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How to get from here
The most complex problem
How to get from here to there
Chapter 47 Animal Development
A human embryo at about 7 weeks after conception
Figure 47.1 Figure 47.1 How did a single cell develop into this intricately detailed embryo? A human embryo at about 7 weeks after conception shows development of distinctive features 1 mm
Development: cellular level
Cell division Differentiation cells become specialized in structure & function Morphogenesis (organogenesis)
Development: cellular level
Cell division Differentiation cells become specialized in structure & function if each kind of cell has the same genes, how can they be so different? shutting off of genes = loss of totipotency Turning genes on based on chemical cues Morphogenesis (organogenesis)
Development: cellular level
Cell division Differentiation cells become specialized in structure & function if each kind of cell has the same genes, how can they be so different? shutting off of genes = loss of totipotency Turning genes on based on chemical cues Morphogenesis (organogenesis) “creation of form” = give organism shape basic body plan polarity one end is different than the other symmetry left & right side of body mirror each other asymmetry look at your hand…
Our model organisms
Developmental events EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT Sperm Zygote Adult frog Egg FERTILIZATION CLEAVAGE Metamorphosis Blastula GASTRULATION Figure 47.2 Developmental events in the life cycle of a frog. ORGANO- GENESIS Larval stages Gastrula Tail-bud embryo
Fertilization in sea urchins: fast block and slow block to polyspermy
Basal body (centriole) Sperm head Figure 47.3 The acrosomal and cortical reactions during sea urchin fertilization. Acrosome Jelly coat Vitelline layer Sperm-binding receptors Egg plasma membrane
Basal body (centriole)
Figure Basal body (centriole) Sperm head Figure 47.3 The acrosomal and cortical reactions during sea urchin fertilization. Acrosome Hydrolytic enzymes Jelly coat Vitelline layer Sperm-binding receptors Egg plasma membrane
Basal body (centriole)
Figure Sperm nucleus Acrosomal process Basal body (centriole) Actin filament Sperm head Figure 47.3 The acrosomal and cortical reactions during sea urchin fertilization. Acrosome Hydrolytic enzymes Jelly coat Vitelline layer Sperm-binding receptors Egg plasma membrane
Basal body (centriole)
Figure Sperm plasma membrane Sperm nucleus Acrosomal process Basal body (centriole) Actin filament Sperm head Fused plasma membranes Figure 47.3 The acrosomal and cortical reactions during sea urchin fertilization. Acrosome Hydrolytic enzymes Jelly coat Vitelline layer Sperm-binding receptors Egg plasma membrane
Fertilization envelope
Figure Sperm plasma membrane Sperm nucleus Fertilization envelope Acrosomal process Basal body (centriole) Actin filament Sperm head Cortical granule Fused plasma membranes Figure 47.3 The acrosomal and cortical reactions during sea urchin fertilization. Acrosome Hydrolytic enzymes Perivitelline space Jelly coat Vitelline layer Sperm-binding receptors EGG CYTOPLASM Egg plasma membrane
Slow block to polyspermy: Change in Ca++ in the egg makes f.e.
EXPERIMENT Slow block to polyspermy: Change in Ca++ in the egg makes f.e. 10 sec after fertilization 25 sec 35 sec 1 min 500 m RESULTS 1 sec before fertilization 10 sec after fertilization 20 sec 30 sec 500 m Figure 47.4 Inquiry: Does the distribution of Ca2 in an egg correlate with formation of the fertilization envelope? CONCLUSION Fertilization envelope Point of sperm nucleus entry Spreading wave of Ca2
Egg Activation The rise in Ca2+ in the cytosol increases the rates of cellular respiration and protein synthesis by the egg cell With these rapid changes in metabolism, the egg is said to be activated The proteins and mRNAs needed for activation are already present in the egg The sperm nucleus merges with the egg nucleus and cell division begins © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
When the sperm binds a receptor in the zona pellucida, it triggers a slow block to polyspermy (no fast block to polyspermy has been identified in mammals) Zona pellucida Follicle cell Figure 47.5 Fertilization in mammals. Sperm nucleus Cortical granules Sperm basal body
CLEAVAGE Fertilization is followed by cleavage, a period of rapid cell division without growth Cleavage partitions the cytoplasm of one large cell into many smaller cells called blastomeres The blastula is a ball of cells with a fluid-filled cavity called a blastocoel 50 m (a) Fertilized egg (b) Four-cell stage (c) Early blastula (d) Later blastula Figure 47.6 Cleavage in an echinoderm embryo.
Cleavage in a frog embryo
Zygote 2-cell stage forming Gray crescent 0.25 mm 8-cell stage (viewed from the animal pole) 4-cell stage forming Animal pole 8-cell stage Figure 47.7 Cleavage in a frog embryo. 0.25 mm Blastula (at least 128 cells) Vegetal pole Blastocoel Blastula (cross section)
Concept 47.2: Morphogenesis in animals involves specific changes in cell shape, position, and survival Morphogenesis, the process by which cells occupy their appropriate locations, involves Gastrulation, the movement of cells from the blastula surface to the interior of the embryo Organogenesis, the formation of organs © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
ECTODERM (outer layer of embryo)
Figure 47.8 ECTODERM (outer layer of embryo) • Epidermis of skin and its derivatives (including sweat glands, hair follicles) • Nervous and sensory systems • Pituitary gland, adrenal medulla • Jaws and teeth • Germ cells MESODERM (middle layer of embryo) • Skeletal and muscular systems • Circulatory and lymphatic systems • Excretory and reproductive systems (except germ cells) • Dermis of skin • Adrenal cortex Figure 47.8 Major derivatives of the three embryonic germ layers in vertebrates. ENDODERM (inner layer of embryo) • Epithelial lining of digestive tract and associated organs (liver, pancreas) • Epithelial lining of respiratory, excretory, and reproductive tracts and ducts • Thymus, thyroid, and parathyroid glands
Gastrulation in the sea urchin
Animal pole Blastocoel Mesenchyme cells Vegetal plate Vegetal pole Blastocoel Filopodia Mesenchyme cells Archenteron Blastopore Figure 47.9 Gastrulation in a sea urchin embryo. 50 m Blastocoel Ectoderm Archenteron Key Blastopore Mouth Future ectoderm Mesenchyme (mesoderm forms future skeleton) Digestive tube (endoderm) Future mesoderm Anus (from blastopore) Future endoderm
Gastrulation in frog embryo
SURFACE VIEW CROSS SECTION Animal pole 1 Blastocoel Dorsal lip of blasto- pore Dorsal lip of blastopore Blastopore Early gastrula Vegetal pole 2 Blastocoel shrinking Archenteron Figure Gastrulation in a frog embryo. Ectoderm 3 Blastocoel remnant Mesoderm Endoderm Key Future ectoderm Blastopore Future mesoderm Late gastrula Yolk plug Archenteron Blastopore Future endoderm
Gastrulation in chicks
Fertilized egg Primitive streak Embryo Yolk Primitive streak Epiblast Future ectoderm Figure Gastrulation in a chick embryo. Blastocoel Migrating cells (mesoderm) Endoderm Hypoblast YOLK
Embryonic development in humans
1 Blastocyst reaches uterus. Endometrial epithelium (uterine lining) Inner cell mass Uterus Trophoblast Blastocoel 2 Blastocyst implants (7 days after fertilization). Expanding region of trophoblast Maternal blood vessel Epiblast Hypoblast Trophoblast Expanding region of trophoblast 3 Extraembryonic membranes start to form (10–11 days), and gastrulation begins (13 days). Amniotic cavity Epiblast Hypoblast Yolk sac (from hypoblast) Extraembryonic mesoderm cells (from epiblast) Figure Four stages in the early embryonic development of a human. Chorion (from trophoblast) 4 Gastrulation has produced a three-layered embryo with four extraembryonic membranes. Amnion Chorion Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Yolk sac Extraembryonic mesoderm Allantois
Endometrial epithelium (uterine lining)
Figure 47.12a Endometrial epithelium (uterine lining) Inner cell mass Uterus Trophoblast Blastocoel Figure Four stages in the early embryonic development of a human. 1 Blastocyst reaches uterus.
Expanding region of trophoblast
Figure 47.12b Expanding region of trophoblast Maternal blood vessel Epiblast Hypoblast Trophoblast Figure Four stages in the early embryonic development of a human. 2 Blastocyst implants (7 days after fertilization).
Expanding region of trophoblast
Figure 47.12c Expanding region of trophoblast Amniotic cavity Epiblast Hypoblast Yolk sac (from hypoblast) Extraembryonic mesoderm cells (from epiblast) Chorion (from trophoblast) Figure Four stages in the early embryonic development of a human. 3 Extraembryonic membranes start to form (10–11 days), and gastrulation begins (13 days).
Extraembryonic mesoderm
Figure 47.12d Amnion Chorion Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Yolk sac Extraembryonic mesoderm Allantois Figure Four stages in the early embryonic development of a human. 4 Gastrulation has produced a three-layered embryo with four extraembryonic membranes.
Developmental Adaptations of Amniotes
The colonization of land by vertebrates was made possible only after the evolution of The shelled egg of birds and other reptiles as well as monotremes (egg-laying mammals) The uterus of marsupial and eutherian mammals © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
The four extraembryonic membranes that form around the embryo in a reptile/bird:
The chorion functions in gas exchange The amnion encloses the amniotic fluid The yolk sac encloses the yolk The allantois disposes of waste products and contributes to gas exchange © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Neuralation in a frog embryo
Neural folds Eye Somites Tail bud Neural fold Neural plate SEM 1 mm 1 mm Neural tube Neural crest cells Neural fold Neural plate Notochord Neural crest cells Coelom Notochord Ectoderm Somite Figure Neurulation in a frog embryo. Mesoderm Outer layer of ectoderm Archenteron (digestive cavity) Endoderm Neural crest cells (c) Somites Archenteron (a) Neural plate formation Neural tube (b) Neural tube formation
Organogenisis in a chick
Neural tube Eye Notochord Forebrain Somite Archenteron Coelom Heart Lateral fold Endoderm Mesoderm Blood vessels Ectoderm Somites Yolk stalk Yolk sac These layers form extraembryonic membranes. Figure Organogenesis in a chick embryo. Neural tube YOLK (a) Early organogenesis (b) Late organogenesis
Morpho-genesis results from cells changing shape
Ectoderm Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis.
Ectoderm Neural plate Microtubules Figure 47.15-2
Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis.
Ectoderm Neural plate Microtubules Actin filaments Figure 47.15-3
Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis.
Ectoderm Neural plate Microtubules Actin filaments Figure 47.15-4
Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis.
Ectoderm Neural plate Microtubules Actin filaments Neural tube
Figure Ectoderm Neural plate Microtubules Actin filaments Figure Change in cell shape during morphogenesis. Neural tube
Elongation of tissue by convergent extension
Convergence Extension Figure Convergent extension of a sheet of cells.
Concept 47.3: What determines how parts form; and messing with those determining factors
Determination is the term used to describe the process by which a cell or group of cells becomes committed to a particular fate Differentiation refers to the resulting specialization in structure and function Can result from: oocyte composition, logal signals, gravity © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Blastomeres injected with dye
Fate mapping Epidermis Epidermis Central nervous system Notochord Mesoderm Endoderm Blastula Neural tube stage (transverse section) (a) Fate map of a frog embryo 64-cell embryos Figure Fate mapping for two chordates. Blastomeres injected with dye Larvae (b) Cell lineage analysis in a tunicate
Time after fertilization (hours)
Figure 47.18 Zygote First cell division Nervous system, outer skin, muscula- ture Muscula- ture, gonads Outer skin, nervous system Germ line (future gametes) Time after fertilization (hours) Musculature 10 Hatching Intestine Figure Cell lineage in Caenorhabditis elegans. Intestine Anus Mouth Eggs Vulva ANTERIOR POSTERIOR 1.2 mm
Determination of germ cell fate in C. elegans.
Figure Determination of germ cell fate in C. elegans.
Experimental egg (side view)
How does distribution of the gray crescent affect the developmental potential of the first two daughter cells? EXPERIMENT Control egg (dorsal view) Experimental egg (side view) 1a Control group 1b Experimental group Gray crescent Gray crescent Thread Figure Inquiry: How does distribution of the gray crescent affect the developmental potential of the first two daughter cells? 2 RESULTS Normal Belly piece Normal
8-cell stage (viewed from the animal pole)
Figure 47.7b 0.25 mm Animal pole Figure 47.7 Cleavage in a frog embryo. 8-cell stage (viewed from the animal pole)
Blastula (at least 128 cells)
Figure 47.7c 0.25 mm Blastocoel Figure 47.7 Cleavage in a frog embryo. Blastula (at least 128 cells)
Dorsal lip of blastopore Primary embryo
Can the dorsal lip of the blastopore induce cells in another part of the amphibian embryo to change their developmental fate? EXPERIMENT RESULTS Dorsal lip of blastopore Primary embryo Secondary (induced) embryo Pigmented gastrula (donor embryo) Primary structures: Nonpigmented gastrula (recipient embryo) Neural tube Notochord Figure Inquiry: Can the dorsal lip of the blastopore induce cells in another part of the amphibian embryo to change their developmental fate? Secondary structures: Notochord (pigmented cells) Neural tube (mostly nonpigmented cells)
Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) 3 4 Anterior
Figure 47.24 Anterior Limb bud AER ZPA Limb buds Posterior 2 50 m Digits Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) 3 4 Anterior Figure Vertebrate limb development. Ventral Proximal Distal Dorsal Posterior (a) Organizer regions (b) Wing of chick embryo
One limb bud–regulating region is the apical ectodermal ridge (AER)
The AER is thickened ectoderm at the bud’s tip The second region is the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) The ZPA is mesodermal tissue under the ectoderm where the posterior side of the bud is attached to the body © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
What happens when you put ZPA on both sides of a budding limb?
EXPERIMENT Anterior New ZPA Donor limb bud Host limb bud ZPA Posterior RESULTS What happens when you put ZPA on both sides of a budding limb? Figure Inquiry: What role does the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) play in limb pattern formation in vertebrates?
Could you make a human with pinkies on both sides of their hands?
EXPERIMENT Anterior New ZPA Donor limb bud Host limb bud ZPA Posterior
What role does the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) play in limb pattern formation in vertebrates? EXPERIMENT Anterior New ZPA Donor limb bud Host limb bud ZPA Posterior RESULTS 4 Figure Inquiry: What role does the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) play in limb pattern formation in vertebrates? 3 2 2 3 4
Sonic hedgehog is an inductive signal for limb development
Hox genes also play roles during limb pattern formation © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Homeotic genes Mutations to homeotic genes produce flies with such strange traits as legs growing from the head in place of antennae. structures characteristic of a particular part of the animal arise in wrong place antennapedia flies
Homeobox DNA Master control genes evolved early
Conserved for hundreds of millions of years Homologous homeobox genes in fruit flies & vertebrates kept their chromosomal arrangement
Cilia and Cell Fate Ciliary function is essential for proper specification of cell fate in the human embryo Motile cilia play roles in left-right specification Monocilia (nonmotile cilia) play roles in normal kidney development © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Normal location of internal organs Location in situs inversus
Figure 47.26 Lungs Heart Liver Spleen Stomach Figure Situs inversus, a reversal of normal left-right asymmetry in the chest and abdomen. Large intestine Normal location of internal organs Location in situs inversus
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