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Source: The Sun newspaper, 21 June 2004 Source: The Sunday Star, 6 Nov 2005.

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2 Source: The Sun newspaper, 21 June 2004

3 Source: The Sunday Star, 6 Nov 2005


5 Top 10 Interview Questions 1.Tell Me Something About Yourself 2.Why Do You Want To Join This Company? 3.Why Are You Looking For A New Job? 4.What Kind Of Position Are You Looking For? 5.What Do You Consider Your Strengths and Weaknesses? 6.What Do You Know About Our Company? 7.What Do You Consider Your Greatest Achievements? 8.Where Do You See Yourself One / Five Years From Now? 9.What Type Of Job Assignments Did You Perform In Your Last Job? 10.When You Start A New Job, How Do You Establish Good Relationships With Your New Colleagues and Supervisors? Source: How many interview questions you can spot that requires you to describe what you learn in college or university?

6 Tell Me Something About Yourself  Golden classic used at the start of interviews to break the ice  For interviewers to get a good initial run down of who you are and your "hidden" characteristics, demonstrated in the way you present this self-story.  You should prepare a 2 to 3 minute presentation that briefly describe:  introduces your self (where you're from)  your personal interests (hobbies, community involvement etc)  your work history  recent career experience  Interviewers look for:  brief, sequential summary of your life and career that relates to the job for which you're interviewing.  Your conversational style, your confidence level, your ability to organize and present information  An idea of the person you are behind the suit Source:

7 What Interviewer Looks For? Never underestimate the emotional aspect. The following emotional aspects are important:  Initial Impression  Judgment is made on the way you look, speak and act for example your vocal quality, eye contact, facial expression, body posture  Management Potential  People hire people to grow their own management team  Motivation/Enthusiasm  Employer want to hire people who are excited to work for them  Personal Chemistry  Generally, people prefer to hire people they can click with  Competence  Adaptability to change  Lateral thinking  People management skills Source:

8 Over 10,000 Clubs More than 200, 000 members in over 90 Countries  To Practice and Train in the Art of : Public Speaking Presiding Over Meetings  Promote Sociability and Good Fellowship Started in October 1924 ….. By Dr. Ralph C. Smedley

9 To provide … a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

10 At Toastmasters meeting EVERYBODY TALKS - encourage participation SELF PACED PROGRAM – you decide how fast you want to go LEARN BY DOING - practice, practice and more practice. Continuous improvement SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT - encourage experimentation and bring out the best in its members. TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL - 81 YEARS OF LEGACY

11 TOASTMASTERS PROGRAM Conduct ConductMeetings Meet Fortnightly 2 Hours Speaking to Speaking toGroups Supportive Environment 20 ~ 30 People Offer OfferConstructiveEvaluations Speech Strengths Suggestions Leadership Leadership Skills Skills Organizing & Conducting Meetings Club Leadership Roles Prepared PreparedSpeeches Specified Objectives & Guidelines Impromptu ImpromptuSpeeches “Think on your feet”

12 Benefits to Individuals Social Opportunities network with people from all walks of life Value for Money relatively inexpensive training program monthly newsletter Qualification international certification development paths defined Self-improvement communication skills leadership skills such skills are portable Value for Time 2 hours per fortnight

13 How Toastmasters Can Help  Prepare Speeches/Presentations  Impromptu Speaking  Conducting Meeting  Personnel review /job appraisal  Management/support  Leadership development  Communications and Leadership Program  Table Topics  Toastmasters of the day  Evaluator  Become a club officer  High Performance Leadership Program

14 University/College Clubs in M’sia University/College Toastmasters Club in Malaysia IPG1 Toastmasters Club Stamford College Toastmasters Club Help University College Toastmasters Club Equators Toastmasters Club INTI College Sarawak Toastmasters Club University Toastmasters Club (University Malaysia Sabah) University Malaya Toastmasters Club

15 Corporate World Embrace It Too

16 NEW MEMBER FEE RM 80.00 (USD 20.00) (One Time Payment) 6 – MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION RM 108.00 (USD 27.00) (RM 18.00 x 6 Months) When OPPORTUNITY knocks … OPEN THE DOOR. NEW CLUB FEE (CLUB CHARTER FEE) RM 500.00 (USD 125.00) (One Time Payment)

17 How to start the club? Charter Members Committee Members Meetings Per Month Club Sponsors and Mentors First time registration fees (new member fee + charter fee) for 20 members


19 MEMBER Minimum 20 members to start a club CLUB Toastmasters Club : COMMUNITY & IN-HOUSE AREA 3 ~ 5 Clubs per Area DISTRICT District 51 – Clubs in Malaysia, Brunei & Indonesia Rancho Santa Margarita, California, USA WORLD HQDIVISION

20 1.Your Speaking Voice 2.Effective Speech Evaluation

21 3. Gestures : Your Body Speaks 4. Monthly Magazine

22 Competent Communicator 1. The Ice Breaker 2. Organize Your Speech 3.Get to the Point 4.How to Say It 5. Your Body Speaks 6.Vocal Variety 7.Research your Topic 8.Get Comfortable with Visual Aids 9.Persuade with Power 10.Inspire your Audience

23 TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS : Complete guide to preparing and presenting briefings, proposals, technical papers and team presentations. THE ENTERTAINING SPEAKER : Includes valuable information on how to give an entertaining or dramatic speech, where to find material, how to make an audience laugh, and what to do when you're asked to speak after dinner.

24 COMMUNICATION ON TV : Covers building goodwill through a speech, persuading an audience, speaking to a hostile audience, and speaking to the media. SPECIAL OCCASION SPEECHES : Provides instruction in giving toasts, speaking in praise, “roasting” someone, and presenting and accepting awards.


26 Your SUCCESS in Business and in Life Depends on how well you COMMUNICATE.

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