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Welcome to… RAIN Presented by: the folks in RDA with today’s emcee, Dana Director Date: September 20, 2012 Research Administration Information Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to… RAIN Presented by: the folks in RDA with today’s emcee, Dana Director Date: September 20, 2012 Research Administration Information Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to… RAIN Presented by: the folks in RDA with today’s emcee, Dana Director Date: September 20, 2012 Research Administration Information Network

2 RAIN Agenda Introduction Updates & timely information: Office of the VPR OHSU Foundation CTO RGC SPA RATE Research HR TTBD CRBO Q & A RAIN: 09.20.2012 2 Dana Director Export Controls ORIO CTO RFDS

3 Office of the VPR - Office of the Vice President for Research RAIN: 09.20.2012 3

4 VPR: Office of the Vice President for Research Collaborative Life Sciences Building (CLSB) Space Requests For Proposals (RFPs) come out on Oct 1! Dana Director 4 RAIN: 09.20.2012

5 VPR: Office of the Vice President for Research Introducing OHSU’s new ORIO/OIO Chief Integrity Officer: Jennifer Ruocco, Ph.D. Dana Director 5 RAIN: 09.20.2012

6 VPR: Office of the Vice President for Research Save the Date - November 29 th, 2 - 5pm RDA Open House Dana Director 6 RAIN: 09.20.2012

7 OHSUF - OHSU Foundation RAIN: 09.20.2012 7

8 OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Faculty Support Initiative Impact Summary Sarah Panetta 8 RAIN: 09.20.2012

9 FSI Overview 3-year, $100 million fund-raising initiative supporting OHSU faculty Joint venture between OHSU & OHSU Foundation Focused initiative, not full-scale campaign (e.g. Oregon Opportunity) Concluded June 30, 2012 OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 9 RAIN: 09.20.2012

10 Three Areas of Emphasis Faculty Recruitment & Retention Collaborative & Interdisciplinary Projects Equipment & Core Resources OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 10 RAIN: 09.20.2012

11 Top-Level Results Total impact: $169 million Surpassed goal by 70 % 8,215 donors 32 gifts of $1 million + 25 gifts of $500K - $999K 140 gifts of $100K - $499K OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 11 RAIN: 09.20.2012

12 Counting Methodology FSI partnership between OHSU & OHSU Foundation. All private sources’ commitment supporting faculty counted in FSI regardless of origination. OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 12 RAIN: 09.20.2012

13 Key Results: Endowed Positions 16 endowed positions were newly established or received significant new funding. 5 Chairs 11 Professorships OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 13 RAIN: 09.20.2012

14 Key Results: Equipment Gifts from FSI secured vital equipment advancing research excellence across campus: Next generation gene sequencer Super-resolution microscope for Advanced Light Microscopy Core State-of-the-art electron microscopes for FEI Living Lab Critical simulation equipment OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 14 RAIN: 09.20.2012

15 Additional Positive Results Enhanced partnerships between faculty and OHSU Foundation Highlighted ways to refine priority setting Improved methods of collecting charitable giving authorizations from patient families OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 15 RAIN: 09.20.2012

16 Lessons Learned FSI lessons can be leveraged in the next fund- raising initiative. For optimum success, priorities must: Express “big ideas” Highlight significant areas of strength Feature an engaged OHSU advocate Appeal to a clear donor audience OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

17 What’s Next? OHSU’s 10 year is plan driving strategy, includes philanthropy OHSU identifying need for strong national strategy (feeds recruitment, patient acquisition, philanthropy, etc.) Foundation to partner with School of Medicine’s Research Roadmap on needs assessment Campaigns least important in fundraising - faculty engagement & big ideas fundamental to success OHSUF: OHSU & Doernbecher Foundations Sarah Panetta 17 RAIN: 09.20.2012

18 RGC –Research Grants & Contracts RAIN: 09.20.2012 18

19 RGC: Research Grants & Contracts RGC Staffing Update Two open Grants & Contracts Administrator positions are now filled! Please welcome: Lisa Fitzpatrick & Gavin Hamilton Tim Rinner 19 RAIN: 09.20.2012

20 RGC: Research Grants & Contracts NIH Update Guidance on Changes That Involve Human Subjects in Active Awards & That Will Require Prior NIH Approval (NOT-OD-12-129)(NOT-OD-12-129) Prior NIH Approval of Human Subjects Research in Active Awards Initially Submitted without Definitive Plans for Human Subjects Involvement (Delayed Onset Awards) (NOT-OD-12-130) OHSU calls this “Human Subjects in the Future”(NOT-OD-12-130) Deb Golden-Eppelein 20 RAIN: 09.20.2012

21 RGC: Research Grants & Contracts NIH Update (continued) More than $1.0 Million Direct Costs in Annual NIH Support (NOT-OD-12-140)(NOT-OD-12-140) Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Module & Training Webinar Available to NIH Grantees (NOT-OD-12-142)(NOT-OD-12-142) Deb Golden-Eppelein 21 RAIN: 09.20.2012

22 RGC: Research Grants & Contracts Just in Time (JIT) Reminder In May/June after NIH tied JIT applications collection with priority score of 40% or lower, We recommended that OHSU no longer list pending grants for which JITs are requested. Since prevalence of JIT requests no longer ties to certainty of funding in a meaningful way, please follow guidelines for submission of JIT as specified by NIH. Deb Golden-Eppelein 22 RAIN: 09.20.2012

23 SPA –Sponsored Projects Administration RAIN: 09.20.2012 23

24 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration New SPA Mission Statement Partnering with the research community to effectively navigate the financial administration of sponsored projects James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

25 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration FY 2012 Pocket Cards James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012 FY 2011FY 2012 TOTAL$358,093,670*$359,080,955* By Activity Research 279,923,228290,857,246 Clin Trials 42,645,84541,074,092 Instruction 8,033,9152,097,266 Other 27,490,68225,052,351 By Sponsor NIH 228,191,986226,717,766 Other Fed 55,870,25653,154,027 Nonfed Gov't 3,357,9643,633,111 Industry 43,865,52644,246,217 Private 26,807,93831,329,834 *ARRA$32,660,548$4,449,005

26 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration Florida State University OIG Audit Period of October 1, 2008 - September 30, 2010 $37.7 Million in expenses during above timeframe Recommendations: Must repay Federal Government $3 Million Must enhance oversight of charges to Federal Awards to ensure consistent compliance with Federal Regulations James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

27 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration Florida State Audit (continued) University reviews purchase orders over $1000; journal entries & personnel appointments –OIG response: most supplies are under $1000; journal entries had no justification; personnel appointments must include description of duties. James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

28 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration Florida State Audit (continued) University did not provide adequate oversight. Procedures existed that incorporated A-21; but interpretation was left to PIs and Departments University Sponsored Project Office is responsible for reviewing transactions to ensure that they fully comply with Federal Regulations James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

29 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration A-133 Audit is underway! Please get any requested documentation to Laura Smith/SPA as quickly as possible. James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

30 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration OGA Changes for OHSU Foundation Awards ‘Awarding Agency’ will be listed as OHSU Foundation for President List Sponsors. Actual sponsor name will be found in the ‘Originating Agency’ field. James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

31 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration Staffing Update Amber Roberts - joined the SPA Analyst Group Hope Asana - new Institutional Effort Coordinator James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

32 SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration Effort Certification Statements All Jan-June 2012 period statements due 10/17/2012 Don’t wait to have all ECS completed to mail to SPA! Questions? Salary Cap Help? Contact Nancy Duncan at 4-3715 or James Trotter 16 RAIN: 09.20.2012

33 RATE –Research Administration Training & Education RAIN: 09.20.2012 33

34 RDA 101 Sep 27, Thursday, 9:30-11:30am With Dana Director, RDA Unit Leaders, many RDA reps from Training & Ed staff to that analyst you almost never see! For new/existing staff in the Research Mission Register through TrainingForce: RATE: Research Administration Training & Education Margaret Gardner RAIN: 09.20.2012 34

35 Essentials of Grant Administration Oct 9,16,23, three consecutive Tues, 1-4:30pm With VPR, SPA and RGC Training & Ed staff and a variety of presenters from specific areas of our Research Mission. For new/existing Research staff managing awards or some component of awards at OHSU. Register through TrainingForce: RATE: Research Administration Training & Education Margaret Gardner RAIN: 09.20.2012 35

36 Clinical Trials: Pre- & Post-Award Oct 10 &17, two consecutive Wednesdays, 1-3pm With Darlene Kitterman for week 1 pre-award and Jerry Grabner for week 2 post-award. SON CEUs available. For new/existing staff managing clinical trials awards at OHSU. Register through TrainingForce: RATE: Research Administration Training & Education Margaret Gardner RAIN: 09.20.2012 36

37 InfoEd w/ePPQ with Kellie Guentert Oct 11, Nov 14, or Dec 12, 9am-12pm For new/existing staff who have not taken InfoEd, or want a refresher - includes ePPQ training. ePPQ with Kellie Guentert Oct 11, Nov 14, or Dec 12, 1-3pm For staff already trained in InfoEd and/or those interested in non-federal proposals only. Register through TrainingForce.TrainingForce RATE: Research Administration Training & Education Margaret Gardner RAIN: 09.20.2012 37

38 RATE Bridge Discussion, resources, and more! Generic Checklists Stay on top of Funding, Pre-Award, Award Set-Up, Post-Award Submission, and Application processes. Check out our Shared Documents Library.Shared Documents Library RATE: Research Administration Training & Education Margaret Gardner RAIN: 09.20.2012 38

39 New from HR: Welcoming & Supporting Your International Employees Sep 25, Tuesday, 8:30-11:30am in CROET 3524 With Kristen Wall of OHSU Human Resources. For managers of international employees. Part of a new program to support international employees’ transition to living and working in Portland and at OHSU. Register through TrainingForce.TrainingForce RATE: Research Administration Training & Education Margaret Gardner RAIN: 09.20.2012 39

40 Export Controls –Office of the Provost RAIN: 09.20.2012 40

41 International Travel Trial Begins: Man Indicted for Taking His Laptop to China –Talked before about not sharing data –Export Law blog: –U.S. Gov’t charges PI for taking controlled technology to China Any information, findings, research data for these items are controlled & will need license if leaving the U.S.A.: Export Controls: Office of the Provost Mark Peters RAIN: 09.20.2012 41

42 ORIO –OHSU Research Integrity Office RAIN: 09.20.2012 42

43 ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office Introducing our two IRB vice-chairs: Betsy Haney Lynn Marshall A Full-time Administrative Chair is anticipated to be hired in the next month. Ames Elliot 43 RAIN: xx.xx.20xx

44 Elizabeth Haney, M.D. Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics and in Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology Research interests include osteoporosis and depression. 44 RAIN: xx.xx.20xx ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office Ames Elliot

45 Lynn M. Marshall, ScD Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine and in the Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine at OHSU. Background in epidemiologic methods, study design, and biostatistical analyses. 45 RAIN: xx.xx.20xx ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office Ames Elliot

46 Upcoming IRB Education 46 RAIN: xx.xx.20xx October 18 th Intro to IRB Review 11:30 am- 1pmCHH 3178 November 1 st eIRB Basics11:30 am- 1pmCHH 3178 November 15 th eIRB Intermediate 11:30 am- 1pmCHH 3178 ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office Ames Elliot

47 Upcoming IRB Education Confidentiality and Privacy: Consent, Authorization and Beyond Speaker: Andrea Johnson Thursday, September 27 11:30am-12:30pm UHS 8B60 47 RAIN: xx.xx.20xx ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office Ames Elliot

48 eCoI is now live! See Integrity Office tips for navigating eCoI Updated research CoI regulation FAQs changes.cfm changes.cfm 48 RAIN: xx.xx.20xx ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office Ames Elliot

49 CTO –Clinical Trials Office RAIN: 09.20.2012 49

50 CTO: Clinical Trials Office Contracting Personnel Changes Diane Brownlee, CTO Manager, is moving! Effective 10/1, Jaci Brown, new CTO Manager Contract Analyst position is posted Diane will continue with CTO remotely until further notice Departments will be redistributed - details not yet final Darlene Kitterman 50 RAIN: 09.20.2012

51 RFDS –Research Funding & Development Services RAIN: 09.20.2012 51

52 RFDS: Research Funding & Development Services T32 Group - Mission The T32 Administrator Group mission is to provide a forum for T32 (also T35 & TL1) administrators to discuss issues of managing and applying for T32s and to develop shared resources that help in preparing a T32 application. Katie Wilkes & Brad Noren 52 RAIN: 09.20.2012

53 RFDS: Research Funding & Development Services T32 Group – Resources Monthly meetings Bridge site for collaborative projects and discussions between meetings Katie Wilkes & Brad Noren 53 RAIN: 09.20.2012

54 RFDS: Research Funding & Development Services T32 Group - Resources Two current shared resource development projects require your help. T32 Library T32 Library Table 1 lists each department/program, how many postdocs & graduate students, how many are training grant eligible. Katie Wilkes & Brad Noren 54 RAIN: 09.20.2012

55 RFDS: Research Funding & Development Services T32 Group - Resources Table 3 lists training grants & faculty overlaps. Determining which faculty are on which grants will be much easier through this resource. First deadline: October 10, after which we’ll start asking people individually. Save our time by proactively contributing. Katie Wilkes & Brad Noren 55 RAIN: 09.20.2012

56 RFDS: Research Funding & Development Services T32 Group - Resources Table 3 lists training grants & faculty overlaps. Determining which faculty are on which grants will be much easier through this resource. First deadline: October 10, after which we’ll start asking people individually. Save our time by proactively contributing. Katie Wilkes & Brad Noren 56 RAIN: 09.20.2012

57 RFDS: Research Funding & Development Services T32 Group Questions or Problems? Contact: Johanna Colgrove or post to T32 Administrator Bridge SiteT32 Administrator Bridge Site Katie Wilkes & Brad Noren 57 RAIN: 09.20.2012

58 RFDS: T32 Reminder from Graduate Medical Education Appointed House Officers are: Paid once per month Must set up taxes with consultant No longer receive parking discounts OHSU does not provide them: Additional life insurance Short & Long-term disability insurances Health/Dependant Care Flex Spending Acct Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan Kendra Seybert, Fiscal Manager 58 RAIN: 09.20.2012

59 GME: T32 Reminder from Graduate Medical Education Please report all GME appointments to: Kendra Seybert 503-494-8652 MacKenzie Hall 4136 Kendra Seybert, Fiscal Manager 59 RAIN: 09.20.2012

60 Wrap Up Q & A Next Meeting: October 21, 2012 9:30 – 11:00 AM Send agenda item requests to: Or use the feedback form at: Everyone RAIN: 09.20.2012 60

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