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Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Experiences of a PSL Educator John Aynsley, Technical Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Experiences of a PSL Educator John Aynsley, Technical Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Experiences of a PSL Educator John Aynsley, Technical Director

2 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Why our customers use PSL What our customers need to learn (The marketing stuff) Teaching temporal reasoning (The technical stuff) Experiences of a PSL Educator

3 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Why PSL? Verification is the problem The PSL solution is Incremental - not disruptive Easy to learn Non-proprietary (in Europe, we like to keep EDA vendors hungry) Supported by tools today Opens the door to formal verification

4 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved What is there to learn? Learning the syntax is easy Learning why is more challenging! The selling job

5 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Bogus debates Properties are a simulation overhead so can I turn them off? Properties only replace one problem with another how do I debug the properties?

6 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Real debate - who writes properties? The system architect (or whoever) writes the spec The design and verification engineers interpret the spec and write properties The RTL design engineer White-box verification, driven by the implementation Block-level test benches Properties embedded in RTL code The verification engineer Black-box verification, driven by the specification Chip-level test benches Properties in separate files

7 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Who writes properties? Writing properties forces you to be more formal Finds ambiguities in the spec Helps the design engineer understand the design Assertion-Based Design “Your lab questions aren’t accurate” Properties can be used to augment the spec

8 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Observability BUG Bug invisible here! Test vectors Bug caught by assertion Increased observability gives better bug coverage from a given set of tests Watchdog Sentinel

9 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Localising Bugs Block A Block B Assertion failure => bug detected in block A Assertion failure => end-to-end bug somewhere in the design

10 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Properties are Reusable Block A Properties Interface Properties Block-level Stimulus Block A Block B Block C Chip-level Stimulus Interface Properties Embedded assertions go on checking, even when you've forgotten about them!

11 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Temporal reasoning property p1 is always req -> next grant; clk grant req

12 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Temporal reasoning property p1 is always req -> next grant; req holds clk grant req

13 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Temporal reasoning property p1 is always req -> next grant; req holds grant holds clk grant req

14 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Temporal reasoning property p1 is always req -> next grant; req holds grant holds clk grant req next grant holds

15 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Temporal reasoning property p1 is always req -> next grant; req holds grant holds clk grant req req -> next grant holds next grant holds

16 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved Temporal reasoning property p1 is always req -> next grant; req holds grant holds clk grant req assert p1; next grant holds passfail req -> next grant holds

17 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved next [N] versus sequence assert always req -> next next (grant); req grant passfailpass clk assert always {req} |-> {true[*2]; grant}; assert always req -> next[2] (grant);

18 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved next_e versus sequence req grant passfailpass assert always req -> next_e[1:2] (grant); clk assert always {req} |-> {[*1:2]; grant}; assert always req -> next(grant) || next[2](grant);

19 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved rose() versus sequence assert always rose(req) -> next rose(grant); req grant passfail clk assert always {!req; req} |-> {!grant; grant};

20 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved until versus sequence assert always req -> next (ack until grant); req grant fail clk pass assert always {req} |=> {ack[*]; grant}; ack

21 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved before versus sequence assert always req -> (ack before grant); req ack fail clk pass grant pass assert always {req} |-> {{[*];ack} && {!grant[+]}}; Length-matching and

22 Copyright © 2004 by Doulos Ltd. All Rights Reserved What we’ve learnt End next -> always next[N] { ; ; } next_e[m:n] |-> [*m:n] true[*n] rose() until |=> && [+] before [*] Temporal operatorsSequencesFunction

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