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Female Reproductive Anatomy

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1 Female Reproductive Anatomy

2 What is the function of the female reproductive system?
Produce Eggs Deliver eggs to the site where fertilization by the male can occur Provide an environment for the growth and development of the embryo Expels the fetus when it is capable of survival on its own

3 What are the components?
2 Ovaries 2 Uterine Tubes (oviducts) Uterus Body Cervix 2 horns Vagina Vulva

4 Ovaries Primary organs of reproduction in females
Produce hormones and eggs Estrogen and Progestins Oval shaped in most animals but kidney bean-shaped in the mare

5 Ovaries

6 Ovaries

7 Oviducts (uterine tubes)
Paired, convoluted tubes, lined with cilia Egg travels down oviduct from ovary to uterine horn In most species fertilization occurs in the oviduct Has funnel shaped end called infundibulum which partly surrounds each ovary and catches the egg when it’s released

8 Oviducts

9 Oviducts

10 Uterus Consists of body, two uterine horns, cervix
Vary in size, shape, proportions, and arrangement in different species Body of the uterus is largest in the mare

11 Uterus

12 Uterus

13 Cervix Projects into vagina Heavy smooth muscle sphincter
Site of semen deposit in sows and mares Closed except during estrus Prevents microbial contamination of uterus

14 Cervix


16 Vagina Birth Canal Organ of copulation
Site of semen deposit during natural mating in cows, does, ewes

17 Vagina

18 Vulva External opening to the reproductive tract
Indicates the mare is in heat and ready to be bred Swelling Discharge Winking

19 Vulva

20 Vulva

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