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7 8 Laws of Internet Research Presented by: Donato Diorio | Founder & CEO Broadlook Technologies Presented by: Donato Diorio | Founder & CEO Broadlook.

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Presentation on theme: "7 8 Laws of Internet Research Presented by: Donato Diorio | Founder & CEO Broadlook Technologies Presented by: Donato Diorio | Founder & CEO Broadlook."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 8 Laws of Internet Research Presented by: Donato Diorio | Founder & CEO Broadlook Technologies Presented by: Donato Diorio | Founder & CEO Broadlook Technologies Sponsored by: Copyright 2009, Donato Diorio & Broadlook Technologies, All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce without permission

2 My inspiration for defining the laws... Moores Law Computing power doubles every 18 months Neilsens Law Bandwidth grows 50% per year Kryder’s Law Storage capacity grows 40% per year 2018 - $1000 buys 10 terabits (memory of human brain) 2020 - $1000 computer has processing power of human brain 2029 - $1000 computer has processing power of 1000 humans 2018 - $1000 buys 10 terabits (memory of human brain) 2020 - $1000 computer has processing power of human brain 2029 - $1000 computer has processing power of 1000 humans Source: Ray Kurzweil. The Singularity is Near

3 Why define laws of Internet research? Laws are fundamental building blocks for creating theories Theories can be tested faster and with more certainty with a base of laws Processes can be formulated and tested based on theories Business models can be architected using combination of laws, theories and processes Laws are fundamental building blocks for creating theories Theories can be tested faster and with more certainty with a base of laws Processes can be formulated and tested based on theories Business models can be architected using combination of laws, theories and processes

4 The Laws of Internet Research 1. Environment 2. Permutation 3. Completeness 4. Experimentation 5. Frequency 6. Documentation 7. Taxonomy 8. Measurable Results 1. Environment 2. Permutation 3. Completeness 4. Experimentation 5. Frequency 6. Documentation 7. Taxonomy 8. Measurable Results

5 A tale of 2 theories less than 1000 Results Create a list of resumes from the Internet that have the skills CSharp and.NET Query google to search for all resumes that list CSharp and.NET (1.2 million) Copy all 1.2 million resumes into the applicant tracking system A A 50,000+ Results Make a list of all search terms that could lead to resumes that mention the skills CSharp and.NET Make a list of (1) target search engines and (2) all major geographic locations Combine list of search terms with list of all geographic areas to create a master list of search queries. Optimize for all search engines B B

6 The State of the Internet

7 The Internet is the world’s largest source of information.

8 How much information is there? Indiana University faculty member Javed Mustafa appeared on National Public Radio's Science Friday program on July 27, 2007, and drawing on information in a published study from University of California, Berkeley entitled How much information is there?, estimated that the deep web consists of about 91,000 terabytes. By contrast, the surface web, which is easily reached by search engines, is only about 167 terabytes. The Library of Congress contains about 11 terabytes, for comparison. Mustafa noted that these numbers were a bit dated and were just rough estimates. Library of congress11 terabytes Surface Internet167 terabytes Deep Internet91,000 terabytes

9 US businesses with websites (2008) 9.5 10.9 12.6 14.4 2002 2003 2004 2005 Millions of Co. 2008 20.6 2006 15.8 95% of companies over 5 employees has a website (millions)

10 Dispelling 2 myths Everyone will eventually have access to all information. Search engines (google) indexes the entire Internet. Everyone will eventually have access to all information. Search engines (google) indexes the entire Internet.

11 POLL What percent of the Internet is Indexed by Google? Answer:.18%

12 The 8 Laws...

13 The Law of Environment 11 Understand the capabilities and limitations of the search medium

14 Top environment questions Access: Free, Membership, paid, barter, hybrid Restrictions: Relationship, Metered? Updates: 14, 30, 60, real-time Search: fields, boolean, semantic, incremental? Results: Full, partial, pay-as-you-go? Access: Free, Membership, paid, barter, hybrid Restrictions: Relationship, Metered? Updates: 14, 30, 60, real-time Search: fields, boolean, semantic, incremental? Results: Full, partial, pay-as-you-go? Google Attributes: AccessRestrictionsUpdatesSearchResults freenone14 daysbooleanpartial

15 In-depth environment considerations Access: Free, paid, barter Restrictions: Relationship, Metered Updates: days, weeks, months Search: fields, boolean, semantic, incremental Results: Full or partial Access: Free, paid, barter Restrictions: Relationship, Metered Updates: days, weeks, months Search: fields, boolean, semantic, incremental Results: Full or partialSimpleSimple Extended command set (intitle: inurl: ) keywords supported (Google = 32) Homogeny: Similar or non-similar results Static or data-driven Structured, unstructured, derived Extended command set (intitle: inurl: ) keywords supported (Google = 32) Homogeny: Similar or non-similar results Static or data-driven Structured, unstructured, derivedAdvancedAdvanced Command setKeywordsHomogenyStatic/Data drivenResults structure intitle, inurl, etc32nocombinationunstructured AccessRestrictionsUpdatesSearchResults freenone14 daysbooleanpartial

16 The Google Environment intitle:resume OR inurl:resume java biochemist

17 Chaos and confusion Facebook Plaxo Corporate websites Patents Friendster MySpace SEC filings Bing Yahoo Hoovers Search engines LinkedIN google alerts press releases association websites Google PDF’s Spoke Alta Vista reference checks white papers Zoominfo TalentSpring Internal CRM monster

18 An ordered vision AccessRestrictionsResultsSearchUpdates free or paid relationship, metered, barter full or partial fields, boolean or semantic days, months, years Googlefreenonepartialboolean14 days LinkedINfreerelationshippartialfieldsdaily Facebookfreerelationshippartialfieldsdaily Hooverspaidmeteredpartialfieldsyearly Jigsawhybridbarterpartialfieldsquarterly Zoominfopaidmeteredpartialfieldsquarterly press releases white papers presentations Zoominfo

19 The Law of Permutation 22 The Internet is written in the language of the many and can not be encapsulated from one vantage point

20 POLL As standard practice, when you search for a title, how many title combinations do you use?

21 Permutation... 56 total

22 The Law of Completeness 33 If possible, work with all the results from your search

23 Example 1 - find an agent page

24 Example 2 - find an agent page

25 Example 3 - find an agent page

26 Example 4 - find an accountant

27 Incorrect! ? ? Completeness...on zip codes

28 Completeness...correct Correct!

29 The Law of Experimentation 44 The Internet is so vast, with so much information you must experiment to attain optimal results

30 Experimentation tips Research is fluid and changing Don’t treat the Internet like a database Each piece of knowledge you learn effects your next query/search Never rely solely on technology. Research is fluid and changing Don’t treat the Internet like a database Each piece of knowledge you learn effects your next query/search Never rely solely on technology.

31 Experimentation...example Finding manufacturing engineers... 1.First find out where they hang out 2.Create a list of those places 3.Talk to a few candidates & check your premises 4.Rework your search strategy accordingly. 1.First find out where they hang out 2.Create a list of those places 3.Talk to a few candidates & check your premises 4.Rework your search strategy accordingly.

32 Experimentation... finding manufacturing engineers...

33 The Law of Frequency 55 Select a refresh cycle that fits the data you are searching for and the mediums you are using

34 Frequency tips Yesterday’s search does not equal todays search Decide if you are “reactive” or pipeline building. Save your results (they may never be there again) Pick a refresh cycle Record your methods in your “toolbox” Yesterday’s search does not equal todays search Decide if you are “reactive” or pipeline building. Save your results (they may never be there again) Pick a refresh cycle Record your methods in your “toolbox”

35 Java resume search

36 Java resume search - last 24 hours

37 The Law of Documentation 66 A process not documented is a process not scalable

38 Documentation tips Watch what your rainmakers are already doing and document it. Make sure your CRM or ATS fits your process vs. being forced into it’s process You don’t need to understand the technical details of a process to document the workflow Corporate Wiki’s are great, cheap starting point to document process. (Integrating into your CRM is even better) Watch what your rainmakers are already doing and document it. Make sure your CRM or ATS fits your process vs. being forced into it’s process You don’t need to understand the technical details of a process to document the workflow Corporate Wiki’s are great, cheap starting point to document process. (Integrating into your CRM is even better)

39 The Law of Taxonomy 77 There are internal and external taxonomies. Success in searching comes by encapsulating the “self description” language of internal taxonomies

40 Taxonomy... External description: I need an engineer with experience developing “Ophthalmic lasers” Internal description: I specialize in “Foldable intraocular” lasers for performing “Phacoemulsification” on “corneal microkeratomes”.

41 Search for “ophthalmic lasers”

42 Search for “Pharmoemulsification lasers”

43 -ophthalmic surgical -intraocular lenses -hydrophobic surgery -cataract + refractive surgery -phakic refractive -performance hydrophobic -ophthalmic surgical -intraocular lenses -hydrophobic surgery -cataract + refractive surgery -phakic refractive -performance hydrophobic

44 Hold ON... aren’t Permutations (law #2) and Taxonomy (law #7) the same thing?

45 Permutations are linear Multiple combinations Like things Iterative Diminishing returns

46 Taxonomies are not linear Fluid Creative Iterative Expanding returns Fluid Creative Iterative Expanding returns

47 The Law of Measurable Results Research cannot be measured by what is done with that research Over time, research impact can be measured if good documentation is available Create an up front contract Measure research based on the definable, measurable and attainable goals set by the up front contract. Research cannot be measured by what is done with that research Over time, research impact can be measured if good documentation is available Create an up front contract Measure research based on the definable, measurable and attainable goals set by the up front contract. 88

48 3 Biggest pitfalls of Internet Research Treating the Internet like a database Searching without planning. Expecting all sources to be homogenous Confusing a permutation with a taxonomy Treating the Internet like a database Searching without planning. Expecting all sources to be homogenous Confusing a permutation with a taxonomy

49 Summing up the laws... Plan, understand & document

50 Introducing Diver 3.0 Built to Leverage Environment, Permutation & Completeness Built to Leverage Environment, Permutation & Completeness

51 Email: Twitter: iDonato LinkedIN: Blog: www.iDonato.comddiorio@broadlook.comonatodiorio Blog: www.i Email: Twitter: iDonato LinkedIN: Blog: www.iDonato.comddiorio@broadlook.comonatodiorio Blog: www.i Thank you Presentation Case studies Diver demo sign up Presentation Case studies Diver demo sign up

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