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In-Kwon YOO Pusan National University Pusan, Republic of KOREA Suggestion of Heavy Ion Physics Analysis Center.

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Presentation on theme: "In-Kwon YOO Pusan National University Pusan, Republic of KOREA Suggestion of Heavy Ion Physics Analysis Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 In-Kwon YOO ( Pusan National University Pusan, Republic of KOREA Suggestion of Heavy Ion Physics Analysis Center

2 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI2 Physics Motivation Experiments & Results Survey –SPS Experiment and Results –RHIC Experiments and Results Future Experiments & HIM –LHC Projects –SIS Projects –Projects and HIM Heavy ion ANalysis Center @ KISTI –Suggestion –What-to-do Outline

3 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI3 What are we looking for ? Motivation Experiment Results Outlook

4 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI4 Ultra-Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamic Model Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Motivation Experiment Results Outlook

5 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI5 Relativistic HI Collisions Motivation Experiment Results Outlook T(MeV) Density(n 0 ) ~150 ~10 Early Universe (RHIC) Color Superconductor Neutron Star Hadron Gas Quark-Gluon Plasma Phase Transition Atomic Nuclei RHIC & future LHC explore high temperature & low baryon density partonic matter. SIS explores high baryon density hadronic matter.

6 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI6 HI Accelerator Motivation Experiment Results Outlook Accelerator c.m. Energy (GeV) Status SIS 18 (GSI, Germany) 2A (A=mass number) Running AGS (BNL, USA) 5AFinished SIS 300 (GSI, Germany) 8APlan to run from ~2014 SPS (CERN, Switzerland) 20ARunning RHIC (BNL, USA) 200ARunning LHC (CERN, Switzerland) 5500APlan to run from ~2007

7 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI7 Experiments and Results 1. NA49 @ SPS.CERN

8 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI8 Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire Motivation Experiment Results Outlook Since 1954 1959 LEP : 1989 LHC : 2007 1976

9 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI9 NA49-future@SuperProtonSynchrotron.CERN

10 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI10 TPC Tracks (topview) PrologueExperimentOutlook

11 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI11 Motivation Experiment Results Outlook QGP Signatures @ SPS ~ Entropy Deconfinement : An Increase of Pion Yield at the Onset Strangeness Enhancement : Hadron Gas – Mixed Phase - QGP Anomaly in transverse Expansion

12 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI12 Fodor, Katz : ~ (360,162) Experiments : max. fluc, anisotropic flow Search for the Critical Point (NA61 : SHINE) Size of the critical region ? Hatta, Ikeda :  T ~ 15MeV,  ~50MeV

13 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI13 ‘Critical’ Experiment @ SPS

14 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI14 Experiments and Results 2. RHIC.BNL

15 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI15 PrologueExperimentOutlook Collisions @round 200 AGeV

16 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI16 Brookhaven National Lab. Motivation Experiment Results Outlook PHENI X STAR  Brookhaven National Lab. in New York in New York Circumference: 3.83 km First collision: 2000 100A GeV Au+Au(2X10 26 /cm 2 /s) 250 GeV p + p (2X10 32 /cm 2 /s) PHOBO S BRAHMS

17 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI17 BNL The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at BNL

18 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI18 Motivation Experiment Results Outlook Jet Quenching Soft associated particles → enhancement Hard associated particles → suppression p T (assoc) > 2 GeV/c p T (assoc) > 0.15 GeV/c 4 < p T (trig) < 6 GeV/c

19 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI19 Motivation Experiment Results Outlook Jet Quenching Preliminary DataFinal Data

20 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI20 Motivation Experiment Results Outlook Mach-like Shock wave away near Medium mach cone PHENIX Preliminary  * =   * =  Δ1Δ1 Δ2Δ2 0 π 0 π


22 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI22 Future Projects &

23 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI23 Motivation Experiment Results Outlook Heavy Ion Exp. Landscape SPS ERA RHIC ERA LHC ERA 199020002010 AGS ERA FAIR ERA 20202030 K O R I A ? LHC 10 3

24 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI24 Experiments @ LHC.CERN


26 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI26 Acceleraters – Labs : GSI Gesellschaft für SchwerIonenforschung Since 1954 UNILAC : 120m, 0.2c, 1985 SIS / ESR : 216m, 0.9c, 1993 FAIR (2012) : -Beam Intensity x 10000 -Ion Energy x 15 -Antiproton beam 15GeV -Cooled RI Beam Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment

27 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI27 Experimental Landscape



30 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI30 H eavy ion AN alysis C enter @ KISTI BNLCERN STAR Tier1/2 PHENIX Tier1/2? SHINE Tier2 (backup) CMS Tier2 (backup) ALICE Tier2 (backup) SHINE Test  Tier2 STAR Tier2 Data! GRID (OSG) ? ~ 1PB ~ 300cpu Data! Netw. ? ~1.5TB Anal. ~10cpu Data! GRID ? ~100TB Anal. ~100cpu Data ? GRID ? ~ ? TB Anal. ? ~ ? cpu UoS ? KNU ? Korea U ? GRID ? Yonsei U? Korea U? Any? In CERN In 28.Nov. fr. LBNL, BNL

31 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI31 Computational Work in Heavy Ion Physics Experiments PrologueExperimentOutlook DET EL.SIGADCEVT Builder STOR (RAW) CALIB/ TRACK FIT DATA RECONST DST (Structure) EXTRACT PID ANALYSIS DET & ELECTRONICData AquisitionData Reconstruction Data Analysis Embedding & Efficiency Check

32 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI32 What-to-do Milestones SHINE Test NA49 STAR Tier2 SHINE Tier2 CERNCERN TESTTEST DataData INFRINFR ANALANAL TRANTRAN MoU RUN 09MoU RUN 2007-1011122008-0106122009-062013 BNL, LBNL @KISTI

33 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI33 Data Acquisition @ Experimental Site PrologueExperimentOutlook Data flow : 100MB/event Event rate : ~ 25-30 events/SPS burst ~ 5-6 events/s  500-600MB/s Receiver  DPM  Event Builder  Storage  … 10 000 Event/Tape ~ 1TB/Tape 3M Event/Pb-run ~ 300 TB

34 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI34 Data Reconstruction @ Computational Site PrologueExperimentOutlook Particle Track Reconstruction (Fit) 3D-Momentum Determination Specific Energy-loss Calibration Time of Flight Determination Particle Mass Determination Data Analysis @ Computational Site

35 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI35 2.1.1 Working Scheme Flowchart Macro.C (1,4) run1 run2 run3 run4 Macro.C (5,8) run5 run6 run7 run8 Shell script1 Shell script2 Script for bsub of the jobs Shell script3 out1 out2 out3 out4 out5 out6 out7 out8 Local computer Programming Summatio n & Results CERN LINUX Farm

36 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI36 Examples Results (from bluekjh’s output)

37 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI37 Particle Identification Specific dE/dx Track Curvature Time-Of-Flight & Tracklength dE/dx PID Bethe-Bloch Momentum Velocity Mass TOF PID PrologueExperimentOutlook

38 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI38 Particle Identification Decomposition : Proton-Kaon-Pion- Electron-peaks -4 gaussian with 12 parameters -In function of p -Difficult to separate K-p -TOF Information needed dEdx-m2 Histogram -Separation of K-p -For limited p <10GeV -Fix dEdx_K, dEdx_p for the limited p -dEdx vs. p/m =  -Fit with Bethe-BlochBethe-Bloch

39 In-Kwon YOOHANC@KISTI39 PrologueExperimentOutlook HANC @ afs @ KISTI Data Analysis Center @ ASIA for BNL, CERN, GSI - GRID ? OSG ? - Batch Job Scheduler with KISTI-CPUs - Calling Data on CERN-CASTOR/BNL-HPSS via afs Computational Infrastructure for Heavy Ion Physics HIM (Heavy Ion Meeting) in Korea

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