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2 CHORDATA Have a notochord( replaced in human by backbone)
Pharyngeal Pouches- become gills or lungs Post –anal tail-disappears in us Dorsal hollow nerve chord- becomes the spinal chord

3 Fish

4 3 Types Agnatha- Jawless- Lamprey and hagfish
Chondrichthyes- cartilage fish- sharks, rays,and skates Osteichthyes- Boney fish- majority

5 Fish Characteristics Have gills- water passes over gills. The oxygen in the water is exchanged for the carbon dioxide in the gills. This is called COUNTER CURRENT EXCHANGE.

6 2 chambered heart Sexual reproduction –most external fertilization- called spawning Some have internal fertilization like sharks Paired fins Scales- thin boney plates Swim Bladder- fills with oxygen or nitrogen to control swimming depth

7 Sensory system called LATERAL LINE SYSTEM- detects changes in environment. Found in Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes.

8 AMPHIBIANS Salamanders, frogs, toads, legless caecillans
Thin moist skin- helps to absorb oxygen from air Need water for fertilization to occur- sperm needs to swim to egg. External fertilization Ectotherm- body temperature varies according to environmental temperature Frogs and toads secrete chemical so they are bad tasting so predator won’t eat them Frogs have vocal chords to communicate

9 Metamorphosis Go through intermediate stage before becoming adult
Egg → Tadpole → FROG fins legs gills lungs 2 chambered ♥ chambered ♥


11 Reptiles Crocodiles, Alligators, Snakes
Scaly skin- prevents water loss Reproduce on land- Internal Fertilization Produce EGGS- covered in leathery material. Amniotic egg- provides nourishment for embryo Legs are directly under body for speed

12 Some have 3 chambered hearts, most have 4
Ectotherms Nutrition- some are herbivores, predators or carnivores. Obtain prey by catching, constriction, or poisoning

13 Jacobson’s organ- sense organ.
Snake sticks out their tongue and collects air molecules. Draws tongue into pit in mouth and senses what is there.

14 BIRDS Feathers- Wings made of protein- provides insulation and enables flight. Molting- new growth Loss of wing and tail feathers occur in pairs- balance for flight Attached to breast bone called a sternum Hollow bones- have air spaces- enables flight

15 Circulatory/Respiratrory System
Birds require a lot of energy for flight Have a 4 chambered heart High heart beat- chickadee- 500/min human- 70/min Oxygen supplied during inhalation and exhalation

16 Endotherm- maintain constant body temperature
Internal Fertilization- have an amniotic egg with a hard shell. Birds make nests and incubate their eggs until hatched Adaptations- beak shape and size according to food source

17 Mammals Endotherm- maintain constant body temperature

Hair- made of keratin- provides insulation Produce milk for nourishment of young through mammary glands Diaphragm- muscle that helps enlarge chest cavity for air intake

19 4. 4 chambered heart- oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood do not mix- most efficient
5. Specialized teeth- adapted to what they eat- pointed incisors- grasping canines- puncture molars- grinding

20 6. Modified limbs- used for food gathering, opposable thumb
7. Developed Brain- able to teach their young, remember what they learn Chimps use tools Brain- has many grooves to increase active surface area.

21 Mammalian Diversity-based on reproductive method
Placental (90%)-fetus develops in uterus. Nourished through placenta. Gestation (how long in uterus varies) Marsupial- embryo spends short time in mom then develops in pouch(Kangaroo, Koalas) Monotreme- Egg layer like duck billed platypus and spiny anteater

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