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From Addressographs to GIS: The Adaptation of Real Property Listing and Property Valuation to Technology Wisconsin Real Property Listers Association.

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Presentation on theme: "From Addressographs to GIS: The Adaptation of Real Property Listing and Property Valuation to Technology Wisconsin Real Property Listers Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Addressographs to GIS: The Adaptation of Real Property Listing and Property Valuation to Technology Wisconsin Real Property Listers Association

2 Acknowledgements James Wallen, Brown Co. Roxanne Moore, Burnett Co., Retired Cheryl Zellmer, Dane Co David Addison, Dodge Co. Holly Hansen, Door Co Lauree Kratcha, Jackson Co. Al Brokmeier, Kenosha Co. Pam Hollnagel, La Crosse Co. Krista Paulson, Lafayette Co. Marge Johnson, Lincoln Co. Ruth Winter, Menominee Co. Jeremy Erickson, Monroe Co. Cindy Wisinski, Portage Co. Pat Harmann, Racine co Ann Burton Sauk Co. Nick Gamroth, Trempealeau Co.

3 Origins Elected Local Assessors Elected Local Assessors with County Boards Appointed Perform Equalization State Board of Equalization 1868 County Boards Given Responsibility for Assessments

4 Statewide Commission 1899 Appointed. Tax Administration must be Performed by Non-elected Professionals Three Person Commission Appointed to Direct Assessments Equalization Added Commission Eventually Becomes the Department of Revenue

5 Origins A parcel of land located in Government Lot One(1) of Section Twenty-four(24) Township Thirty-nine(39) North, of Range fourteen (14) West, described as follows: Beginning at the point which is 710 feet East and 33 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Section 24, being the northeast corner of a parcel of land described in Volume 91 of Deeds, page 112, as recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, thence running East and parallel with the North line of said Section a distance of 647 feet, thence South parallel with the West line of said Section 24, a distance of 850 feet, thence West parallel with the North line of said Section 300 feet, more or less to the shore of Bass Lake, thence Northerly and Northwesterly along the shore of Bass Lake to a point South of the Point of beginning, being the Southeast corner of above referenced Volume 91 page 112, thence North parallel with the West line of said section 24 to the point of the beginning.

6 Origins The Assessor Enter each parcel on the assessment roll in regular order by government subdivisions with “such certainty as would be sufficient between grantor and grantee in a conveyance of property.” Elected Not certified Shortened legal description T he Treasurer Billed and collected taxes using the hand written tax roll. Wrote certificates on delinquencies Tax Deeds on delinquent land became impossible no one knew what land was being taxed The Town Clerk Created Tax Roll Applied mil rate to each parcel Total tax roll and deliver to local Treasurer Shortened legal descriptions.

7 Works Progress Administration Wisconsin State Legislature Origins

8 Valuation Listing Discovery

9 RPL Combines legal descriptions, ownership and values Co. Treasurer Generates tax bills, supplies addresses GIS Maintains parcel maps County GIS Assessor Property values DOR Manufacturing values Register of Deeds Deeds, CSMs, subdivisions and condominiums

10 Discovery & Listing

11 One record in the parcel attribute database consists of…

12 Document Types used in Discovery Warranty Deed Quit Claim Deed Personal Representative Deed Trustee Deed HT-110 (Termination of Decedent’s Property) Land Contract Sheriff’s Deed Condominium Deed Tax Deed Transfer on Death Deed Parcel splits usually involve some kind of map or plat such as CSM’s, plat of surveys, condo plats, subdivision plats, right of way plats, or transportation project plats Real Estate Transfer Returns are used to discover the tax bill mailing addresses

13 The best way to summarize the work that a Real Property Lister does is as follows: A property lister is not a lawyer, but they have to know real estate law. A property lister is not a land surveyor, but they have to know how to measure land. A property lister is not a cartographer, but they have to know how to make a map. A property lister is not a title examiner, but they have to know how to examine title. A property lister is not a clerk, but they have to know how to develop and apply mill rates for taxation. A property lister is not a register of deeds, but they have to be able to read and interpret deeds. A property lister is not an assessor, but they have to be well versed in assessment practices. A property lister is not a zoning administrator, but they have to understand zoning ordinances. A property lister is not a planner, but they have to understand planning and land division ordinances. A property lister is not a conservationist, but they have to understand conservation programs. A property lister is not a GIS analyst, but they have to be able to analyze geographic information. etc.

14 Real Property Listers and Property Values Discovery and Listing Valuation Open Book Board of Review Taxation

15 Successes and Changes

16 Assessors Successes –Electronic records –Electronic transfer

17 Register of Deeds and County Treasurer Successes –Document imaging –Computerized tracts –Growing interaction with ROD/Co. Treasurer/RPL software –Cooperative development of eRETR

18 Geographic Information Systems Successes –Cost savings –Significantly improved parcel mapping –Greater data access –Greater time for research

19 Geographic Information Systems Also Brought Past Unknown Title Issues to Light –Bad legal's in old deeds showed up as gaps and overlaps on digital parcel map –Potential building and property boundary encroachments suddenly became visibly apparent when accurate parcel mapping was laid over the top of orthophotography –Poor quality of our old floodplain mapping became obvious

20 Department of Revenue Successes –Tighter integration with DOR –eRETR –SOA submittal –Work and Final Roll submittal

21 Challenges

22 Software

23 Challenges Assessment practices –Industry consolidation –Low bidding Typical Cost: Approximately –$15.00 per parcel –$5.00 or less per parcel –Public looks to county RPL –By passing county

24 Challenges Title/Legal –Decline of abstracting –Error Corrections –Recording Locations Lis Pendens/ Foreclosures

25 Challenges Relocation

26 RPL Locations 2012RPL Locations 1998

27 Challenges Electronic data – Greater links to DOR Access to –County website –Split information –Permits Custodianship of data –Public record requests

28 In addition to listing title information and assessed value information, property listers have to distribute their databases at different intervals throughout the year. Work Roll Assessment Roll Tax Roll

29 Challenges Input regarding direction of Land Records –§59.72(3m)(a) Creates a County Land Council Provides for broad community input

30 Challenges 88 % have a RPL on the Council Meeting frequency

31 Kewaunee County Land Council Meets once a year in January Reviews the county’s land records modernization plan LIO director gets input regarding what projects should be done in the next year Day to day decisions are made by LIO Director in consultation with County Administrator and Finance Committee

32 Washington County Land Council Meets multiple times a year, at least quarterly Reviews the county’s land records modernization plan LIO director gets input regarding what projects should be done in the next year Make recommendation regarding expenditures of retained fees

33 Possible Solutions –Download pages Assessment Rolls GIS data Other commonly requested reports –Access records Assist RPL –County Land Information Council RPL should be on Council per 59.72(3m)(a) –70.09 update –Web based services?

34 Questions or Comments

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