the year. Utilize people within the division based on the aspects of the job they like. Create a formal mentoring program within 210. Place increased importance on receiving documentation necessary for closeout to ensure timely closeout of files.

9 Workplace Climate Initiative Procurement Awards Program Thank You Program Target Date for Implementation: November 24, 2014 Show appreciation for helpful actions, respectful behaviors Entire procurement community eligible to nominate and/or receive awards Nomination forms easy to complete, with lead-in sentences provided Nominations to be submitted through link on Code 210 home page Supervisor to present award at team staff meeting, and awardees recognized at Division All Hands Meeting Categories include: Team Player, Diversity and Inclusion Appreciation, Regulations/Process, Communications, IT Systems, Other

10 Workplace Climate Initiative Procurement Awards Program Annual Procurement Awards Awards Call: Planned for December 10, 2014 through January 9, 2015 Focus is on exemplary employee accomplishments Nomination forms easy to complete, with lead-in sentences provided Awards committee made up of managers and non-managers Award categories include: Graduate Award, Olivia Gunter Humanitarian Award, Mission Impossible Award, Diversity and Inclusion, Steady Helm, Rookie of the Year, Unsung Hero, Mentor Award category definitions on Code 210 home page Awards to be presented at All Hands Meeting in February 2015

11 Workplace Climate Initiative Climate Advisory Team Purpose Forum for managers and non-managers to have dialog about improving climate for Code 210, fostering openness, transparency, understanding, equity, and trust Role of Team Develop recommendations for Procurement Officer on ways to enhance Code 210 climate Advocate for positive change Communicate all perspectives and share information about changes underway with all

12 Workplace Climate Initiative Climate Advisory Team (cont.) Membership: Expect to issue Call for interested personnel by December 2, 2014 Approximately 12 members, made up of managers and non-managers Approximately 8 non-managers: 1 from each enterprise (include at least 1 buyer); 1 from WFF; 1 from 210 staff offices 1 Associate Chief; 2 Procurement Managers, 1 Senior Staff member Team will select lead during formulation process; not necessarily a manager Procurement Officer to participate at beginning and to remain engaged periodically Members serve one-year term; new members rotate onto team via new call for membership Member Criteria Commitment to advancing positive and constructive ideas for change Good communication, collaboration, and decision-making skills

13 Workplace Climate Initiative Climate Advisory Team (cont.) Selection Process Self-nominations Call will require nominees to describe (1) why they want to be a member, (2) how they would contribute to effort to improve climate, and (3) their skills and experiences that will help them work on team. Expect 2 to 3 sentences per question. Procurement Officer to make final decision on team members Procurement Officer to provide overall foundation and goals for the team. Team will build on this and define specific activities to be worked during the year. Procurement Officer to give final approval of actions to be implemented OHCM to facilitate meetings to establish charter, develop communication groundrules, and establish timelines Management support for member participation Team progress will be reported periodically at All Hands Meetings

14 Important Reminders Transmission of Sensitive Data When posting on public websites, always use Electronic Document Posting Checklist (posted on Code 210 Policy page), which requires obtaining independent check of files before posting (see Review and Approval Matrix for dollar thresholds) Check all procurement-related documents received from technical & resources personnel for hidden data When creating Excel spreadsheets, never hide sensitive data, including in-house estimate data and/or contractor proprietary data Always use PKI when transmitting data containing sensitive information Only provide sensitive information to those with a need to know Attend Lunch and Learn session to learn specific tips for searching documents and finding metadata. Additional session scheduled for December 9.

15 Important Reminders Competency Management System (CMS) Assessment CMS is an inventory of skills, expertise, and competencies that reside in the NASA workforce Procurement employees were last required to update their individual competencies in 2009 OFPP is now requiring an update to this competency inventory to meet Federal-wide acquisition reporting requirements Data will be used to identify skills and gaps in the Federal workforce, as well as training that may be needed Data will not be used for performance evaluation, job selection, pay setting, or determining work assignments Individual employees rate themselves based on work experience, education, and training. First line supervisors validate information Assessment is required for all GS 1102 and 1105 personnel. Procurement personnel in other job series may complete assessment as well Assessment period is now open, and must be completed by employees by December 12. Supervisor validation must be complete by December 19. Link for CMS:

16 Important Reminders Mid-Terms must be completed by November 30 Code 210/140 Holiday Party is December 17 in Building 8 Auditorium, hosted by Senior Staff!

17 Back-up Slides

18 Thank You for Your Outstanding Suggestions: Leslie Adams Rhea Frazier Laura Freeman Jim Geiser Alpana Jenne Laura Marrero-Garcia Michele McIntyre Lisa Mullen Michelle Mumford Andrea McClendon Ashley McQueen Eric Newman Ria Price Michele Rook Camille Thurston

19 Suggestions by the Numbers Number of Suggestions Received: 25 Suggestions received by office (when identified):

20 20 POD Annual Awards Details Olivia Gunter Humanitarian Award Agility, Respect, Balance, Dedication An award for someone who goes out of the way to do their own job and more, such as volunteering for extra committees, mentoring, outreach activities, or going the extra mile to help others. Mission Impossible Award Agility, Balance, Dedication, Creativity This award recognizes people who do more with less and/or develop new and creative ways of approaching their work. It can be for either a major initiative or a series of minor ones culminating in a significant impact. Graduate Award Agility, Balance, Creativity, Dedication, Integrity, and/or Respect An award for someone who goes above and beyond to improve their knowledge of procurement (or specialty); to expand their understanding of Center initiatives; or a general marked improvement of one’s own abilities and enthusiasm for their assigned duties.

21 21 POD Annual Awards Details Steady Helm Peer Award Integrity, Respect, Teamwork An award for a good team player or leader, who helps keep the team focused in a crisis. This person keeps things moving, performs well under pressure, and reinforces good morale and respect for all team members during times of stress/adversity. Rookie of the Year Award Agility, Dedication An award for an employee who demonstrated agility by getting up to speed quickly in assuming their new responsibilities as they transitioned to their new duties in a new position. This could be new employee or someone who transitioned. Unsung Hero Peer Award Dedication, Teamwork An award for any employee who supports the Directorate from a behind the scenes role. This award recognizes an employee dedicated to their job, who supports the Directorate in a behind the scenes role meeting the needs of customers and co- workers with a can-do attitude.

22 22 POD Annual Awards Details Diversity & Inclusion Award Dedication, Integrity, Respect, Teamwork An award for an individual who contributes to creating an environment where differences are valued and appreciated and who models integrity, respect and fairness in working with others. Mentor Award Balance, Dedication, Integrity, Respect An award for an individual who embraces mentoring and actively participates in the development of others. Recipients of this award coach others for improved performance or to enhance career development and assists mentees with professional and career planning. Boundless Energy Award Agility, Creativity, Respect, and Teamwork An award for any POD employee who in addition to getting their day job done, is aware and focused on needs beyond their own team and responsibilities. An award for someone who consistently goes out of the way to do their own job and more. The recipient never stops making progress, is professional, always present both physically and mentally, and maintains a balance among respect, productivity and ability.

23 23 POD Annual Awards Details “Other” Award – Create your own category Agility, Balance, Creativity, Dedication, Integrity, Respect, and Teamwork An award for a POD team member whose activities best reflect any of the best values of the Center: agility, balance, creativity, dedication, integrity, respect, and teamwork. Hercules Award Agility, Balance, Creativity, Dedication, Integrity, Respect, and Teamwork An award to recognize someone who has a demanding, complex and difficult job, yet they manage be successful. This award recognizes people who overcome new challenges independently and successfully. It can be for either a major initiative or a series of minor ones culminating in a significant impact.

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