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F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby 1) Middle class Minnesota family 2) Grandfather self-made man 3) Failed out of Princeton 4) Enlisted in Army.

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2 F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby

3 1) Middle class Minnesota family 2) Grandfather self-made man 3) Failed out of Princeton 4) Enlisted in Army Hoped to fight in WWI Instead sent to Alabama Sent overseas after Armistice 5) Falls in love with Zelda Sayre Exciting, wealthy socialite “poor boys don’t marry rich girls” 6) Gains success as writer—This Side of Paradise “The Jazz Age” Zelda agrees to marry him Fitzgerald—A Brief Biography

4 7) Fitzgerald and Zelda symbolize “Jazz Age” Hard partiers; Hard drinkers Mixing with different social classes (Old Money, New Money, Criminals) 8) The Great Gatsby Published 1925 Good critical reviews, poor sales Based on Fitzgerald’s observations 9) They live beyond theirmeans Fitzgerald turns to writing for popular magazines to make money Can’t complete any new novels 10) End of “Jazz Age” Stock Market Crash—1929 Zelda has breakdown—1930 Fitzgerald can’t repeat successes Works as scriptwriter

5 11) Fitzgerald dies 1940 of heart attack Alcoholic and outcast Relatively unknown 12) Other works The Beautiful and the Damned Flappers and Philosophers (short stories) Tales of the Jazz Age (short stories) “The Crack Up” (series of essays) The Last Tycoon (uncompleted)

6 Great Gatsby Setting New York, 1922 Post-WWI Prohibition “Jazz Age” Pre-Depression Long Island East EggWest Egg Tom and Daisy Nick and Gatsby Old Money New Money or Middle Class Valley of AshesManhattan George and Myrtle Wilson Tom and Myrtle Poor Endless Possibilities

7 Point of View First Person—Limited Nick Carraway (Narrator) Why use 1st-person narration; how is Nick especially effective Parties Tom & Daisy’s Tom & Myrtle’s Gatsby’s Nick’s Plaza Hotel Main Characters Nick Carraway Jay Gatsby Daisy Fay Buchanan Tom Buchanan Jordan Baker Myrtle Wilson

8 Minor Characters George Wilson Meyer Wolfshiem Klipspringer “Owl Eyes” T.J. Eckleberg Michaelis Motifs American Dream Corruption of Morality Duality Appearance-Reality Idealism-Realism Old Money-New Money Rich-Poor The Past Symbols Colors-White, Yellow, Green, Pink Cars Geography-East, West Names-Gatsby, Daisy Fay Eyes Clock/Time

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