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Health Insights 2015 Regional Event Bristol Health & Social Care Informatics “Re-Energising the Profession” Gwyn Thomas Chair UKCHIP.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Insights 2015 Regional Event Bristol Health & Social Care Informatics “Re-Energising the Profession” Gwyn Thomas Chair UKCHIP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Insights 2015 Regional Event Bristol Health & Social Care Informatics “Re-Energising the Profession” Gwyn Thomas Chair UKCHIP

2 NATIONAL INFORMATION BOARD Personalised Health and Care 2020 Workstream 6 “Supporting care professionals to make the best use of data and technology”

3  “On a national scale developing a professional culture with informatics skills as a core professional requirement must be a major priority”.  “The pace at which information technology is rolling over society does not allow the NHS to wait for the arrival of ready-made informatics/IT literate professionals some time in the future”.  “NHS and senior members of professional bodies will have to show leadership and commitment.”  “There are formidable educational, cultural and management challenges to overcome. But they are more than matched by the scale of the benefits the success of this strategy will bring for patients, professionals and the public”. Information for Health An Information Strategy for the Modern NHS 1998–2005 “A national strategy for local implementation” Informatics Professionalism

4 2015 – The Informatics Environment Professional and Organisational Leadership The Chief Information Officer (CIO) as Head of Profession The first CIO… USA, 1990s - One of the ‘Chiefs’ (CEO,CFO, COO,CMO) UK Government CIO Created 2004 – CIO Council Axed 2013 Replaced, 2015 with CDO

5 Meanwhile in the NHS and Local Government the Professional Head could be CIO/CCIO Director of Informatics/IM&T/ICT Head of Informatics/ IM&T/ICT And Report to the CEO? - Very Rare Seat on the Board? -Very Rare Leadership Role?- Very Rare Strategic Role? - Sometimes Supporting Role? - Always Operational Role? - Always 2015 – The Informatics Environment Professional and Organisational Leadership The Chief Information Officer (CIO) as Head of Profession

6 TOP 100 CIOs  1 in 2 Report to the CEO.  1 in 3 Seat on the Board. The Industry Benchmark

7 CIO vs CDO: There can be only one The Role of the CIO: Evolving or Evaporating? The CIO and the T-Rex: Adapt or Die From CIO to CEO: Why it's time to give up on the impossible dream Why CIOs should become chief integration officers in 2015 CIOs Struggle With Relevance of Role to Business CIOs face identity crisis as the'one-size-fits-all’ job description no longer fits What’s a CIO for … And Who Cares?? The CIO Identity Crisis A few Private Sector headlines ….

8 Health & Social Care Services CIO RECRUITMENT RATIO 50:1 Capacity & Capability The Informatics Talent Pool IMPROVE THE MEAN REDUCE THE SPREAD

9 Very Intelligent Masters in their own environment Struggle to succeed outside it Find it difficult to communicate with Humans The Dolphin Effect 2015 - The Perceptions of CEOs (A Quantum of SOLACE)

10 “In the mean time, if you have to go to hospital and if your name is Smith, Jones, Patel or Mohammed, be afraid, be very afraid”. Dr Joe McDonald Chair, UK CCIO Network 2014 NHS IT Strategies 1992 - 2015 In 23 years the Informatics Profession has failed provide the collective leadership To do what clinicians see as absolutely necessary and To do what patients see as blindingly obvious. Professional Leadership The Track Record

11 How did it go so wrong? Professional Reputation

12 No clear policy for Professional Registration – The Public Good Government Employers Regulators No requirement for Professional Membership The Benefits Proposition? Amongst all organisations representing Informatics Professionals there are: duplication of functions overlapping roles and responsibilities organizational rivalries fragmented leadership Estimated 60,000 Informatics staff working in health and social care, but less than 10% actively registered / members of a professional body and most of those are not active The Informatics Environment UK Professional Landscape

13 What is Health & Social Care Informatics? REGULATED NOT REGULATED

14 What is Health & Social Care Informatics? Information & Communication Technology Information Management Knowledge Management Information Governance Clinical Informatics Records & Coding Software Development Infrastructure Management Education & Training Project & Programme Management Informatics Service Management

15 Why is Professionalism important for Health & Social Care Informatics? Health & Social Care Informatics is fundamental: To the safe delivery of patient and service user care, and For the maintenance of public trust in the secure handling of personal health and care information Professional Reputation & Public Trust “Who can I trust with my data – and how do I know?”

16 What is Professionalism? Practice Standards Behaviours Ethics Development Registration Developing Skills Recording Skills Proving Skills Validation & Regulation “You are personally accountable for your professional practice and must always be prepared to justify your decisions and actions.” “Doing the Right Thing… When No-one is Looking”

17 Health & Social Care Informatics “Re-Energising the Profession” Provides Leadership Acts Independently Representation Reputation Knowledge Base Professional Standards Personal Development Code of Ethics Publicly Open Register Regulates Bad Practice

18 What’s important to you? Independent Voice for Policy & Professionalism Skills Framework and CPD Professional Recognition Recognition that informatics is integral to the delivery of better, safer care 2014 Consultation - What Informatics Staff told us Health & Social Care Informatics “Re-Energising the Profession”

19 Independence Standards One voice Objective assurance Public trust Inclusivity NHS, Social Care, Academia and the Private Sector Collaboration is the only credible approach Professional standing and reputation Sustainability Active and involved membership Developing and exploiting the knowledge base Serving individual members Professional registration Promote the value of informatics Federation for Informatics Professionals (Fed-IP) – Our Aims Health & Social Informatics “Re-Energising the Profession” More information: “Fed-IP Prospectus” ( “EHI Health CIO Network – CIO Handbook Ch.2 “Informatics Professionalism”

20 1.Priority policy drivers for requiring registration of Informatics staff are: Cyber-security Health & Care Records False or Misleading Information Professional leadership (CIO & SIRO) 2.NIB Workstream 6 – Fed-IP Outline Delivery Plan Define the relevant roles requiring registration under each of the above 3 functions. Develop the relevant professional standards (core plus specialist) to cover the above roles as well as the CIO and SIRO Build a credible registration and regulation process, taking into account other experience such as the Academy for Healthcare Science, Personal qualifications – via the registration & regulation process Independent assessment of service capacity and capability Provision of CPD opportunities/courses Accreditation of other CPD course providers Fed-IP Action Plan supporting Workstream 6

21 “Your professional reputation is determined by the lowest standards that you tolerate not the highest you have achieved” Health & Social Care Informatics “Re-Energising the Profession” “Time to raise the bar”

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