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Ultrasound of the Reproductive System Stacy Fielding

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1 Ultrasound of the Reproductive System Stacy Fielding

2 Technique 7.5-10mHz transducers Dorsal recumbency is routine
5 mHz in mid to late term pregnancy, pyometra, ovarian tumors Dorsal recumbency is routine Larger animals standing Full bladder enhances visualization of uterus Acoustic window

3 Ovaries Near caudal pole of kidney 1.5cm x 0.7cm x 0.5cm
Homogenous parenchyma Cortex and medulla Hard to differentiate Cortex contains follicles

4 Ovaries-cont’d Anestrus/early proestrus Diestrus
Small, oval to bean shaped Homogenous echogenicity (like renal cortex) Follicles anechoic, become larger as ovulation approaches Diestrus CL/CH has multifocal anechoic to hyperechoic areas

5 Ovarian Structures

6 Ovaries Cystic Ovaries Ovarian Neoplasia Anechoic Thin walls
Acoustic enhancement Solitary/multiple Unilateral/bilateral May see associated pyometra or hydrometra Ovarian Neoplasia Several kinds Mostly unilateral Smooth or irregular margins Variable appearance MET CHECK!

7 Normal Uterus Location: between urinary bladder and descending colon
Various sizes Uterine horns: 10-14cm x cm Uterine body: 1.4-3cm x 3cm Cervix: 1.5-2cm x 0.8cm Solid, homogenous, relatively hypoechoic May have thin hyperechoic border Cannot differentiate layers

8 Normal Uterus-cont’d Uterine horns not easily identified Cervix
Lost in mesenteric fat and small bowel echoes Cervix Hyperechoic, linear

9 Pyometra U/S is modality of choice for Dx
Enlarged uterus & uterine horns Luminal contents Homogenous, anechoic Echogenic, “swirling” May see varying wall thickness Endometrium may contain anechoic foci Ddx: hydrometra, mucometra Monitor response to therapy

10 Uterine Neoplasia Adenomas Leiomyomas Leiomyosarcomas
Isoechoic to surrounding tissue, may project into the lumen

11 Pregnancy Diagnosis 21-35 days after breeding
Remember conception can occur several days afterward May be difficult to count fetuses Radiography recommended late in gestation, following mineralization Earliest change = enlarging uterus Non-specific Gestational sac (blastocyst) First confirmatory sign Anechoic, several mm diameter Thin, hyperechoic wall 17-20 d

12 18 day pregnancy

13 Pregnancy-cont’d Embryo: 23-25 d Yolk sac: 25-28 d
Oblong, echogenic, several mm Yolk sac: d U-shaped echogenic structure Extends across gestational sac Zonary placenta: 27-30d Thin hyperechoic layer surrounding gestational sac

14 Fetal Viability Cardiac activity Fetal movement Fetal resorption
Day post LH surge Fluttering echoes Fetal movement Day 35 Fetal resorption before day 25 Embryonic fluid becomes hypoechoic Echogenic particles Abortion After day 35 Sonographic appearance disappears

15 Organogenesis (From Nyland & Mattoon)
Fetal Structure Days Post LH Surge Fetal orientation 28 Limb buds 35 Skeleton 33-39 Stomach, bladder 35-39 Lungs 38-42 Kidneys, eyes 39-47 Cardiac chambers 40 Intestines 57-63

16 Prostate Caudal to bladder, at level of trigone
Ventral to rectum Normal appearance varies Age Neuter status Young to middle age intact male: homogenous, moderate echogenicity Smooth margins, hyperechoic rim Prostatic urethra Hypoechoic to anechoic round structure on midline

17 Prostate Diseases Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Prostatitis
Older intact dogs Symmetrical enlargement May be up to 4 times normal Variable echogenicity and texture Prostatitis Acute or chronic Symmetrical or asymmetrical Heterogenous appearance May see hypoechoic areas (cyst or abscess) Mineralization, fibrosis

18 Prostate Diseases Neoplasia Cysts Paraprostatic Cysts
Older neutered dogs Enlarged Irregular shape Texture varies Hyperechoic foci with acoustic shadowing = mineralization May see cyst-like lesions Examine surrounding structures! Cysts Developmental or congenital Anechoic contents Thin hyperechoic wall Vary in size and # Paraprostatic Cysts Muellerian duct remnant or extension of lobe Anechoic, fluid filled May see swirlies Variable wall thickness May see compartments

19 Prostatic Cyst

20 Testes Homogenous texture Parietal and visceral tunics:
hyperechoic Mediastinum testis: Echogenic linear structure on midline Tail of the epididymis Nearly anechoic Coarse echotexture

21 Testicular Neoplasia Interstitial, Sertoli cell, seminoma
May all appear the same Mixed appearance on U/S Hemorrhage Necrosis May obliterate mediastinum testis +/- epididymis

22 Testes-cont’d Retained testes Orchitis Small size
Caudal to kidneys to inguinal canal Difficult to see on U/S Orchitis Patchy, hypoechoic parenchyma Hyperechoic if chronic Epididymal enlargement Abscesses Irregular shaped Hypoechoic contents May look like neoplasia!


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